MAMJoB: Moms Against Mom Jeans on Babies.

Mom Jeans. It’s not something that only plagues 50 year olds anymore, or even just misguided 20-somethings.

No, it’s seeping down to the very beginnings of our society, trying to infiltrate our babies by starting them off as Mom Jean loyalists at the youngest of age.

You know it. You’ve seen it. Toddler Mom Jeans

Too many styles of Baby and toddler jeans have horrendous pocketage (if they have pockets at all), bubble around the butt, and (gasp) have The Dreaded Grandma Elastic Waistband ALL the way around.

It takes a lot of shopping to find a right pair of baby jeans that appropriately goes over diapers without creating that Dreaded Bubbly Butt, but that isn’t too far on the other end of the spectrum – Baby-Skank:BabyPhat

I personally have had my own successes…


AND failures…IMG_4367
in finding appropriately non-Mom-Toddler Jeans. It’s not an easy task, and the younger the kid, the harder the find.

Finally, there are efforts being made at helping solve the root problem of baby/toddler jeans: the bubbly diaper-underneath. Huggies has come out with…a Jeans Diaper.

Huggies Jeans

My friend Christen graciously sent me the link to these special edition diapers, something which I will just HAVE to go ahead and stock up on for Newbie, for fear that the “limited time offer” will be up before December.

Now granted, this product is not perfect yet, but it’s a giant step for babykind in the right direction. If only those pockets were a little bigger and a little lower… and I’m not so sure about that denim color – it looks a bit Wrangler-ish to me. But maybe it’s better in person – I WILL be finding out.

I’m really a Pampers loyalist, so my hope is that they steal the idea and improve on it. My recommendation would be that they take a cue from the creator of the US Olympic Team snowboarding pants, who took his favorite pair of designer jeans and had the exact look photographically reproduced onto snowboarding pants:Snowboarding

I can see it now. Citizens of Humanity Diapers. It’d sell – and you know it.

Win a $100 Gift Certificate to CSN Stores!!

Do you want to win a gift certificate that you can use to buy virtually anything you need? CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find everything from cookware to cribs or even your most specific needs such as a bathroom vanity or a bird cage!

And they’re continually adding new stores, including their newest two, Shoes Got Sole and Luxe Premium Shoes and Handbags.

CSNStores is an awesome internet resource, and they have the easiest filtering and narrowing system I’ve run into yet. On the left-hand side, you will find continually more detailed drill down options to find exactly what you’re looking for – I absolutely love it!

If you’d like to be entered to win a $100 gift certificate to be used in any of CSN’s 200+ Stores, Leave a comment here with what you’d like to go shopping for!

You can earn up to four extra entries if you:

  • Tweet, blog, OR Facebook about this giveaway
  • Follow CSN Stores on Twitter or Facebook
  • Subscribe to OR Follow my blog
  • Follow me on Twitter OR Facebook

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

Best of luck! This giveaway is open until Monday, May 31st. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, June 1st.

Disclosure: I received no compensation or review products for this giveaway. My opinions are always my own.

Attention, Pregnant People and New People: You’re Blogging For Me Today.

So, Ali and I like to stalk get to know our readers…

Other eye, kid.


That’s better.

…and I’ve noticed that we have some new readers (I think from the crazy trip around the internet that my Mom Jeans post just took). All of my regular commenters know that I try my best to get to know them, and so I want to get to know all of you new people too! I know I’ve been to visit some of you, but I also know I’ve missed some.

So, if you’re new around here (or not new and have just never introduced yourself), say hi! Tell me about yourself, and if you have a blog, be sure to give me the link so that I can come visit you!

Also, while I’m making y’all do the blogging, I’ve been meaning to put a link-up for all of my fellow-preggo readers. I know that there are a bunch of you, and I’m having trouble keeping up with who is due when. So link into this Mister Linky with your blog URL, and in the title, put your name and your due date (and boy/girl, if you know yet!). I’ll put myself in first for an example.

Oh – and if you don’t have a blog but are still expecting, then leave your preggo info in the comments.

So, to recap in case I’ve made this all too confusing, comment if you’re new, and link-up if you’re pregnant. Or comment if you’re pregnant if you don’t have a blog or just don’t like Mister Linky.

Thanks for blogging for me today – you guys are the best!

Yet Another Deep Mystery of Life.

I’ve had a lot of strange realizations since becoming pregnant. I’ve smelled things I’ve never smelled before, I’ve tasted ingredients in things that I didn’t know were there, and I hate half the foods and drinks that I usually love.

But this one…I’m totally confused.

I was leaving the house the other day, and on the way out, I looked in the large mirror in the basement, just like I do every day.

And I noticed this on the mirror:

No, not all the dust. It’s the basement – give me some slack.

Bird POOP?!?! How does Bird Poop get on a vertical mirror? What kind of aim must that bird have??

And more importantly,since I’m nearly positive that no bird has been in my house, and completely positive that this mirror hasn’t been taking any day trips OUT of the house, how did this happen??

Has it always been there? If not, how long HAS it been there? And how have I not noticed until now?

As I pondered these disturbing mysteries, I saw on the shelf right next to the mirror:


Okay. So unless the mirror and the shelves have been taking outdoor trips TOGETHER, a bird, at some point, found a way to enter my house, poo on my furniture, and leave again without me ever knowing it?!?!

Or have my housekeeping skills so diminished that there are bugs in my house big enough to produce bird poo?

To ensure this wasn’t all some sort of pregnancy neuroses, I made Chris go down and look at it and confirm that it did indeed exist, that he’d never seen it before, and that he had no knowledge of birds in our house.

But whatever did it, let me just clarify that my welcome mat does NOT mean come in my house, poo on my furniture, and then leave before I know you’re there, only to completely confuse me.

Please assure me….mysteriously appearing bird poo inside one’s house is a totally normal phenomenon….right?

The Princesses of the States.

IMG_6408There’s nothing that Ali loves more than Princesses and Princess dresses. I spend approximately 28% of my week helping her dress and re-dress her little plastic princesses, IMG_6400trying my best to avoid the task of putting their microscopic shoes that refuse to stay on their nearly-microscopic feet.

(I try to convince Ali that Princesses are like normal girls and don’t like to wear shoes when they’re at home.)

(This works about 60% of the time.)

Anyway, due to her love of all things Princess, anytime a pageant is coming on and I realize it, I will let her watch part of it, most ideally the evening gown competition.

Last night was Miss USA competition, and I happened to find out it was on right before the evening gown competition began.

“Ali!! The States Princesses are on TV!!!”

She was thrilled. She came running in and immediately started assigning titles. “That one is Belle, because she’s wearing yellow. And there’s Cinderella!! She’s wearing Blue. And oh – that girl has a tored up dress. She’s Cinderella after the mean sisters tore up her dress.”

I couldn’t disagree with her – any evening gown that shows your belly button and your overly-prominent-ribcage should most definitely be classified as “Tored Up”.

After the Evening gown competition, they took way too long going through this whole set of ridiculously-risque photos of all the girls in fishnets and lingerie lounging on beds, at which point I attempted to cover Ali and Chris’ (who had joined us by now) eyes. Chris cooperated. Ali, notsomuch.

(I’m sorry – but there’s just something a little over-the-top-Donald-Trump-Skanky about the Miss USA pageant ever since he bought it.)

Finally they finished the SuperSkeevySlideshow that had nothing to do with a “scholarship competition”, and set up for the interviews.

Chris told Ali, “They’re about to ask the girls their school questions! They will be hard questions that they’ll have to answer!”

First girl comes up… “We hear that you have a great Grilled Cheese recipe. What goes on your grilled cheese?”


“Well, I start with frozen Texas Toast, then add cheese, then bake it!”


Next girl comes up.

“You’re so tall! How tall are you??”

“I’m great, thank you!”


Sorry, Ali, your school questions will ALWAYS be harder than theirs.

After they got through the five finalists with these questions, we realized that those weren’t the “real” questions – they must have been more like the “warm-up” questions.

