Alabama’s Shopping Theme Park.

I’ve always wanted to go there. Once even, we were in the area and on our way – then realized it was Sunday and they were closed.

But last Friday, I finally got the opportunity to go to the National Mecca of deals shopping. And it was marvelous, so I’m going to take you on a tour.

My destination was Unclaimed Baggage, one of the top tourist destinations in the Great State of Alabama.

Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro, Alabama

Tucked between elegant mountains in the quaint city of Scottsboro, Unclaimed Baggage is the one and only seller of America’s lost luggage. Which, as opposed to a thrift store which sells things that people didn’t want, they’re selling stuff that people really, really wanted – so much so that they packed it and took it on an airplane.

Granted, it sounds sad at first, but here’s how it all goes down:

If a checked bag is lost, the airline is liable for 90 days to match it to a passenger. If they can’t do that, the bags get sold to Unclaimed Baggage, and the passenger in question gets a settlement check from the airline for the contents of their bag. Astonishingly enough, this happens to a ridiculously tiny percentage of luggage, hence the reason that there’s only one Unclaimed Baggage store in America.

Within those bags and shipping containers, Unclaimed Baggage finds some fascinating items.

Like Hoggle, who got lost on his way back from New Zealand after filming the movie Labyrinth.

Hoggle at Unclaimed Baggage

And vintage McDonald’s signs.


And a giant, very old French magazine.


And Tinkerbell herself, who apparently took a wrong turn after the Second Star.


The walls of the store are decorated with dozens of unique museum pieces like the ones above, and they regularly rotate them because they have so many items of interest.

Unclaimed Baggage was kind enough to invite a group of regional bloggers to experience their store, and I’m so very glad that they did, since it gave me the excuse I needed to finally make my first visit. It’s only two hours north of Birmingham, the perfect amount of time for me to have the car (and radio) to myself.

And as a bonus, about ten minutes from my destination, I discovered Weathington Park, which had, oh, you know, a marginally interesting view.

Weathington Park Section Alabama

I texted the above picture to Chris and he replied with “I’ll pick up the kids from your Mom. You can stay until sunset.” Who knows why he would have gotten the idea that I was thinking about doing THAT. But I did stay until the late afternoon, and it was glorious.

Weathington Park Section Alabama

(If that view looks familiar, it’s because it’s only a few miles and overlooking the same lake as one of my favorite Alabama retreating spots, Gorham’s Bluff, to which I am now seriously craving a visit.)

So back to Unclaimed Baggage.

Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro Alabama

They have a monitor at the front entrance where you can place yourself on the map. I believe one of those dots is Fiji…but I could be wrong.

Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro Alabama

The store is separated into several rooms, all large and well-organized like a department store.

Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro Alabama

And thankfully, it doesn’t smell like a Thrift Store, because they launder all clothing, consequently awarding them with the largest dry cleaning facility in Alabama.

Naturally, I started in the denim section.


Although I didn’t buy any, I found some fantastic brands – Joe’s Jeans, True Religion, Antik, 7 for All Mankind, and more. And even the designer brands were very inexpensive – some even less than $10.

The men’s jeans had even more designer pairs mixed in, where I saw Silver, Joe’s Jeans, and a brand new pair of 7 For All Mankind jeans for $35!! That’s basically…80% off.

Mens Jeans Unclaimed Baggage

I also browsed through outerwear, which were divided up into leather, denim, and coats.


I found this fantastic gray Alfani Leather Jacket (oh-so-soft) for $20. And I did not pass that deal up.


(I realize that a good blogger would not use her dressing room selfie in a post but instead would pose herself perfectly coifed and with a head at a later time. But I am not that blogger.)

(And yes, I also got the brand-new-with-tags $14 maxi dress underneath. But it is only wearable when cold enough to keep the jacket on or while wearing triple-Spanx, thanks to my twice-c-sectioned and artisan-chocolate-filled belly. But I adored it enough to make those sacrifices.)

I also bought Chris nine very nice polo shirts, 5 of which still had the tags on them, for $1 each. And the top ones are coral, not orange, so he can indeed wear them.


Another fun area is the electronics room.

Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro Alabama

Airlines have no liability to try and find the owners of carry-on items left behind, so when they announce “Make sure you pick up all electronic devices,” they mean it. Because if you don’t, your iPad will end up wiped clean and in this cabinet.

Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro Alabama

They had a cabinet for every electronic device imaginable – Kindles, Nooks, laptops, Dr. Dre Headphones, cameras…they were endless. They also had less expensive items out for perusal, including Leapsters (where I got Ali and Noah a new game for $3.49),


and headphones in every shape and size (obviously a common item left behind.)


And of course, they have a luggage section.


The jewelry cases were unbelievable, stocked with gorgeous and quite real items, all priced at 50% of appraisal.


They’ve had some fantastic items come through, including a $40,000 diamond ring and this solid ruby belt buckle:


I’d hate to be the airline that had to pay up on that loss.

I tried on this $5,000 black diamond bracelet and pretended for a moment that I was Princess Kate, perfect post-pregnancy body and all.


My favorite section was the international clothing. There were just so many stunning pieces that made me realize how unelaborate all American clothing is, all for $6-12. I bought an outfit for every member of our family, with which Chris is helping me construct a Halloween plan for this year’s Trunk and Treat.

Unclaimed Baggage International Department

After we ate lunch at the in-store café,

Cups Cafe Unclaimed Baggage

We got to see the newest feature of the store: The Baggage Experience.

They chose one person to get to open and unpack a bag. I was beyond jealous.

Unclaimed Baggage Experience Unpack the Bags

And was immediately convinced that I was meant for this job – it would be the amphetamines my insatiably nosy side always dreamed of.

She found a laptop,

Unclaimed Baggage Experience Unpack the Bags

Russian Phrases for Dummies,

Unclaimed Baggage Experience Unpack the Bags

A souvenir bag with Russian Nesting Eggs,

Unclaimed Baggage Experience Unpack the Bags

Exercise bands,

IUnclaimed Baggage Experience Unpack the Bags

And lots of extra extra-extra-small clothes turned inside out. Who knew that some people turn dirty clothes inside out to delineate them from clean clothes? That is not my packing system.

So, as we profiled this Russian Tourist, they sorted the items found:

Unclaimed Baggage Experience Unpack the Bags

I would absolutely spend a day or a week or a month, free of pay, unpacking luggage. For a person who would describe one of her hobbies as stalking, it would be more than kind of fantastic.

(No. I’m not the least bit creepy. Why do you ask?)

And sometimes, even celebrities lose luggage – and I want to be there to unpack them.

In the early 80’s, Unclaimed Baggage found Bing Crosby’s wife’s cross stitch. They returned it to her, and she sent them a thank you note, along with a signed copy of a book that she wrote about Bing.


But I think I found a few more celebrity’s items while shopping.

Sheri Lewis clearly lost her Lamb Chops pants,


Cee Lo lost his favorite pair of blue jeans,


And Julia Roberts lost her Pre-Richard Gere Pretty Woman wardrobe.


…or perhaps she purposefully left it unclaimed.

(I would.)

My favorite categorization in the entire store was in the lingerie section: a rack, labeled “Lingerie”, and full of jeggings.


Yes, that’s right, people: JEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. Unclaimed Baggage knows it, and so should everyone else.

Disclosure: As mentioned, I was invited for a blogger getaway day. However, all opinions are my own and the invitation just served as a thrilling excuse to finally make a long overdue visit. All opinions are my own and I’m already planning my return trip.

The Foreign Universe of The South.

I do adore Project Runway.

As long as Tim Gunn is there, I will be a lifelong fan.

(Same goes for Sofia the First. He’s the star of that show and Sofia knows it.)

However, last week’s episode was a tiny bit perplexing, and has made me seriously rethink the perception that the rest of the world holds of my little universe.

I’m not surprised that it happened, as our southern department store, Belk, is the sponsor of the accessories wall this year.

(A fact which will not allow me to go any farther without pointing out that the Parisian Accessories Wall would’ve sounded a million times better. Stupid, stupid, Belk. How could you jettison such a lovely name in exchange for a bodily function??)

(I love Belk. I shop at Belk. I just hate them for ditching the name Parisian when they bought out Birmingham’s Best Department Store. And I always will. And I will be required to take a moment to harp on this each and every time I mention Belk for the rest of my life.)

Back to Project Runway.

The challenge was,

“Design a dress for The Modern Southern Woman.”

Which prompted Heidi Klum to actually say “Hey Y’all!” in all the glory of her German Accent.

But the reaction to the challenge from nearly everyone on the show was as mystified as if they’d been asked to design for The Modern Young Klingon.

Because apparently, we’re a completely different breed of human than rest of the world.

“My dress is for a girl going to a cotillion. Because that’s like a thing, right? Not just in movies?”

PR Cotillion

(Oh yes. I got to a cotillion at least once a week. Me in my finest hoop gown and Chris in his tails.)

“I’m really thinking about how NOT to make this Mother of the Bride.”


(Perhaps instead you should have thought about how NOT to make hideous.)

And half the group designed out of plaid. Because that’s what all us farm workers wear while we ride our tractor with a tasty hay stem sticking out the side of our mouth.

PR Plaid

The designer of the dress on the left won the challenge, with his faux-Laura-Ingalls-Wilder-apron and plaid-right-out-of-the-Ralph-Lauren-toddler-boys section.

And with regards to the sweetheart neckline plaid dress on the right, Tim and the designer had the following conversation:

Tim: “And this is eveningwear?”

Designer: “It’s day. But I mean it’s definitely not a picnic dress or for going to the forest…or whatever they do down there.”



Is The South really perceived as this foreign of a place?

Do people actually think that we live so differently than the entire rest of the United States?

No wonder y’all read my blog. You’re all like, “Hey! Here’s a Modern Southern Woman that doesn’t spend all of her time milking cows and picking tobacco! Who knew southerners were so normal?”

“Hey! Did you know they had actual cities in the South? Me neither, until this blogger I follow got obsessed with sunset photos and showed pictures of her city. They even have buildings! Made out of metal and glass and everything!”

“Guys. You’re not going to believe this, but did you know that Southerners actually don’t wear aprons and gingham dresses anymore? They actually wear good blue jeans these days! And not even with giant bonnets! Who knew, right?”

”This blogger I follow homeschools. I find that strange, but it’s probably because she didn’t want her kid going to the one-room schoolhouse and having to share the outhouse with so many other children. I bet that’d be awful.”

“Dude! Apparently they actually have internet in the South now!! Then again, maybe these southern bloggers are just going to the library.”

Or, maybe it’s the opposite.

Maybe you all weren’t as ignorant as the Project Runway designers, and instead, I’ve ruined you. And now you’re like,

“Wow! I thought the South was totally normal until I started reading this blog and found out about their football and their monograms and their smock and their park rules and their bank love notes and relationship soliciations and their toilet worms and their bare-butted statues and their willingness to talk about their kid’s tub poop. They don’t even know what Hipsters are! The South is SO WEIRD!”


Maybe we are as weird as they think we are.

Either way, thanks for reading.

Google Led Me To You.

Once a year, I delve into the murky waters of my Google Analytics search terms. This year, Google sent 128,531 people to my blog via 39,552 different phrases. Somewhere around search term #19,548 I realized that I couldn’t go on – my eyes were crossing and my brain was melting. So for the first year ever, I didn’t make it all the way through. Which means that there just may have to be a sequel this year – in a month or two when I quit dreaming in search terms.

(Bolded phrases are actual searches that led people to my blog. If I could infer where they ended up for their “answers”, I added a link to that post.)

When reading through search terms, I often find the pressing need to answer questions.

do you smock your 7 yr old girl (post) no, that would be terribly painful. Plus, skin doesn’t pleat well until at least the age of 68. But smock your Grandmother all day long.

does a dog smell smock(posts) Only if cats or other dog’s poop is embroidered on it.

are there cockroaches in dr.pepper(post) Whether or not that is one of the 23 flavors therein, the visual you provided will definitely help me kick my Dr Pepper TEN habit (with an extra crunch in my step.)

do noses’ shapes correlate with the shape of one’s butt – (post) Count Chocula hopes not.

how much did jeans cost in 2000 b.c – Do you want that number in denarii or shekels?

driving directions – is west always to my left, and east always to my right?(post) so actually driving west would be…right out. Lucky Texas.

broke nose. is it suposed to wiggle much? – (post) Not if you don’t touch it.

do you have to have permit to own minitaure giraff – (post) Yes. You pay me. Only $50 per giraff.

my son is throwing up, should i cancel his birthday party – is it at Chuck E Cheese? If so, then no – he’ll fit right in with their decor.

Speaking of which, Chuck E. Cheese statements showed up nearly as many times as people asking me whether Adam Richman was a jerk.

chuck e cheese is filled with vomit
chuck e cheese poop
chuck e cheese poor nutrition and gambling
chuck e cheese rides vomit
chuck e cheese stomach virus
chunky cheese stinks

Yes, yes it does.

There are times that I simply feel the need to direct their searches to a gigantic flashing sign that says


maternity catsuit (post)
nipple day (post)
grasping hoo
car snowstorm pee
convince siri to be your girlfriend (post)
edgy adult onesies (post)
armadillo toe nail clipping art (post)
chocolate turd mold
country-fried placenta
child leash “like a horse” (post)
christmas toe nail photo men (post)
how to make a baby rump cake (post)
“cast cheese” poo
cuss words wrapping paper

Nature questions also seem to be a theme. I’m kind of sad for them that they found me as their answer.

a greasy chipmunk (post)
a raccoon poop in my pool chemistry
cat with wide set hips
a turd in a fishtank (post)

There are always a plethora of former spelling bee champions.

hiw do i know if my jeans fir right (post)
relly great firttngjenas
the rivver chase galeriah mall scavengerhunt
whats zulyli (posts)
blog why i wear sedigner jeans mom jeans
moost comfortable secy jeans
dora the igsorer
does miny jeraph exist (post)
2-4-6-8 everybosy to thw umi shake (post)
coallge gairl sexy gap shaip
butt lift cacky pants
cnt find jeans to f my todler

Some are just two words shy of a poem…

what is the best jeans if my anus is flat
entermainment books to read to elementary
is halal meat killed definitely like to meet (post)
can a button be mived iver on pair of jeans
ecstatic waist jeans
for what purpose we are marriaging

Some of the more spiritual searches can be the most disturbing.

crimson tide bedtime prayer
brian dunkleman moral issues
free ford flex in jesus (post)
“amusement for other self-righteous conservative christian moms”
“kind, charismatic, gentle, and loving” horrible crime ephesians
christian socks with enemy under my feet

…Which, as an aside, reminds me of this product I saw at our local Christian Bookstore this week:

Clean Hands Clean Heart
Works on 99.9% of Principalities and Powers, except those that require prayer and fasting.

Every now and then, someone is actually looking for me.


And by badly, I mean “What the hey that’s not what I’m doing!”

fumbling for objectivity (in my subjective life)
grabbing at objectivity in a subjective life
grasping for subjestivity
sesrvhing for objectivity blog

Apparently, I am a leading expert on Southern Generalizations. Or at least Google thinks so, as it sent all of the following questioners my way:

do southerners drink sweet tea in the winter
do southerners have friday fish
do southerners like apple butter
do southerners like bagels
do southerners like living in nj
do southerners put red wine in the fridge
do southerners put sugar in tea
do southerners still do their own wedding reception food
do southerners welcome minnesotans
do southerners not like corn starch

For those still needing the answers, yes, if it’s fried, heck yes, only when they’re still warm, probably not, no, way too much, sometimes, if they’re nice, and no, they do not not like corn starch.

I always get a lot of calorie questions. On some, I wonder if they burned more calories googling the activity than the activity itself.

carolories burned putting sheet on a bunkbed
how many calories are burned installing a car seat

On others, I would answer “infinity.”

calories burned bathing one year old child

Some googlers are extraordinarily specific in their searches.

10 year old with 6 itchy pimples body
big roach standing tall
fat older woman wants jeans to fit that do not stretch out
flattering styles for 5 foot 3 and 170 lbs women size 14 16 –
(I’m pretty sure I had this search request in every pound / height / size combination possible. People think the internet has everything.)
what is the best jean for a 50 year old man to accentuate his butt but not too tight in legs
but bama pumps with elephant on them and houndstooth print

Some questions I pray were rhetorical.

did princesses poo (post)
do big feet look bad in skinny jeans
do i need new jeans? jeans keep showing my butt
does putting your wallet in your back pocket flatten your butt
hardest question dora has ever asked
dress sense why do youths wear their jeans that show their arse what is the significance (I now feel the need to work “arse” into my vocabulary.)
how many times a day should a child bath (post) (emphasis mine.)
can a guys butt look girly?
am I a pretentious hipster
can i ask siri who is my favorite cousin (post)
can i make chocolate breast milk (post)
can i ship milos sweet tea from florida to new york
can i sleep with breast pump on
can necer find comfortable jeans
can someone suggest something to adam richman (post)
can weight define the size of your jeans
how to do stuff like this »-(¯`v´¯)-» . . »-(¯`v´¯)-» . . »-(¯`v´¯)-» –
you just did it.

And then there are the people that seem to simply feel the need to share their TMI with someone.

dad makes mom walk around the house nude
she waved her fart into my nose
“afraid to be around all those scary people”
but picking out paint colours wouldn’t make my butt look better in jeans
the freakiest part of all – i remembered that the breast pump was a male
costco jeans smell
“i have been stalking you for almost a year now”
chemist blacklisted me on sudafed
“cupcakes were a hit” “until i showed up with the camera”
butt smelling in low cut jeans
baby fires pooping while changing diaper
boy standing on moms fat butt
big lady tickle spot
getting my husband to wear womens jeans
horses in the restroom

…and that was only half.