Conquer The Caption: Week One

Conquer the Caption

Okay – I want to start a new weekly feature meme. Which means it will either bomb or be a hit.

Probably bomb, but I thought it would be fun anyway, as long as it lasts!

I think that I will ultimately land it on Fridays, but to be utterly confusing and such, I decided to do the first one on a Tuesday.

So. If you haven’t noticed, I love taking pictures and captioning those pictures. So I thought it would be fun to do it in contest form. Each week, I will put up one picture that I have taken at some point. Then it is up to you to comment in what your caption for the picture would be. And, since I will be giving no background to go with the picture, you can make up anything that your imagination desires. It can be a story, an explanation, a conversation from the people in the picture, whatever.

Then the next week at the beginning of the column, I will announce the winning caption for last week’s photo. Of course you’ll win nothing, except that you will get this cheesy little button to put on your blog:
And if you don’t have a blog, well, you can print it out and hang it on the fridge.

But of course it would get really fun if you all played along. I will have a Mr. Linky on the post each week where you can link in, and we can all go and make up captions for your picture too!

And that way I’ll get to play too, since I love captions so much.

So, let me know what you think, if you see any ways that we can improve the game, and let me know your captions for our first picture of CONQUER THE CAPTION:

Conquer The Caption Week 1 w/b
Caption Away!!!
(and yes, that is Ali.)

Since I seem to have confused everyone, here is clarification of how to participate (apparently, yes, ideas WILL bomb if you’re not clear with your instructions!!):

1. Write a caption for the picture that I post and COMMENT it on THIS post, and/or
2. Put up your OWN Conquer the Caption post with your own picture on your blog and leave your link on the Mister Linky here, and we’ll come suggest captions for your photo.

The winner I select will be for the best caption written for MY photo. If you put up a photo, you can choose the best caption for your own photo and declare them the winner.
Hope that helps!

New Studies Prove that Replacing Mom Jeans Can Result in Surgery-Free Liposuction.

In my last post on Mom Jeans, I promised to show you that it can be done – you can be an older, or more “mature” Mom and not have to wear Mom Jeans. In fact, my aim was to show that someone who already admittedly wears dreadful Mom Jeans can be miraculously transformed simply by wearing the right cut of denim.

My Mom had agreed to be my subject for this before the first post was published, but I was afraid she would back out after seeing the graphic detail that I included in my project. However, when I saw her at a family lunch the day after it posted, she told me she was ready to go the next day.

My Dad, however, was not as impressed with my post. He didn’t find it funny at all, and just said that it proved the point that “women dress for other women, not for men.”

To which my Mom quickly shot back, “Of course they do!! If we dressed for men, we couldn’t go out in public!!”. To which Mammaw (my Grandmother) chimed in, “Too true!”

You really need to experience a meal with my family. The conversations we have. . . they are too joyous for words.

I explained to my Dad in my most analytical voice that actually that is NOT true. Women dress for themselves primarily. All women really just want to “feel good” about how they look. They do, however, secondarily dress for other women, tertiarily dress for their husband, and quaternarily dress for other men.

I didn’t use tertiarily and quaternarily in my original speech, but I do love those words, even if they are improper versions of tertiary and quaternary.

So we promised to meet at the research facility the next morning.

Then I got nervous.

What if I couldn’t pull this off?

What if she hopelessly had The Dreaded Long Butt and my theories were wrong?

What if it truly was not avoidable in some cases?

Oh, the anxiety was gripping.

But I was relieved, delighted, and a wee bit shocked at the outcome of our research. So, without further ado, here is my report:

The Study of the Replacement of Mom Jeans in Moms over 50 Years Old

Hypothesis: That the condition known as “Long Butt” and proven as simply a wardrobe mistake in previous works can also be replaced with much more flattering looks even for more mature Moms, and that proper dressage in appropriate jeans can be potentially life changing.

Research Laboratory: Riverchase Galleria.