They then had marginally tougher ones from the questionably-qualified judges, including ice skater Johnny Weir(d), Paula Deen, and of course, Donald Trump’s most recent wife.

In fact, the fifty-second Mrs. Trump’s question was about those horrific pictures from earlier in the competition: “The Miss USA pageant has gotten a lot of flak about the raciness of those lingerie photos. How do they make YOU feel?”

The contestant’s answer?

“Oh, I LOVE Them. I think that they are just great and really personify Miss USA. I find them to be VERY classy.”

If she thought that was classy, she might make a GREAT Mrs. Trump Number Fifty-Three. Because The Donald thought they rocked.

Despite talk of Grilled Cheeses and Lingerie, Ali enjoyed the Princesses and couldn’t wait to see which one got the crown. As always in these types of ironic events, the only one who tripped in the evening gown competition did indeed win the crown.

Chris asked Ali if she was going to win the crown one day. I couldn’t have been more pleased with her answer…

“I already have a crown!”

Yes you do, dear, yes you do.


Parties: The Cure for (Kid) Morning Sickness.

It’s been a very sickly house around here this week. Chris got a cold on Monday that stuck around all week, I’ve (obviously) not been feeling well at all (sorry, dear blog), and then there’s Ali.

You see, she’s got morning sickness. Bad. Except it’s the all-day-sickness variety, mysteriously just like her mother’s…

I feel slightly guilty, because her issues are obviously because I spend WAY too much time complaining, or just being a total slug due to Newbie’s total disregard for our contractually bound negotiations.

If anyone asks Ali how she is doing, she says mournfully, “I just don’t feel well.”

And, if there’s anything she ever doesn’t want to do or eat or drink, her excuse will be “I don’t feel too well right now.”

In the car, she must play on her LeapFrog because “It keeps me from getting queasy.”

Oddly enough, though, when we told her Saturday morning that it was time to go to Eli’s birthday party at the playground – if she felt up to it, that is – she was instantaneously and magically healed. She felt great!

The party location was at THE park – the amazingly fun one, but with no bathroom except for a Port-o-Potty. I told Chris that if Ali had to go, he was going to have to do it, because between my nose and my queasiness, there was no way I was coming within 100 feet of a port-o-potty.

So he made other arrangements.


Ali said she was much too big for such a potty, but then we reminded her of that deep, dark, murky blue water, and she quickly agreed to be little again.

Chris tried to convince me that a car-potty would be a very useful thing to always keep in my car – after all, Ali needed it today – but my car doesn’t need any help getting filled up with crap.

Ali had the treat of PEZ on the way to the park, but was very kind to save her last three for Gramamma, Pop, and Nick.

By the time we got there, they had degraded to half their size by a mixture of sweat and saliva,IMG_9280 but she made me PROMISE to hold them until her intended recipients arrived, and hand them out appropriately.

After all, she was much too busy practicing her swinging techniques (step one: make as pronounced of a double chin as possible to maintain balance) to hold onto PEZ.

IMG_9281Two out of three of them ate their PEZ – but Ali found a discarded PEZ later in the party. I’m not sure who the ungrateful giftee was…

Eli opened his presents with the help of all the kids…


…except Ali, who was starting to not feel too well again and preferred to watch from a distance.


After a while, she ran and got her Uncle JC, and told him that he needed to come with her to the pavilion RIGHT NOW.


Because they needed to get on their knees and pray.


Because she wasn’t feeling too well.

Drama Prayer Queen.

Giveaway! ALure Jewelry – A Unique Spin on Accessories!


I love it when people take everyday items and turn them into something beautiful – people who can see outside the box in that way fascinate me!!

ALure Jewelry is doing an excellent job at just that. Their jewelry is beautiful, unique, and funky, and the amazing part is, every piece uses some type of fishing lure as a component of the design.

From super-classy chandalier necklaces to fuzzy neon earrings, they have something that will capture everyone’s attention, and everyone will be asking you what your jewelry is all about.

