$27.50 for Name Brand Designer Jeans? Yes.

Update: Due to significant changes in the company and a terrible downward spiral in denim quality, I no longer recommend shopping through Vault Denim. I now buy all of my jeans through Nordstrom Rack’s app, HauteLook, which regularly features my favorite brands of designer jeans at half the cost. I highly recommend it! My current favorite brands are Joe’s Jeans, Genetic Denim, Hudson Jeans, Frankie B, Mother Denim, and 7 for all Mankind


So I rarely advertise on my own blog.

In fact, my least favorite negative comments are the ones where people accuse me of “writing to promote what I’m selling” on my denim posts.

Because it’s quite the opposite.

Besides the fact that I tell people to buy other store’s jeans all the time (I expect a thank you note from Express any day now,) I only got into the denim business because of my blog, not the other way around. I never had any interest whatsoever in doing direct sales – the only reason I did finally join Vault Denim (after much reticence and angst-filled soul searching about how much I despised sales) was because people wanted my help anyway, and it allowed me to offer my help easily, and at half-price.

And I still don’t like sales, but I do adore consulting with people to help them get a new butt.

The one discouraging thing, though, is that even though my jeans are at up to 50% off of retail prices, they are still $48-92, which disallows me to help some people that can’t pay that much for jeans (even though I posit that it is worth it to save up for one great pair of jeans rather than buying three not-so-great pairs.)


And so that brings us to today’s post.

Tuesday afternoon, I got the most exciting email EVER from Vault.

They marked down over half of my 250 pair Designer Denim inventory to $27.50!!

They have never done this before. 

$27.50. For jeans that, at retail, could cost $150 or more.

$27.50. For some of the top designer name brands that I’m really not supposed to say here but I really really really REALLY want to (email me if you wanna know.)

$27.50. A price at which Gap and Old Navy can’t even scoff.

2750 Jeans

I went through my jeans Tuesday night, and the above are the 127 pairs of jeans that are currently $27.50 – and more are on the way. And I can order even more if I sell out, for at least the next little while. Unfortunately, I do not yet know how long this promotion will last. The only catch, though, is that they’re not returnable because they’re trying to close out all of these styles to make room for new jeans.

This opportunity excites me so much because it gives even more people the affordable opportunity to find out what a difference a great pair of jeans can make!

So if you’re interested, here are your options.

If you’re relatively local to Birmingham, Al:

1. Get a private fitting appointment with me. Due to the unbelievable bargain of these jeans, I will be trying to be as available as possible over the next few weeks. My appointments for this weekend filled up already, but I will be doing private fitting days on 3/5, 3/12, and 3/18. Let me know as soon as possible if you would like an appointment on one of those days.

2. Host a party. I or one of my teammates will come to your house, and all you have to do is invite your friends…and you get 10% of the total sales of your party to put toward your own jeans.

If you’re in the US but not local:

1. Email me – All of the Vault inventories are marked down, and I have team members all over the country, so I can try to locate you one with which you can host a party. If I don’t have a team member in your area, I can try to find another Vault rep nearby.

2. Mail order from me – I typically REFUSE to mail order jeans to anyone, because I am all about the fit. However, if you know that you know that a brand works on you, I will send it to you. Or if you’re willing to risk $27.50 (plus shipping) for an over-the-air fitting, we can try it – but of course I can’t make any guarantees on this, and I’d prefer not to go this route.

3. Join my team – this is a great time to make some extra money and get some great jeans because the deals are so good. Plus, I always need new team members to take all the referrals I get. Email me and I’ll be glad to get you more information.

In short, let me know if you’d like to get a new butt, and I’ll help you find one.

The Best Worst Comments.

Sometimes people find my blog, thanks to The Googles.

These finders can sometimes have strong opinions, bottled-up anger, or an intense need to vent. These people, who are never regular readers, also don’t understand the context of my blog, which is largely based on the verifiable fact that nearly nothing I say should be taken seriously.

Which makes for some fabulous comments.

Some things that I’ve written lend themselves more to the Angry Googlers, such as my Bra-Fitting post (despite the fact that I linked in my recant,) My Chick Car Survey and Study Results, and, oddly enough, The Truth about Cats and Dogs.

But my favorite comments came from other posts.

So here they are. The top eight best worst comments I’ve ever received.

8.  I wrote a post in 2011 about discovering the crushing truth that the DirecTV Miniature Giraffes are not real. I likened my heartbreak to that of finding out that another infamous being is not real, and one Googler, two years later, felt that perhaps I was dis-servicing the entire world. And maybe I am.

Mini Giraffe Comment

So here’s the official warning:

PARENTS: do not let your Children of Santa Age read my blog.  Also, you might not want to let them use Google without supervision, as I’m pretty sure I might not be the only person out there sharing this bit of information.

7.  A comment that I did not allow to stay on my blog because, well, it was just too unoriginal, was this one, left by someone who had Googled something, found my blog, and spent about five minutes there.

“You are a complete moron and a waste of precious oxygen.”

Thank goodness I have people in my life that will speak truth to me.

6. This one wasn’t a comment, but a blog post reviewing of one of my blog posts. The post in question was one of the only pieces of fiction that I’ve ever written. It was a tongue-in-cheek version of The Three Little Pigs, and apparently I seriously ruined the moral of the story.


Three Little Pigs

…or was that morale. I don’t remember the morale of the Three Little Pigs, but I guess they were somewhat upbeat when fighting off the Big Bad Wolf…


Then there are the jean blogs. Clearly I don’t expect everyone to agree with my conclusions, and I have quite a number of dissenters. But a few stood out from the crowd.

5. The Rolling Butt Shelf:

Shelf Butt Comment 3

(I’m still trying to visualize a butt rolling down my leg, and desperately trying to get rid of the hungry-butt-cheek visual.)

4. The Person Who Desires Cliff’s Notes:

Gap Comment 1

(I just prefer not to discriminate against men named Brian, that’s all.)

3. The Constructive Criticism regarding Constructive Journalism:

Gap Comment 2 2

Moving on from the jeans.

2. Four years ago, I taught Ali to name the states because she was interested in geography and enjoyed it. We spent about five minutes a day on the project – five minutes that apparently should have been much better utilized:


Thank goodness for that smiley at the end – didn’t you feel like it made everything all better?

1. My all-time favorite commenter, though, happened across a post where I described playing with a Copperhead before realizing it was a Copperhead. My neighbor identified it for me, then beat the snake into snake pulp.

A year and a half later, Pete G set us straight.

Snake Comment

My eyes have been opened. I am a city puke. I’m off to set things straight – and find a baby skunk to love.

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