Test Subject:

Subject C: Sara.

Aliases include: Mom, Grammama, Miss Sara.

Age: 57.
Height: 5’5″.
Size: 12-14.
Mom Status: 3 Kids – ages 29, 27, and 22; 2 Grandkids – ages 2, and 9 mos.

Subject C is a self-admitted Mom Jeans wearer. After reading The Researcher’s prior research, she admitted to committing all of the cited Mom-Jean crimes. This fact changes the research methods from trying to prove a point to prevent Mom Jeaneage to actually trying to reverse the current Mom Jean situation. Which can be woefully seen in the subject’s Natural Habitat: Testing Standards: As opposed to the prior research, we did not stay only in her current size of jeans, as we are trying to fix an issue here, not just prove a point. However,regardless of how bad The Researcher would have liked to have modified the rest of her clothing to match the new jeans, they were kept the same in the name of proper research standards. Fixing everything else will have to be another test for another day.

Testing Oversight: Provided by Ali,LLP. Yes, she lost her partner, Radford. However, she DID have some help from Elaine, our fitting room associate, who can be seen in some of the pictures as well.

Here is the research team (photographed by the above mentioned Elaine), which included Ali, LLP; The Researcher; and Subject C:

Our first and most productive stop in our research was Ann Taylor. This store ended up being a perfect fit for Subject C’s body phase.

An important factor of finding the right jean is to first recognize that us as women go through many body “phases” from the time we’re 10 years old until we die. I mean, NOTHING stays the same for long, does it?

So you must be willing to try jeans at different stores until you find the one that fits your current body phase the best. Most stores cater to a specific age group, which can help steer you in the right direction, but still may not be entirely right for you. For example:

Delia’s – Typical body phase market = 12-20 years old.
Express – Typical body phase market = 15-30 years old.
– Typical body phase market = 20-35 years old.
New York & Company
Typical body phase market = 25-40 years old.
Ann Taylor
Typical body phase market = 30-50 years old.
Chico’sTypical body phase market = 45-70 years old.
Sear’s (where all Mom Jeans in previous post were tried on) – Typical
body phase market = 70-150 years old, or for anyone who just happened to time warp straight from the 1980’s.

Disclaimer: all above data is in The Researcher’s approximations, and is not information from the mentioned stores.

Back to the data. For comparison, here is the view of Subject C’s natural habitat again:
And here is the first pair of jeans (size 10) that Subject C tried on at Ann Taylor (and please forgive the flash, but The Researcher couldn’t pull Subject C away from the mirror after changing her life):YES. It’s true. Subject C DID, in fact, just lose 30 pounds and have a 50% butt shrinkage factor before your very eyes. The Researcher AND Subject C were completely floored.

Let’s point out the factors that contribute to this amazing transformation.

1. Length: This was discussed at length (no pun intended) in prior research, but this is a perfect example. Having jeans that are short give the effect of the worst, most unflattering pair of “skinny jeans” ever, because they bring all of the attention to the smallest part, ankles, giving the effect of a triangle:
Subject C was insistent that the new jeans were too long, but even though they seem long by traditional standards, the results are undeniable. Jeans that almost come to the floor dramatically lengthen the leg.

2. Leg line: This goes hand in hand with length. Besides the length being too short, the cut of Subject C’s old jeans was “tapered”. This just heightens the triangle effect. Notice that her 2 year old Granddaughter understands the importance of length AND leg line better than Subject C:
Subject C’s new length and leg line, which is “boot cut” (MAYBE the length is a quarter of an inch too long, but it would be perfect if Subject C would wear ANY KIND OF HEEL AT ALL):
2. Pocketage: I will not dwell on this point because it was belabored quite thoroughly in prior research. If you don’t know what I am referring to, PLEASE go back and get a refresher, as this is the most pivotal point of all research done.