They have graciously offered one pair of Holographic Colorado Blade Fishing Lure Earrings to give away to one lucky winner:


Aren’t those awesome??

If you’d like to enter, simply go visit the ALure Jewelry website and come back and tell me what your favorite item is. I recommend browsing via the categories on the right-hand side – “Classy” and “Sassy”.

You can earn up to four extra entries if you:

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

Best of luck! This giveaway is open until Monday, May 24th. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, May 25th.

Disclosure: I received no compensation or review products for this giveaway. My opinions are always my own.

Don’t Mess With The UMU.

Dear Newbie,

We need to talk. I know you’re not to the cognitive point where that is really possible yet, but I need you to concentrate really hard and grow a brain because WE NEED TO TALK.

You may not be fully aware of this, but there are some specific and finely negotiated agreements between the United Mommy’s Union (UMU) and the United Fetus Union (UFU) about what havoc you can wreak on my body at what points while you’re a parasite of said body.

The timing is significant, because the negotiated havocking is spread out to a point where I can handle each wrench you throw into my system as it comes, rather than walking around with 20 wrenches in my gut all at once.

However, it seems that you have gone completely rogue on your Union and are doing things to me that are CLEARLY out of the Standard Negotiated Timeline.

So I implore you. Study this chart. And grow a conscience while you’re at it.

Side Effects First Trimester Second Trimester Third Trimester
Nausea Understandable, but it better be treatable. No Zofran-Resistant Nausea allowed. One Episode of nausea is allowed during this trimester, and NO continuous nausea. Don’t EVEN think about it.
Weight Gain Please no Please no Totally Okay, but not past the point that people are still polite enough to say, “Wow! You don’t even LOOK pregnant!!” Okay, but start to slow it down. Pregnant Mommies don’t need to be confused for a flotation device.
Inability to Pee Absolutely NOT in any way should the first trimester Mom have any trouble peeing at this point in the pregnancy. RIDICULOUS. AND TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. NO WAY. We all hate getting to the doorway of the bathroom only to sigh, turn around, and have to go back and pee again. But it’s understandable. After all, there’s a seven-pound person sitting on our bladder.
Forgetfulness Can you repeat the category? No! This is the Golden Trimester! Well, forgetting everything that happened DURING birth is a good thing…
Exhaustion Only at the end of the day, please. I’ve still got stuff to do – I can’t lay on the couch all day. Not a chance. Obviously, everything is exhausting at this stage.
Face Breakouts No way! I’m not a pimple faced teenager. I’m a Mom. Leave my face outta this. No way! I’m not a pimple faced teenager. I’m a Mom. Leave my face outta this. No way! I’m not a pimple faced teenager. I’m a Mom. Leave my face outta this.
Acid Reflux No. There is NO reason for that at this point. Especially since it doesn’t mix well with nausea, and between the two, everything tastes like letting Tylenol dissolve on your tongue. No. Since at this point, all of my organs are squished into a space the size of my former gall bladder, it’s understandable.
Cravings YES! YES! YES!
Need for Husband-Provided Back Massages YES! YES! YES!

Okay. So I am sure you are now fully aware of the things you are doing that are clearly outside of Union Negotiations. And I would implore you to quit. Immediately. Or I WILL go on strike, and possibly even picket.

Of course, my neighbors might have me committed if they see me marching in front of my house with a sign that says “REFLUX RETREAT!! FREE THE PEE!! NAUSEA PLAY NICE!!”

But mark my words. I will do it.


Your Mother.

p.s. – I know you’re probably doing it for your own best interest, but I’d really like to have my taste for Coca-Cola back at some point, also. This making it taste like Alka-Seltzer thing is really cramping my style.


If Newbie refuses to cooperate with my appeal, I may take a bloggy day or two off here and there until I can convince him/her otherwise. After all, the picketing will obviously take some time.

The Case of the Overly-Curious Baby-Carrier.

So as you know, we took Ali with us to the baby doctor last week. We didn’t tell her that I was pregnant until we were already there…at which point she booted me off the exam table because she started to feel a bit queasy:IMG_9223I can relate to that feeling.

