Today is my day to jump back into life with two feet. . . although my jumping abilities are still a bit awkward.
My pain level has lessened a good deal, but my belly still looks like I was in a battlezone and is swollen in such a way as to make me look like I gained 20 pounds over the weekend. And of course my stamina level is still lower than the OSHA minimum energy requirements to keep up with a one-and-a-half-year-old.
Ali has been looking at me oddly from every direction, trying to figure out why I’m not her usual energetic Mommy:Ali and I headed up to work today to pick up stuff so that I can hopefully catch up for my two missed days during Ali’s nap, and I’m sure I made a sight – wearing pants two sizes too big (one size to compensate for the swelling and one size to compensate for my gag reflex at anything binding on my belly), and attempting to retract and insert a 26 pound child in and out of her carseat without having her knees digging into my stomach.
One thing is for sure – no one was whispering that they really suspected that I got liposuction instead of having my gall bladder removed. No, that is pretty obviously not the case. Although if my belly doesn’t get back to supporting itself, people might start whispering that I NEED liposuction. I’m certainly starting to feel that way myself.
Also, I’ve not taken any pain medicine today for obvious reasons – Vicodin doesn’t mix well with driving and caring for a toddler. Nor does the anti-nausea medicine that has to accompany it. However, I am having a bit of trouble putting my words together in this post now, so Jennifer, maybe it was the pain PILLS, and not the pain, that you thought made me a better blogger ;). Maybe I’m like Dr. House – he’s supposedly a better doctor on Vicodin, maybe I’m a better blogger on Vicodin.
However, if that is the case, the world will never know.
Speaking of Doctors, here is Doctor Ali, insisting on taking a look at her patient: