
Welcome to the final stretch of your stay in GestationLand!!!

Requiring a nine-month stay, GestationLand is a theme park that may get you treated like a Princess, but guarantees that you won’t feel like one!!

By this time, you’ve already ridden on many of the thrill rides that the park has to offer, including:

  • The Puking Pitfalls
  • Foodophobia Fantasy Land
  • Sleep Deprivation Pinball Slam
  • Pee Splash Mountain
  • Reflux Roller Coaster
  • Brain Blank Riverbank
  • Rib Kick Railroad

Now, if you can only make it through a few weeks of constantly riding on the Contraction Cyclone followed by Labor Longer Lighthouse and the Recovery Haunted Mansion where you will experience the Nightmarish Jelly Belly Syndrome, you might be able to leave our theme park in one piece!!

And, the added fun of being in this theme park is that your stay will create to the absolute most glamorous part of your life!  After being here for a few months, you have …

  • The Bodily functions of a 500 pound man,
  • The snoring capabilities of a bear halfway through hibernation,
  • The dietary fiber needs of an 88 year old lady,
  • The Emotional Well-Being of a 14 year old girl,
  • The flexibility of wearing a full-body-cast,
  • The speed of the love-child of a sloth and a turtle, and
  • The energy of a dead and eroded battery.

What’s that?

No, you can’t leave early.

No, you can’t get off this ride.

No, we don’t offer Fast Passes.

No, all arms and legs, both yours and your baby’s, must stay inside the ride at all times.

And yes, the minute you leave GestationLand, you will be escorted straight into SleeplessScreamingNewbornWorld!!!  Two parks for the price of one!!!

…But don’t worry, you’ll have a long, glorious break until Six Flags over Teenage Hormones!!

Our Favorite Christmas Set – And a Giveaway!

A couple of years ago, our dear friend Lydia gave us an amazing Christmas Nativity and Storybook that has become the most beloved piece of our Christmas collection – What God Wants for Christmas:

The set comes with seven gift boxes, each holding a character from the Christmas story (except for the last one), a nativity scene to put all of the characters in, and a storybook that narrates in poetry form as you open the boxes.

Ali absolutely LOVES this set, and I am currently asked to read it to her (while she opens the boxes) at least three times a day, let alone all of the time she spends playing with the characters and boxes on her own.

The story goes through each character and how they fit into the Christmas story, all along hinting that in box number seven, we’ll find out what God wants for Christmas.

When you get to box seven, there’s no figurine in it – just a mirror in the bottom of the box.  It then talks about how God wants us for Christmas and presents the gospel in a way that kids can easily understand.

The book alone is a wonderful treasure, but the boxes and figurines really make it come alive and fun for kids in a brilliant way!

Ali has already spent countless hours unpacking all of the boxes and placing the characters on the nativity scene,


Examining herself out in the mirror at the bottom of box number seven and telling me excitedly that “God wants ME for Christmas!!”,


And then, because I guess even angels need to check their hair every now and then, setting the mirror up by the side of the Nativity scene, and matter-of-factly informing me that “That’s so that they can see themselves.”


After that, she has to line all the boxes up in numerical order (“Except for box number seven, because they still need to see themselves”),


And then her uber-organized life dreams are fulfilled!

At any rate, this set has been invaluable in helping us focus on the Christmas Story and in giving Ali an awesome Christmas Nativity set of her own to play with.  And I love how it ties the concepts of presents in with the Christmas story – how Jesus is a present for us, and we are a present for God.  It’s a wonderful way make Christmas make sense to kids!

Since I love this set so much, I wanted to share it with you guys, and the company that created it, Family Life, offered to send me FIVE sets to give away to you!

And, with one of the sets, for the Grand Prize, they’re also sending along another gift, “The Ultimate Christmas Party”, which isn’t available for sale but only for giveaways.  It’s a cookie tin that includes a booklet for planning and recipes, 8 “What God Wants for Christmas” mirrors, 8 printed postcard invitations, 9 Christmas tracts for children, 6 nativity cookie cutters, and 8 bonus favors.

ultimate christmas party

It would be an awesome excuse to have a kid-centered-Christmas get-together!

If you would like to win one of four “What God Wants for Christmas” sets or the grand prize of “What God Wants for Christmas” Plus “The Ultimate Christmas Party”, simply comment here to win!

Since I want to try my absolute best to get the winner’s sets to them before Christmas, the giveaway time limit is shorter than usual – this giveaway will be open until Wednesday, December 8th, and I will announce the winners on my giveaway winners page on Thursday, December 9th.  If you win, be sure to email me back quickly so that I can get your set out to you!

You can get up to three extra entries if you:

  • Tweet, blog, OR Facebook about this giveaway
  • Subscribe to OR Follow my blog
  • Follow me on Twitter OR Facebook

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

If you want to purchase this set, they’re available on Family Life’s website, or you should be able to find them at your local Christian Bookstore.

Disclosure: I was not compensated in any way to tell you about this product or run this giveaway.  I wanted to share this product with you because it is very special to us.  Obviously, my opinions are always my own, and Ali’s opinions are most CERTAINLY always her own.

A Worthy Addition for Your Christmas Wish List.

Do you love hiking, but just feel so un-sexy when you wear tennis shoes?

Or do you have a hangover-from-the-early-90’s-love for Teva Sandals that is so strong that you wish you could wear your 20-year-old-with-the-frayed-edges-favorite-sandals to weddings?

Or have you just always just had a keen desire to wear thick, wool, hiking socks with stiletto heels?

If one or all of these are true for you, then you’re going to be thrilled: for a mere $330, all of your dreams and wishes can come true, thanks to a fabulous new product, released just in time for you to beg for them for Christmas!

Yes, you can now make your feet smile with Teva Stiletto Hiking Sandals.



(Did I already mention that?)

Meant to be worn with, yes, awesomely stylish thick wool socks pulled up and then scrunched in a way that makes me misty-eyed-sentimental for my Timberland Boots of the 8th grade, these shoes will definitely take you places on the hiking trails.

(Some of those places include ravines, canyons, and on-your-butt-sitting-on-the-rocky-trailbed, but it’s places, all right.)

But no matter where you end up on your adventures in these awesomely bad stilettos, rest assured that they will take you there in the most sexy manner possible.


Because really, there’s nothing that impresses a man more than seeing a girl attempting to hobble in stiletto heels on ground not made for stiletto heels.

(After all, I have spent many seasons of football amusing myself by watching college students do just that – and that’s WITHOUT the hiking trails to complicate matters.)

But these shoes aren’t just for hiking – they’re for looking your best while gardening…

(I fully expect to see these in the gardens of the stars of TLC’s upcoming new hit, Bama Belles, aka The Real Housewives of Dothan, Alabama.)

And these shoes are ideal for heavy home renovations.

…especially looking awesomely stylish when paired with a dirty towel atop your head.HikingStiletto7
Oh – and so that none of you sue me for misleading advertising, I can’t forget to mention the disclaimer that comes with these shoes:

*Not recommended for actual hiking, gardening, mountain climbing, or Phish concerts.”

So there you have it.  I hope that I have made your Christmas list complete, and on Christmas morning, you will be well on your way to the most skanky sexy hiking trip EVER.

Thanks so much to ABDMama for sending me the link to these shoes!

Guess Noah’s Landing!

What’s the fun in the unexpectedness of a baby arrival without a good, legal “guessing” pool to go with it?

Especially since we have long-standing family tradition over here of letting our children be involved in gambling activities.

(Waiting for the State Bingo Lynch Mob to knock down my door and raid my house and seize my computer at ANY MOMENT.)

(Sorry if you’re not from Alabama and that makes no sense to you.)

Plus, it’s your opportunity to get on my good side by guessing early.  Remember – this baby is certainly coming out at ANY second.  Surely before I finish writing this blog post.

(Maybe if enough people guess early, the power of suggestion will overcome Noah with guilt over his uncomfortable stay and he will decide to come on out and meet everyone…right?)

(Yes, logic does indeed totally go out the window in the last three weeks of pregnancy.)

Here are the facts that you will need to make your educated guess:

Actual Due Date: December 27th.

Eviction Date (by C-Section, since Ali was a C): December 20th, 8:15 A.M. – I think I might get a countdown timer and put it on my cell phone.

If he decides to come early: (YES!YES!YES!) I’m totally willing to try a VBAC (“regular” birth after C-Section) if possible.

Progress in the Labor Preporatorial Department (TMI Warning: male readers may want to skip to the next fact): I had my appointment today, and on my official Pregnant Woman White Card that I am required to carry with me at all times, my doctor logged my current dilation in as “TTFT”.

Which, in the most sophisticated of medical measurements, is the abbreviation for “Tight, Tight Fingertip.”

(As my Mother faints to the floor that I just wrote that.)

Isn’t pregnancy just the most dignified and glamorous time of life?

At any rate, I’m pretty sure that was just his way of being somewhat optimistic that SOMETHING was happening (I believe his exact words were “You’re TRYING to dilate!”).  Besides that, I’m 50% effaced.

(Male Readers may resume reading at this time.)

Contractions: Nearly constantly for weeks.  Some more painful than others.  Only making me TRY to dilate, apparently.  Darn useless contractions.

Ali’s facts: Was due January 6th, induced January 8th, weighed in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces.

So: Your job is to guess the delivery date (yes, you can guess that he waits until his eviction date, but I probably won’t like you as much anymore), and weight.

HIS weight, not mine, thankyouverymuch.