Previous butt:New Butt:
The Researcher sincerely had NO IDEA that Subject C had such a non-Mom, curvy-and-not-flat-or-long butt under there. If this isn’t proof enough that it’s all in the pockets, then nothing is.

3. Modern cut and Detail: Notice the modern pocket stitching and the fading detail in the front. The Researcher seriously COULD NOT believe how skinny Subject C looks at this angle.
The Researcher’s husband, upon seeing this picture of his Mother-In-Law, said, “That looks like YOU, not your Mother!!”

Of which The Researcher is choosing to take the compliment that she transformed Subject C, rather than taking the insult that her husband told her that she looked like her Mother.

Final pictures of this pair, just to reiterate the point that there absolutely MUST be a bucket of 30 pounds of prior body weight sitting in the corner of that Ann Taylor dressing room:
Can you believe that butt gets free coffee at McDonalds?! She may start getting carded!

And a front view of a thoroughly shocked and excited Subject C, upon discovering the body she didn’t think she had:

The above jeans were $79, but were on sale for $39. They were purchased by The Researcher for Subject C as payment for any and all intended or implied insults in this research document. Hopefully this doesn’t violate any ethics in research clauses, but the Oversight Committee DID approve of the purchase.

The second pair of jeans we researched were the Trouser pant. The Trouser Pant is a sophisticated, modern, yet mature look for those not yet convinced of the hip leg cut illustrated above. They are more dressy, and can be done very right or very wrong.

First, done right:

Notice the flapped pocket, the still-tapered fit, and the modern wash.
The Researcher still felt that the above pair were too baggy (size 10), so she went and got Subject C a Size 8 (at which point Subject C fainted onto the floor). And although The Researcher felt that the fit was better, Subject C was quick to point out that it did, indeed, create a Muffin Top (lingo that Subject C obviously learned from The Researcher’s prior research):
So the Researcher agreed that concessions could be made for a looser fit, but only to avoid Muffin Tops.

Now, let’s look at the Trouser pant done wrong. This was at a different store (which will remain unnamed since we found nothing positive there, but we can just say it was an “Older Age Ranged Store”):
This trouser pant presents multiple problems:
1. No Shape/Too Baggy: The leg cut is more like a very poorly tailored pair of dress pants, and so they end up looking very unflattering.

2. Pocket: The flap pocket is preferred in most cases, because it draws attention away from any potentially saggy-looking lower-butt curvature. Also, if one’s shirt covers those tiny pocket entries, then it has major potential to just look like the Grandma Jean, as defined in prior research:
Here is another Trouser Pant done wrong, except in the opposite direction. These were tried on at a “Younger Age Range” store:
The wash and length were good, but the rear was too tight, which was just accentuated by, again, having no pocket flaps to detract attention from the fit.

After all of this research, the consensus was definitely that Ann Taylor was the ideal store for Subject C’s body type.

So now research has proven the Mom Jeans/Long Butt Theory both ways. Subject A and B, who didn’t wear Mom Jeans, showed that they can have a Long Butt by wearing Mom Jeans. Subject C, who has been wearing Mom Jeans for decades, has shown the immediate and dramatic improvements that come about by NOT wearing Mom Jeans.

And with that, I leave you with hot Subject C’s profile:
Who knew she was such a hot Gramamma??

In Striking Contrast to Last Weekend. . .

Last weekend we had our once-a-decade Winter Wonderland. So, true to form for Mister Alabama Winter, we had gorgeous, sunny, 70+ degrees weather this weekend.

And, since I’ve been telling about our day-to-day lives less lately, I decided that it was time to do a “this-was-our-weekend-(and a little of the week)-in-pictures” post. I used to do these all the time. . .ah, memories. . .

