There has never been any news article released that both my readers and friends felt such unanimous urgency to send to me than Crochet Shorts for Men made out of recycled vintage afghans. The tweets, Facebook messages, emails, texts, and IRL “You have GOT to SEE THIS!” lasted for well over a month. Perhaps it […]

The Fruit of the Sea.
A guest post, as written by my husband Chris. All that I ever learned about shrimping, I learned by watching Forrest Gump. That all changed on Saturday. My uncle Leo invited me to go along with him and his neighbor Doug on a beautiful mild Saturday morning. Since I have a 6 month old son, […]

If My Child Has Nightmares About Boats…
We’re in Orange Beach this weekend visiting Chris’ Aunt Kitty and Uncle Leo. They live on the bay, so one of the things that Leo wanted to do this weekend was get their boat in the water for spring, and in so doing, take Ali for her first ever boat ride. Granted, it’s crazy-windy on […]

Alabama, Meet Greece.
Chris and I are in Atlanta this weekend for the SEC Championship game. (At this point, I WOULD say that I am fully prepared to comfort my husband in his mourning after the game tonight, but I already got roasted on Facebook for saying that. It’s just that my opinion about the facts trump my […]

All I Want for Christmas is Some Toenail Art. . .
I saved the most bloggable gift from last night to tell you about today. If you’ve been reading my blog for any amount of time, you’ve probably seen references to my Uncle-in-Law’s “unusual” hobby of making his wife toenail art out of his toenail clippings. If not, you may want to go to the above […]

Toenail Art
Need a new hobby? Maybe a craft idea for VBS or Sunday School? This has been a blog that many of my friends have requested, and since we are down at the beach this weekend at Kitty and Leo’s, it was the perfect time to take some good pictures and tell you about Toenail […]