As fun as it was to let her see the sonogram, our appointment took WAY longer than we expected, and by the end of our (four hour +) visit which caused one of Ali’s first skipped naptimes ever, I was kinda done with the idea of taking Ali to the doctor with me.

Luckily, she’s easily entertained, especially when there are curtains to be hidden in:Curtain copy

But regardless of entertainment level, 4+ hours at the doctor while attempting to entertain a toddler and managing to not puke or pass out from lack of food and drink is not my idea of how to spend an afternoon. So I don’t think she’ll get to go back until the “is it a boy or a girl??” visit.

Which brings me to the ultimate point of this post.

When I was pregnant with Ali four years ago,

(Which was a VERY VERY long time ago, for the record. I have friends that have had three kids between my pregnancies, yet people have still said to me, “You’re pregnant again?” – as if I’m toting one every time they turn around. It completely befuddles me.)

Anyway. When I was pregnant with Ali four years ago, I remember seeing a very new and expensive test on the internet – a urine test to determine the baby’s gender WAY before the 18-20 week sonogram.

I was tempted then, but with little information on the accuracy of said test and such an expensive price tag, I was a good girl and waited until it was my rightful time to find out.


Since it’s been SO LONG since my last pregnancy, these tests have made their way into Walgreens, Target, and everywhere else, and at the much cheaper price of $30.

When I saw them, my first reaction was “No way – if it was wrong, I’d be completely disoriented at my sonogram.”

Plus, there was no accuracy information on outside of the box.

But I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind.

And so, when they taunted me from Target’s shelves yesterday (an aisle which I could have admittedly avoided), I couldn’t help it. I bought it.

The first thing I did was scour the instructions for the accuracy of the test.

Of course, they’re vague, saying they’re accurate but “don’t paint the nursery yet, fool!”:


So now I can’t decide.

Take the test or not?

And if I do take it, can I take it with a grain of salt and not make any “emotional investments” into the result?

And if I decide to take it, when should I take it?

It can be taken as early as 6 weeks, but they say it is most effective after 10 weeks.

I’m just afraid that if I find out that it’s wrong, I’ll feel like this:IMG_9223

Input, please.

Because I Like to Be Helpful.

You know, I try to be a helpful blogger. If someone asks me a question, I try to answer it. If someone is looking for something, I try to help them find it.

But sometimes, people ask questions of Google that lead them to my blog, where they might or might not get their question answered. So, for those that I suspect might not have found what they were looking for, I try to help answer every now and then.

The following are all Google Search terms that have led people (sometimes completely inexplicably) to my blog in the past 6 months, and my best attempts at answering their questions and/or needs…

how do i put my hair in a speed bump Well I suppose you need to start by drilling a hold into a speed bump, although waiting for a new one to be poured might be easier. Oh – and I would recommend cutting your hair off first. Still-attached hair in speed bumps can get rather…unpleasant.

how to fix a animal braclet – Seeing as how they cost $2 for a dozen, was it really even worth your time to Google that? Please, buy a new pack.

hairy wife
– Chris!!! Quit googling me!!!

“i have a strange odor in my house smells like it is coming from my appliances but it is not a natural gas smell” – My first question would be…are there any males located within the house?

how to cook crytal methamphetamine
– I’m somewhat fascinated that you could spell “methamphetamine” correctly, but not “crystal”. Also fascinated that this search led you to my blog. My recommendation: maybe try cooking green beans instead.

my snow white farm
– So…you grow Princesses with 50’s hairstyles and annoyingly chirpy voices? Do you also grow the apples to put your Snow Whites into an eternal sleep?

college male onesie –
THAT’S going to help your social life.

do you wear the scottish plaid for christmas? – There was that one Christmas…in the 80’s…when my Mom made she and I matching, shiny, Scottish Plaid skirts. But I’ve been trying to block that memory ever since. Thanks a lot.

life is a subjective thing ????????????
– Yes. And by the number of question marks you added into your search implies your shock over this fact. Believe me, I wish it weren’t true too.