On Thursday, we had to go downtown to do some video recording for Pop. He took us a block away to wow Ali with one of her favorite things in the world – trains.She named them all. There was Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel. She saw a big platform and declared in wonder that it was Cranky the Crane, and another platform was the Big, Big Bridge. It was as if all of her Thomas books came alive at that very instant.
If you ever wondered what Ali looked like in complete and utter heaven, this is it:After that, we headed to Zoe’s at SoHo to eat lunch with Kitty. We were a few minutes early, so Ali wanted to run around the fountain. Which gave me a fun opportunity to practice my camera shots:
On Friday, we met a bunch of friends at the park. It was a very strange experience, because this was the first time that we’ve been to the park that I felt comfortable sitting down and letting Ali go and play wherever she wanted.

(Because I finally quit with the denial and recognized that she is plenty old enough to not nose dive off of a platform or suck on a bubble-gum-and-dirt-covered stair.)

(And I still watched her every move, but I wasn’t having to SHADOW her every move.)

Ali sensed the change also, because she would run half way to me every now and then, yell out “HEY Mommy!!”, then run back off to whatever she was doing.
Or, in some cases, stoop down so she could see me from under the bridge, yell “HEY Mommy!!”, then run back to what she was doing:
After getting good and worn out, she spent a good 30 minutes in those weird-looking-new-fangled-way-too-safety-conscious swings:
Of course I had to do away with some of that overly-safeness and shove more than one kid in them at a time. However, those swings have a MAJORLY calming effect. I’ve never seen these kids sit so still and quiet for so long.

After swinging with AJ (above) for a while, Claire joined her.
However, I got to talking to another one of the Moms while I was swinging Ali and Claire, and inadvertently committed the Ultimate Crime of Motherhood against Lydia (Claire’s Mom).

Claire fell asleep. In the swing. And I let it happen. I even caused it to happen by my all-too-lulling swinging movements. My conscience was seared with guilt and concern that I may have ruined her afternoon nap.

However, we woke her up and told her to go run around. After a napping-swinging-bonding experience, Ali and Claire were tight. So they headed off on a road trip:On Saturday, we decided to try out a new park with Daddy that we had heard about, the Leeds Memorial Park. And let me tell you – when they say on their website that they have over $100,000 of playground equipment, they aren’t lying!!! The main set was larger than every other Birmingham playground combined:
It was quite intimidating, so Ali chose to start out a bit smaller and work her way up:Of course, while never letting go of Mommy:However, her courage returned quickly, and she (and I – I pretended to be under 12 – I’m SURE it was believable) climbed to the top of the tall, tall tower:
Ali preferred to sit, for quite some time, and ponder the meaning of life down below:
And then after all that pondering, I convinced her to slide with me down a VERY steep slide. By the time this picture was taken, I was trying everything to slow down to avoid a very bad landing:
Yes, she MIGHT have gotten airborne for a minute in that picture. But we landed with me standing straight up. With a bang.

Then AJ joined us, and we had to start over small. I’m telling you, that thing is INTIMIDATING!
AJ helped Ali’s courage in sliding:
Or maybe not.
Then they both climbed to the tall, tall tower:
They were the Queens of the castle:
I haven’t seen a Merry-Go-Round in nearly 10 years, since they so rudely (and cruelly even) tore down and rebuilt the park that Chris and I fell in love at.

I’m not bitter or anything.

But luckily, AJ was bold enough to want to join me so that I didn’t look like a very out of place adult while the kids pushed me around and around:
And then it was back to one of those strange swings:
We tried to work on our big-girl swinging skills. AJ is awesome. Ali, not so sure.
And I must say, it felt SO good to be outside and SO much like spring and SO opposite of last weekend’s snow that I was happy to see that I got a nice sunburn.
Saturday evening after a late naptime, we enjoyed even more of the amazing weather (and, being that it snowed last weekend, NO mosquitoes with aforementioned amazing weather) by goofing off on the porch waiting for Daddy to get back from his long Saturday-naptime run.
I don’t know WHY she has such trouble blowing bubbles. . . maybe it’s because she tried to suck on the bubble wand a few times?
Then Daddy got home, and we were very excited, and watched very intently to be like Daddy.
After all, we needed to stretch too from all that bubble blowing!So that’s how we’ve enjoyed this amazing weather!! How about you?

Consumer Advocacy DOES work!!

Last November, I wrote this letter to the Ladybug Embassy.

I tried to be reasonable and allowed that they could swarm my house, as long as they would please pick somewhere different than their annual gathering place, my toddler’s bedroom.

Well, they have made their annual visit into a semi-annual one, but they abided by my request, and instead decided to swarm the garage!
I counted as best as I could, and there were well over 100 of them just on the garage doors this morning.

Thank you, Ladybug embassy, for respecting my wishes and choosing a MUCH more innocuous place to swarm.

Then again, maybe it was the infamous and still unsolved “Aquafina Mass Murders” that ended up taking over 200 ladybug lives that convinced you to move. . .


Due to the major problems I have been having with comments on my blog (and many, many other people have been having on their blogs but somehow Blogger isn’t recognizing it as an issue) I am switching back to the old comment system for now.

I hate it with all my being, but the only thing I hate more is for people’s comments to not get saved, so alas, I do what I must.

So now to leave a comment, depending on which screen you are on, you either click where it says “## Comments” and it will take you to the comment screen, or you can click where it says “Post a Comment” and it will take you to it.

If you have any problems leaving comments or any problems with anything in life for that matter, please please please let me know by commenting (don’t you love the impossible?) or if you can’t comment, by emailing me or commenting on my sidebar chatty thingy.

Thanks for understanding. Let me know if you have questions!

Say it Forward Friday – Bloglationships.

Hi, you!

Oh, quit looking over your shoulder – I’m talking to you.

You see, I want more than to just be a silly blog to be read.

I want bloglationships. I treasure my bloglationships.

I love knowing you, interacting with you, and you being a part of my life like I am a part of yours.

Which is why I always read and try to regularly comment on every single one my reader’s blogs if I know about them. Every one of you. I love it!

The two-way street creates two-sided relationships, which really I value as much as real and in person friendships, whether I’ve ever met you or not.

For instance, I have friends like Carol, Mama Hen (who, by the way, has a great giveaway at her blog ending tonight!!!), AmyG, AmyK, Esme and her Mommy, The Wade’s, Bethany, Jasmin, Stephanie, Steph, and Nell that I don’t know in “real life” and most likely wouldn’t ever know were it not for them commenting on my blog, and then me getting to know them by reading and commenting on theirs.

And plus, there are a number of non-bloggers that I know just from their comments, like Leanna and Mary Kate.

And then the people that I really do know live and in person – oh my goodness how much richer I feel like our friendships have become since you have begun reading my blog and I have read yours.

And I really have immensely enjoyed creating these friendships.

If I’m talking to one of you, thank you for reaching out and being my friend. Thank you for our bloglationship!

If I’m talking to someone who hasn’t yet introduced themselves or said hi, please do – whether you have a blog or not. I love new friends. I love making this blog thing a two way street and reading your blogs, and I cherish all of your comments and input more than you know.

I feel like my blog is one big family – me, Chris, Ali, and all of my readers. If it weren’t for you, I certainly wouldn’t have the motivation to do this, and to constantly strive to be better at it.

Thanks for your bloglationship.

Outfitting the Foot of a Toddler.

Toddler shoes take up way too many brain cells.

Of course, now that it’s March, Ali’s winter shoes are worn to almost having holes in them, and they look like she’s worn them non-stop for about 5 years.

Everyone keeps saying, “Wow. She needs some new shoes”, and then they look at me suspiciously, as if I may not be feeding her or giving her water either.

I bought her two pairs of summer shoes the other day, hoping that her winter shoes could make it until it was time to wear the new shoes. However, the recent snow proved otherwise, and started making me feel guiltier.

Oh yeah – that, and the fact that every time I put her shoes on her, she looks at me, and in a pitiful voice but as if she’s trying to convince herself, says, “shoes not too tight.”

