We finally manned up as parents and decided that it is time to take our ALMOST THREE YEAR OLD out of her crib.
(Pause to let the gasps of horror echo dramatically.)
I know, I know – we should have done it long ago. But:
a) she LOVES her crib – so why rock the boat?
b) We have hardwood stairs, so we wanted to make sure to wait until we didn’t have to worry about her going down them if she got up in the middle of the night, and
c) there hasn’t been a younger sibling to kick her out of the crib, which is pretty much the default reason that everyone I know transitions their kids to beds.
So. Ali and I went shopping for Big Girl Beds yesterday.
But I’m afraid taking her with me on this shopping excursion might have set me up to be quite the disappointment as a big-girl-bed-providing-mother.
Because her attention went straight for beds like the enchanted pumpkin carriage bed:
(Her argument, of course, was that if she slept in the magical pumpkin which took Cinderella to the dreamy ball in her pretty blue dress which “The prince didn’t tear off of her, did he, Momma?”, she’d most definitely quit having those recurring nightmares* about the sisters tearing Cinderella’s pretty PINK dress off. I MEAN – how could you have bad dreams in THIS bed, Mom?!?!)
My argument, however, is that no sixteen year old girl still wants to be sleeping in a carriage bed, so it seems rather impractical to buy, despite the potential bad dream removal.
*And yes, she’s STILL dreaming about all that. She woke up screaming a few times the other night, and then the next day, she informed my friend Nikki, “We’re NOT going to talk about Cinderella at lunch today.”
Anyway. Back to the beds that my daughter will never get.
She especially liked the playhouse-with-a-slide bed:
Seriously – what kid would actually SLEEP when they had a slide hooked up to their bed?!?!
And just about as sleep-inducing of a bed named by Ali as “The House Bed”:
I WOULD say that they make these beds for older kids that would still lay down and go to sleep responsibly even when faced with endless entertainment (ha), but the tunnel on this one is barely big enough for Ali to squeeze through, so apparently, some toddler somewhere will actually REST in a bed like this.
Or not, and some Mom somewhere is beating her head against the wall, saying “Why oh WHY DID I BUY THEM A BED THAT THEY CAN PLAY IN!?!?!??!”
Of course, if Daddy had been with us, he’d have tried to talk Ali into this bed:I know – ONLY in Alabama could football passions run so deeply. Yeesh.
At any rate, I am afraid that I have set Ali up to think of this when I say “Big Girl Bed”,
And she’s going to be sorely disappointed when she gets something more along the lines of this:
Unless her Daddy reads this post. At which point he will melt in all of his Daddy-wrapped-around-his-little-girl’s-finger softness, and will go buy her that crazily impractical carriage bed.