person that saves his finger and toenail clippings
– That would be called a hoarder. Or my Uncle Leo, one or the other.

dolly parton in thigh high boots
– I’m pretty sure most people don’t notice her boots.

bub wit no brs –
Could you repeat the question?

how to cancel football husband
– I’m not sure I understand the question. But I like where you’re going with it.

could i be a sports physician most of my life
– I don’t see why not. But first, you might want to ask someone that knows you better than Google does.

how nasty does a cast get? – Have you ever heard of Cast Cheese?

how to get rid of nostalgia
– I could tell you how, but you’d really miss it.

i just spilled my coffee all over my floor
– I’m very sorry. And I hope Google gave you the sympathy you were searching for.

no poo nick arrojo
– I never knew that about him…interesting.

what are your thoughts regarding objectivity for a researcher when the potential for subjectivity is great?
– Um….

dangers of jumping on a soapy trampoline
– Seriously? Do you need to ask? FALLING.

– it scares me more than I can express that this one-word search can bring people to my blog. In fact, it was a bit of a trend….

  • brown bugs in my poop – I’m terribly sorry about that. But are you sure they are actually brown, or do they just appear brown due to the, uh, surrounding conditions? But your problem may have started with the problem of this next person…
  • bug in my toilet with lots of legs – I think I might have to move to another state at that point.
  • butterpoo song – Sounds….beautiful.
  • consequences of holding in poop – Hopefully not brown bugs.
  • convince spouse poop – I think that might be considered a bit overbearing. You might just want to let them handle that one in their own time.
  • how to make my daughter poop – Princess Gummies. It’s the only way.
  • constipated explosion diaper – Did you consider singing the butterpoo song? Because I bet that really would make the clean-up go a lot faster.
  • do gremlins poo? – If you believe in gremlins, then they can do whatever you want them to.
  • she don’t have poop – Lucky her.
  • toddler holding in poop and feeling cold – Or you might have the air conditioning on too high.
  • if you push too hard to potty train you become anal retentive – YOU do or your kid does? I could understand both.

Along with poop, another hot topic between Google and my blog was Mom Jeans.

  • non-mom jeans for the 50% woman – Umm….well that depends on what your other 50% is.
  • butt revealing jeans – That’s a bit on the other extreme of Mom Jeans…both are ill-advised.
  • why so much hate for mom jeans – Long Butt. That’s all I have to say.
  • can jeans be tailored so the rear isn’t saggy – So the rear isn’t saggy, or so the rear doesn’t LOOK saggy?
  • elastic waist jeans as seen on oprah show – I don’t care if Oprah has them – that doesn’t make them okay.
  • what jeans are best for an older droopy butt? – Probably not older droopy jeans.
  • why do moms get a long butt – I am SO glad I was able to help you.
  • who make mom jeans – Probably 5 year olds in China.
  • what to do when a loved one is wearing mom jeans – Well, after you finish a two-month period of mourning…
  • where can i buy grandma jeans? – Apparently on Oprah.
  • at what age should a women start wearing mom jeans – They should not.
  • a picture of a butt that has been sat on too long – What exactly do you have in mind that looks like?

And finally, a few more.

my toddler only wants to color with black crayon – I think they’ll make it through this dark time in their life. Don’t worry too much.

ugly looking female alabama fans – Oh Google. We WILL have words for this redirect to me.

kidnapped and belly button tortured – That sounds very…ticklish.

uncle clay’s pickle juice – That doesn’t even sound good to this pregnant woman. But is he related to Uncle Joe, perchance? I bet the kids at the Tot Locker just love to have their sippies filled with pickle juice.

pryncess realyty – Well, I suppose that a Princesses’ reality doesn’t have to start with spelling lessons.

“top commenter” + adult bunny costume + wordpress – Well, okay then.

Thank you, Google, as always, for the endless entertainment.

If you’d like to see the search results for your blog, sign up for Google Analytics, then check ‘em every few months. I promise that Google doesn’t even know who I am, so they certainly didn’t pay me to tell you that. I just like to be helpful.