We’ve been watching VeggieTales’ newest movie, Noah’s Ark, on repeat at our house for the past couple of weeks, and they sent us a couple of DVDs and Bobs to share with you guys! Ali loves this movie because she gets all the humor (or most of it – but they always put those nuggets […]

It’s Time To Visit Thomas. {Giveaway!}
Visiting Thomas the Train has been a long-standing tradition in our household, starting in the ancient year of 2009. Each Spring, Day Out With Thomas rolls into the station in Calera, Alabama, and we highly anticipate our drive out to visit him. Ali was a hipster before hipsters were cool (which is actually the definition […]

Work of Worth: Pretty Things Changing Lives {Giveaway}
Third World Entrepreneurial Philanthropy. It sounds all big-wordish and heady, but it’s one of my favorite concepts that has been made easier due to the internet age. In short, it means freedom. Freedom for women enslaved in sex trafficking. Freedom for families who have no way to support their children. Freedom from work that exploits, […]

Birmingham, Meet Meat. Meat, Meet Birmingham. {Giveaway}
Guest Post by Contributing Editor, Chief Husband, and Meat Expert Chris. There are certain pivotal moments in the history of the world when things change for the better, when life as we know it receives an upgrade to its operating system that – like Siri, or Instagram adjustable filter intensity – opens the door to […]

Weekending at the Georgia Aquarium {And a Giveaway}
Chris and I have always loved taking one-night date trips to Atlanta, but we’ve never taken the kids to experience the “kid side” of Atlanta. We talk about it…we think about it…but we just don’t get around to it. So when the Georgia Aquarium contacted me and wanted to bring us for a visit so […]

Little Local Look n’ Find: Avondale Park.
During our first year of dating, Chris and I discovered the Itty Bitty Magic City Scavenger Hunt. It was an annual feature in The Birmingham News (now more commonly known as al.com) where once a year, they would choose a location and publish 20-30 pictures of microscopic details. The first one we did was in […]

Monsters University and Life {And a Giveaway!}
It only took us six and a half years. But finally, this summer, we braved the movie theater with our kids. After spending years analyzing and stressing over which movie would be the perfect first theater experience (not too scary, not too boring, not so riveting that they can’t take pee breaks), we decided […]

Supporting Fair Trade With Green Mountain Coffee {Giveaway!}
My Keurig® changed my life. Okay maybe not my entire life, but at least the first few hours of my days. I love the ease, the speed, and the variety with which it provides me life-giving coffee. And, with regards to the variety, I might be a bit over-the-edge OCD. In fact, my husband measures […]

Disney Planes Takes Off! {Giveaway}
If my family had to choose one movie series to take on a deserted island with which to entertain our kids and not drive us adults insane in the process, it would be Disney and Pixar’s Cars and Cars 2. Noah, at only two and a half, can name every character in either movie, and quote […]

Birmingham Rocks Their Eyes. {And a Giveaway}
On Saturday, I had my fifth eye appointment in a month. Although I don’t wear contacts or glasses (except for reading…sometimes), my eyes can be real divas. And what’s worse, I’ve recently found out that I’m a “reactor” to most eye medications, especially steroids. (Which means that the pressure in my eyes increases to an […]