So we set out to find her some new, bigger, less worn winter shoes. Which, by the way, should make summer come immediately.

However, I quickly discovered that the shoe store has been kidnapped by the same decade that took over Target.

Yup, the 80’s.

It was bad.

My choices were limited to go with Converse All-Stars, in HOT PINK, as if it wasn’t obvious that they were remnants of a past time already:
Or the more preppy-80’s look of K-Swiss’. Comes with a size 2T tennis skirt for free!
I know, I know, I know it’s CUTE to see miniature versions of stuff we grew up with, but SERIOUSLY, have we not had enough of this decade already??!! Let’s not scar our children like this!! Just because we were scarred doesn’t mean that we need to do the same to them!!

So we headed to another store.

At the next store, the only thing that I found that I remotely liked was too “color heavy” – it wouldn’t have matched everything, or really much of anything.

Until I found the clearance.

And I found a pair of shoes almost exactly like her old ones – but a different brand!! All the way down to the diamonds on each size. Some factory in China is apparently making all shoes but just putting different names on them.

They were so similar, yet subtly different, that they reminded me of a “What’s different in these two pictures??” Puzzle:

Now I love her old shoes, but it seems silly to replace them with the same thing. But they did match everything. But the same shoe?!?! How boring. Oh, the troubles of a Mom dressing a fashionista of a child.

I caved and bought the same shoes.

When she gets realizes what I did, I’m sure that Ali The Accessory Queen will never forgive me.

Later on, after all of this shoe shopping, Ali told me, “your foot hurting!!”

I took off her shoe and sock, and found that during the trying on of shoes, she managed to get a few strands of long, dark hair wrapped and tangled around her second toe.

I have NO idea where that long, dark hair came from.

So I started tugging at it, but it was super tight, so it just made it hurt more. She whined, but always being a positive thinker, said in a hopeful voice, “OTHER foot feels better now!!”

Which proved that my Dad’s logic was right. He always told me to bite my other hand or foot or whatever if I complained about something hurting.

For Those That I Scared Off Last Week. . .and Other Stuff.

Okay, I know that last week was a bit overwhelming. It certainly was for me!! There was almost too much going on, and I had a few readers tell me that they totally got lost amidst all of the contests and posts and in general craziness.

And anytime I have a crazy-hectic week, I like doing a recap post, just for my own anal-retentive need to be organized and gather my brain from the four winds.

So, for those of you who haven’t yet entered the contests because there were just TOO MANY, here are links to them:

1. Personalized Labels by Mabel’s Labels – $18.50 Value
2. Ted Dekker’s Circle Trilogy (novels) – $50 Value
3. Custom Blog Design by Doodlebug Designs- over $100 Value
4. Handmade, Designer Pottery by Tena Payne of Earthborn Studios – $130 Value
5. Six Week Pottery Lessons (Birmingham and surrounding area) by Cahaba Clay Works – $175 Value
6. Gorgeous and Stylish Handmade Bracelet by Greta– $20 Value
7. Gorgeous and Unique Handmade Earrings by Greta– $16 Value

On each post, you comment to enter. However, there are many more ways to get extra entries – details can be found here.

And, if you missed out on any other posts last week due to the traffic jam of giveaway posts, here’s what else I wrote about:

1. Mommy Scouts: A somewhat silly (yet half serious) post about having a Mommy Scouts program where we can earn badges for the crazy stuff that we have to do as moms to help out our need for affirmation.

2. Normative Immutability: Ali’s latest attempt to learn big “Church” words.

3. That was NOT Your Happy Heart: Crazy out-to-eat-at-a-fancy-restaurant-with-a-two-year-old-what-were-we-thinking story.

4. Wordless Wednesday: Ali and AJ

5. In Which We Had a Jack-Bauer-Like Adventure: Chris and my crazy adventures on conning our ways onto the roof of a 700 foot downtown Atlanta building.

