So I’ve been trying to think of a good blog April Fool’s joke for weeks. And I’ve got nothin’. My inspiration has just completely flown out the window, along with any small amount of organization, neatness, and stay-on-top-of-everything-in-life-ation that I usually have.
I LOVE April Fools. I really love practical jokes in general, as I come from a long line of jokers. My Dad could do a whole series of guest posts on the jokes he’s played in the past, and my Brother JC has been involved in his fair share too, especially on our High School Youth Group trips.
But, unfortunately for JC, they had a you-have-to-take-retribution-with-a-happy-heart rule, so JC was forced into having his head shaved (which he unfortunately liked and continued to do for a while, once even with the help of his little sister), and into eating a raw octopus sandwich (which I don’t think he liked quite as much as having his head shaved.)
Anyway, April Fool’s. Every year when we were kids, my parents would tell us some sort of “news” over breakfast on the morning of April first, always early enough that we didn’t realize what day it was. And every single year, we fell for it.
The only one that I remember (the rest I’ve apparently blocked due to the angst that they caused) was the year that they told us that we were moving to Utah. I was horribly brokenhearted. Being the rut sort of girl I am, the thought of moving across country deeply disturbed me. JC, however, was fine with the news, so they had to ramp it up a bit to ensure fair and equal traumatization for all children by telling him, “oh, by the way….baseball is illegal in Utah”.
Then he came completely unglued too, which allowed my parents to fully enjoy the thrill of inflicting April Fool’s terror onto their children.
I can’t wait until Ali’s old enough for this sort of special parental torture.
Last year, I used the oldest, most worn out April Fool’s joke possible and had a bit of fun announcing on my blog that I was pregnant, with twins.
I must say, some of the people that didn’t fall for it surprised me, such as my self-admittedly most gullible friend, Gina. I was pretty proud of her.
And some of the people who did fall for it surprised me as well, such as one of my best friends and Ali’s Godmother, Amanda, who called me with the angriest voice I’ve ever heard her use. I answered the phone, and was greeted with: “TWINS, Rachel?!?!?! TWINS???? And you didn’t tell ME?!!?!??!!?!? TWINS!!!!”
Me: “Did you finish reading the post?”
Amanda: “No. I’m too mad. TWINS?!?!!?!?!?”
Traumatizing friends is almost as much fun as traumatizing kids.
So, if your kids are old enough, by all means, please shake ‘em up a bit tomorrow morning. And enjoy every minute of it. Then come tell me what you did, since I have to live vicariously. For now.
And tell me the best April Fool’s Joke you’ve ever heard of. I need inspiration.