I wrote a post at the beginning of the year called Mommy Scouts. The concept has stuck with me throughout the year and has helped me laugh during moments I might not have normally been able to – reminding myself that it’s all worth it because I’m earning my merit badges.
For a refresher, here was my idea:
We get to earn Merit Badges as we experience facets or overcome obstacles of Mommyhood. Because admit it – we’re all proud of what we’ve overcome in this crazy job, and we like wearing them like honors on our sleeves anyway, so we might as well have the pretty stitched badges.
Maybe we could sew them on our diaper bags.
Or sew them over the baby puke spots on our shirts.
So, to celebrate a year well done, I am officially announcing the
First Annual Mommy Scouts Awards!!!
Let’s start with the childbearing awards.
Lydia and Amanda – I had my fourth child when my oldest was under six Merit Badge.
Julie – I had my FIFTH child when my oldest was under six Merit Badge.
Natalie – I’m pregnant with number six, all still under six Merit Badge.
Lindsay – I had my second child before my first was 15 months old Merit Badge.
I salute these women for earning badges that I will most likely never be brave enough to earn.
Here are the Health-Related Merit Badge Awards:
Shelly M – My kid broke their femur and I had to carry them around in a full leg cast for months and right after he healed, my husband broke his back Merit Badge.
…I seriously don’t know how she survived that.
Ashley – I survived my entire pregnancy with a horrible sinus infection that couldn’t be treated aggressively enough because I was pregnant Merit Badge.
…AND she sang several full length concerts with Red Mountain WHILE sick!
Amy Wade – I was a mother to my child AND my husband due to his extreme injury prone-ness Merit Badge.
I feel like I owe your husband an apology for all of the times I laughed at his hysterical injuries through the year.
Now for the travel Merit Badge Awards:
Christie and Hannah – I moved across the country with two children Merit Badge. I don’t ever want to move again AT ALL – let alone out of state. *shivers*
This is the Day – I took a multi-week road trip without my husband, while still-in-the-nauseous-stage-of-pregnant, AND with a toddler in tow Merit Badge.
Barkley – I flew 12 hours with my one year old and survived the resulting toddler jet lag Merit Badge.
And finally, the ultimate travel merit badge goes to:
Christen – I traveled to see my in-laws three states away for 10 days with a toddler and newborn in tow, WHILE my husband was gone on a fishing trip, AND while in the middle of moving Merit Badge.Seriously, I would have just died at the “my husband is gone 10 days” part – let alone the rest.
Next Category: There’s Alternatives to Violence Merit Badges:
Marie – I witnessed other children being very mean to my child and managed to NOT strangle other said children Merit Badge.
If you ever find yourself in this situation again, just call me – I’ll take care of them so you don’t have to lose your merit badge.
Blue Violet – I didn’t torture and then slowly kill my daughter’s boyfriend when he broke her heart Merit Badge.
Nikki – I discovered a strategy – Mommy Money – to make it through the get-to-school-in-a-hurry mornings without ANY whining Merit Badge.
And now for the just-plain-uncategorizable Merit Badges:
Lianne – I ripped my pants on my own birthday and went around all day celebrating said birthday with said ripped pants and my kids never told me – but I still love them anyway Merit Badge.
My favorite part of this story was that you didn’t even realize they were ripped … until you looked at the pictures. That is just awesome.
Mama Hen – I’m such a cool Mom that I let all four of my children help me make homemade jelly Merit Badge.
Rachel K – I faithfully supported my son through his whole football season – of continually losing. Merit Badge.
Jennifer – I starred in the Church Christmas play while all of my kids were sick Merit Badge.
Trina – I survived my child’s fear-of-her-room-and-insisting-on-sleeping-with-me Phase Merit Badge
Rachel Robinson – I went to college while being a Mommy AND made the President’s List Merit Badge.
Carol – I survived all year using Europeanly small laundry appliances with FIVE KIDS Merit Badge
My Mom – I willingly kept all of my Grandchildren repeatedly, as well as up to seven other children ALL AT ONCE Merit Badge.
Greta – I’ve been stalked by that freaky kid at the pool because I was pregnant. Again and Again. Merit Badge.
And, because I’m writing the rules, I have to give one to myself – I earned it fair and square: I survived a poo + public restroom + no wet wipes or diapers incident Merit Badge.
And that concludes the 2009 First Annual Mommy Scouts Merit Badges Awards!!
To the Awardees: Feel free to copy the top badge and/or your Award badge and use it as you please (although all badges are really from Boy Scouts of America or Girl Scouts of America, so I probably don’t have the right to tell you that – oops!).
To those I didn’t award – please understand – If I’ve left you out, don’t feel bad – I’m throwing this post together as fast as I can between holiday events. However, I officially award each one of the rest of you Mommies one Mommy Scout Merit Badge of any kind. What did you earn yours for this year?