6. Toddler Tips: My anniversary post and the sequel to Baby Tips. All of the crazy “should not’s” that I have pictures of my child doing in the past year. Also on this post is a Mr. Linky so that you can participate (and get more entries into the contests) – be sure and check out the posts already linked in by others – they are hilarious!!

Also, I’d like to thank my top commenters of February. Now I know that usually I shower you with gifts of appreciation (or one very small gift card) and have a giveaway for all of my readers, but I (and, I believe you,) am GIVEAWAYED OUT.

So, I think that I will just give all eleven (there was a tie) of you two extra entries into each contest that you entered (or that you do enter before the contest deadlines of March 16th).

Because that’s what I’ve got to give.

So, my outpouring of gratitude this month goes to (in alphabetical order):
1. Amy G.
2. Amy Wade
3. Ann Marie
4. Carol
5. Gina
6. Jaci
7. Jennifer W.
8. Kitty
9. Leanna
10. Mama Hen
11. Mary Kate

Thank you all sooooo much!!

Finally, an exciting family announcement: Ali’s new baby cousin is now known!! Is it a boy or a girl??? Go here to find out!! And be sure to congratulate them!!!

Wordless Wednesday: This is How We Do It – Eating Vegetable Soup.

Ali will eat ANYTHING in the world as long as I’m not spooning it into her mouth.

If she can pick it up or eat it with a fork, she’ll eat it.

So when we had a whole lot of vegetable soup leftovers from Mom’s birthday lunch, we had to find a way to get her to eat them.

So Chris invented “soup goodies”.
She Loved It.

If you’re visiting from 5 Minutes for Mom and have a minute to stick around, don’t miss out on a couple pointers surrounded by mostly laughs (at my butt’s expense) in my Mom Jeans and the Dreaded “Long Butt” post!

Check out my other Wordless Wednesday at B-Sides.
Check out everyone else’s at 5 Minutes for Mom

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win. . .

. . .Yes, I actually just quoted Shakespeare. It’s okay, you don’t have to clap.

My child is two years and two months old.

She still sleeps with a paci. She ONLY gets it for sleep – and has since 9 months old. However, I’ve been feeling guilty about her still having it at all for a while, and have been prepping myself and especially my sensitive and high-on-mercy hubby to take it away from her.

I planned to do it on a Monday, to maximize time to get used to it before going to sleep on a Thursday away from home at small group, and the rest of the out-of-routine weekend.

So 4 Mondays ago, I brought it up, but hubby told me it was too sudden. That I needed to take away her second paci first (you know, the one she holds in her hand). I submitted, and she didn’t mind.

3 Mondays ago, it was still too sudden.

2 Mondays ago, hubby suggested I try it at naptime first. Luckily, enough people (2) had told me that wasn’t a good idea, so I was able to tell him “everyone says to try it at bedtime first”. He accepted, but said not this week.

1 Monday ago, hubby said he needed more notice beforehand.

I gave him notice this Sunday night. He acknowledged that he was given notice.

I almost forgot last night but remembered right before I put her to bed, but conveniently after hubby left the room. I told her, “Do you want to be a big girl tonight?”

Lit up eyes. “Big girl!!!”.

“Big girls sleep with no pacis!!”

She didn’t object. I put her in her bed, and she started feeling around. “I want a paci!!”.

“But you’re a big girl and big girls sleep without pacis.”

She laid back down but then lifted her head to watch me leave the room, which she doesn’t usually do.

Went to sleep happy, with no problem.

Or at least she did.

I, on the other hand, had second thoughts.

A couple hours after bedtime, I started missing the paci.

I missed the cuteness, the ability to quickly bring her comfort, the availability to give her a paci on a car trip and her to know immediately that it’s time to go nite-nite in the car, our conversations about paci, the way she removed her paci every night before giving me a kiss, I missed it all.

Why am I taking away her paci again? Because it was all I could do to keep from running into her room, waking her up, and begging her to take me the paci back.