The Perils of the Petting Zoo

Quick Note: Be sure to check out “A Dose of Humor” at 5 Minutes for Parenting – today I featured Jen Smithson from Rolling Through Looneyville, One Wave at a Time.

I mentioned earlier this week about going to the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo, one of our favorite family places to go. And yes, it is where they filmed “The Little Zoo That Could” on Animal Planet a few years ago. It was a miniseries about their adventures of evacuating all 200+ animals three times in one year due to three different hurricanes.

We do love this place. It is so homey and familiar. However, it doesn’t come without it’s perils.

For instance, if you feed animals, a logical conclusion is that sometimes you WILL get bit. We have had three biting experiences – one for each of us.

The First Bite: Chris.
Chris and I used to go to the zoo even before we had Ali. I just really loved feeding the animals, especially this big ole’ guy, who would never bite anyone:
he has since passed, unfortunately.

Anyway, Chris would feed the animals, but he was never quite as excited about it as I was. One of these visits, I was feeding the huuuuuge turtles.

I told Chris “OH! That was so NEAT! He just ever so gently picked up the food off of my hand! You’ve GOT to try it!”.

Chris, having heard stories of snapping turtles, was a bit reluctant, but because of his love for his young wife, decided to give it a try. He timidly put his hand in with a piece of food, and the turtle came toward him. He leaned toward the piece of food, and then in a flash, you could see the thought going through his head as he pondered, “food or finger?” and he dove for Chris’ finger and chomped down.

Chris yells at the top of his lungs.

Being that this was a PETTING ZOO, there were plenty of kiddos around to witness this debacle.

After a couple of seconds, the turtle lets go.

I am halfway between laughing and crying. Laughing because the scene was absolutely hilarious, crying because I feel horribly guilty for talking him into becoming turtle bait, AND because I don’t know if he is okay or not.

He was ok, but he has VERY RARELY fed an animal since, which is why I was so surprised when he fed the teeniest, innocentest goat he could find here.

Bite: The Sequel. Me. When I was VERY pregnant with Ali, we went to the zoo again. My friend the giraffe had been replaced with a pair of camels. Since they were in the same pen as the camel had been in and there were no signs not recommending feeding them (like there are at the tigers and lions – DUH!), I decided to feed the camels. They were fine eating from my hand, but then one of them was especially hungry and decided to nose his way into my cup of food. In doing so, he chomped down on the cup and the hand holding the cup.

Odd, but they have since moved the camels WAY out of reach – actually on the other side of a pond from the walkway!! If I squinted hard enough I thought I could read a sign: “Do not feed camels. They have a special liking to biting extremely pregnant women.”

Ali: The Last Bite.

On Ali’s first visit to the zoo this year back in March, she was standing at the fence watching the ducks. I really should have known better, since the ducks regularly bite our feet, legs, or whatever is in reach trying to get some food (but for the record, they don’t hurt). Ali sticks out her finger, pointing at the ducks, and one of them decided that it MUST be food.
Although it didn’t hurt her, it did spook her from wanting to feed any more animals on that trip (or since, for that matter, although I try to blame that more on toddlerness than on the biting duck experience).

The Perils of Last Week’s Zoo Trip:
We were getting ready to feed our first animals of the trip (and hoping that we could convince Ali to feed one), when one of these guys that Ali looks so sheepish about
starts peeing and – turning around and DRINKING IT straight from the tap. And it wasn’t just a little bit. It kept going and going and going and going. We stood there, mouths agape, all of a sudden feeling very disgusted at feeding these animals. All the while, Chris is quoting our nurse friend Lydia, saying, “Don’t worry!! Urine is sterile!!”.

But I was VERY glad that Ali still had no interest in feeding any animals this time.

Now hopefully this has portrayed the adventure in going to the zoo, not scared you away from it. It’s a fun place, and obviously we love it or we wouldn’t keep going back for more!

Meandering thoughts and admissions of guilt

Phew! I’m back home, in my comfy clothes, hanging out!

Esther’s reception was beautiful – my Mom did a lovely job making it all come together, as I told you she would.

Also mentioned in the above referenced post, I tried to stick to what I do best for this reception: computers and paper. :) After doing the 300 invitations (which took several full days worth of work), I was “done” – thank goodness didn’t have to do the more creative and artsy stuff like food and decorating. I did get to help Mom out with one more task this afternoon, and it was just so fun. [excitement is building in my typing voice] I made an excel spreadsheet, and entered everyone’s receipts, then averaged the total over all of the hostesses, then subtracted from each person’s average to get what they still owed or were owed as a refund, THEN, THEN, THEN, I made a word document and I MERGED the name, whether they owed or were owed, and the amount they owed or were owed into a letter and printed them all out with one stroke of “ctrl-P”!! Oh MY that was so fun!! And My Mom THANKED me!! She doesn’t understand what a thrill that gives me. I know – I must be the biggest geek in the world.

I did take some of the invitations and the leftover pictures to the reception to help decorate, and was reminded why I should just stick to my geeky offerings. I was trying to pin a wedding photo up on the board where they had some pictures up of Esther and Bryce. I couldn’t find anymore push pins, so I figured I’d let a push pin do double duty and hold up the bottom of an existing collage of photos and the top of my new addition. Right after I stuck it in, I realized that all of the other push pins had been up against the pretty collages, but not pushed through it, and I had just put a hole in the pretty creative memory page. I was horrified and wracked with guilt. I found my Mom and confessed my sin, and she agreed that I probably shouldn’t have done that, although she said she was sure it was ok. More guilt. I am wondering how very upset the bride will be when she realizes I’ve RUINED a page of her book. Then she gets there. Oh no!! She’s just standing there, right in front of the board!! She’s going to see!! It’s going to ruin her night!! She has a bag. . . more pictures to put up – pretty pages just like the one I ruined. She holds them up (she’s about to notice any second and will hate me!!), then – – she pushes the pin right through her page!!!! WHEW!! I am exonerated. My guilt washes away. If the bride can do it, then I can do it. However – I think I better stick to what I do best – computer and paper. No more decorating for me.

I did have one major snafu when I did the invitations, however. I think I avoided blog-admitting (blogmitting?) at the time because I was still beating myself up about it. You can’t print 300 of something without realizing afterwards that you made a gaping mistake, right?
I was lovingly hand-feeding the last envelope (printing the mailing address and the return address, which was my Mom’s address since she was the main hostess) through my printer when my Mom walks in and says, “My address is 240, not 640.” NOOOOOOOOOOOO. . . . I tell her to just not tell me that!!! After I calmed down, I realized that it would be ok – there are all of 3 families that live on her street (none of which are 640 and all of which are best friends), and the postlady knows them all, and Mom can tell her to please deliver the misaddressed envelopes to her. But I didn’t forgive myself for quite some time. However, judging from the crowd tonight, there didn’t seem to be too many returned envelopes.

Ok – WOW. I’ve droned on long enough. Have a great night!

Ali’s 18 Month Portraits

Ali will be 18 Months old on Tuesday, so we went ahead and did her portraits today. She did good!! Not as good as she did at a year old, but we had to wait a lot longer, and the cameraman didn’t exactly endear himself to her by picking her up from behind with no notice to put her back where he wanted her. That would have been fine if one of us had done it, but not a stranger. I don’t have to worry about a stranger ever sneaking off with my child, that’s for sure. My Mom came and helped Ali smile as usual, which is a TOTAL lifesaver – I can’t imagine getting pictures made without her help!! Here are the best shots (more will be on facebook – you can click the link to get to them, facebook member or not.):
Evil little laugh. . .
Family pictures!
Ali and Daddy. . .
Ali and Mommy. This pose looks so grownup to me. . .

Showing off her piggies!
Raise the roof. . .

When the cameraman picked her up.
Getting a hug from Gramamma to make it all better:
Fun in the chair!


Kicked back in the chair. . .
Having a serious talk. . .

All in all, I’m happy with the pictures. They were kind of busy today, so they were more rushed than usual, which resulted in us thinking of a few things we would have liked to do after it was too late, but oh well – there’s always next time!
p.s. – do you like my new title picture? It was about time!