The guesser with the closest percentage of rightness in both categories (I’m sure Excel will be GLAD to geekily help me come up with a formula to determine such) will win a $30 Gift Card to one of my favorite places of your choice:

1. The Bright Star (if you’re local),
2., or
3. Target (if you’re generic and bland).

Your guesses have to be in by Monday, December 6th (or before he’s born, whichever comes first), to be included in the prize pool, so start guessing!!

And in the meantime, I am going into full-force labor-inducing mode.  After all, my doctor said he really wanted to see me back, in labor, before my appointment next week.

And I’m a people pleaser, after all.

So feel free to tell me labor-inducing techniques that worked for you along with your guess.  Because if I’M sick of all of my pregnancy blog posts, I’m SURE that you are.

The Coping Mechanisms of the Extraordinarily Pregnant.

I’m SO done.

Well, I’d like to think that I was, except for the fact that my dang belly button won’t pop out in a turkey-timer like fashion, announcing “ding! ding!! You’re done!!!”.  Instead, it’s just shrunk to a freakishly-pin-sized hole that looks even freakishly smaller than it already freakishly is, seeing as how it is set on my freakishly oh-so-done-large belly.

Which makes me quite jealous of pregnant women with cute pokey-outey belly buttons.  And so I often point out this unfairness.

To which they say, “Why would you want your belly button to pop out?? They just look like a nipple in the middle of your abdomen!!”

To which I have no response.

At any rate, belly-button-appearance aside, I’m done.  The pain, both from contractions and from just being this pregnant, is getting increasingly unbearable. 

I “only” have twenty days to go until guaranteed eviction, but if you ever feel like your life is flying past you at breakneck speeds, just be twenty days away from giving birth – it might as well be a thousand lifetimes of being forced to read whiny-pregnant-lady-blog-posts.

In fact, the last ten weeks of pregnancy have very distinct stages of coping with reality.

30 Weeks – So excited that very soon, you’ll be out of the double digits of weeks left – birth feels so close!!!

31 Weeks – Blissfully thrilled to be in single digits.  In no time, you’ll be popping out that baby and done with the pregnancy part.  And, after all, it hasn’t been SO bad, so nine more weeks is TOTALLY doable.

32 Weeks – Not as thrilled.  Eight weeks sure seems longer than nine weeks did.  Wishing for an eight week hibernation.

33 Weeks – Desperation and denial.  Seven weeks is an impossibly long time.  How could this go so slowly??

34 Weeks – Wondering if there are any nursing homes that would lend you a bed for a few weeks.

35 Weeks – A very important week: Thus begins the denial of The Reality that it probably wouldn’t be best to deliver at this point, and so starting the process of believing that your baby could come at any second from here on out. 

Because really, the belief that it could happen any second is the only saving grace to your sanity once you get within 5 weeks.

36 Weeks – The Daily Prayers begin – begging of God for water breakage.

37 Weeks – Bargaining with God.  Promising Him that you will raise the most Godly child ever in existence – if only He will let you start training that child, outside the womb, RIGHT NOW.

38 Weeks – Mall walking, trampolining, stair-stepping, and other such “active pursuits”, despite the near impossibility of such at this point, become daily activities – anything, anything, ANYTHING to move things along.

Also, bargaining with and attempted bribery of your doctor MIGHT happen during this week.

39 Weeks – Internet searches on all of the possible labor inducing tactics and old wives’ tales commence.  You start weighing the safety of trying them all at once, continuously, for an entire day.

40 Weeks – Shock and disappointment that it didn’t happen ANY SECOND five weeks ago like you MOST CERTAINLY knew it would. 

41 Weeks – Bargaining with the devil.  Or so I’ve heard.  I’m certainly not brave enough to ever make it to this week.

But at this moment, my coping mechanism of choice is the Any Second Mechanism.

No coping mechanisms past 36 weeks will matter, because I fully plan on my water breaking before I finish typing this sentence.

Okay – maybe before I finish this blog post.

At any rate, it’s about to happen.

It HAS to.

Because this just can’t go on any further.

The Physics of the Universe just wouldn’t allow it.

What’s that popping sound??  Is that my belly-button-turkey-timer??

I’ll Have a Presidential Christmas…

We have a new Christmas store in our mall this year, and it has every type of Christmas ornament that you could ever desire.

And so, for a three year old little girl who absolutely adores Christmas, it’s the funnest toy store in the whole mall.

But despite the glittery fairies and the pink princesses and the Doras and Diegos, there’s always one ornament display that Ali looks for before any of the others… she’s absolutely obsessed with the Barack Obama ornaments.


I’m not sure if she prefers the sparkly gold ball ones or the jingly bell ones (in case you’re wondering which to buy her), but she’s definitely a fan.

And really, what is a more classy way to celebrate your president than sticking an overly goofily-toothy grinning bust of him atop a bell, and hanging it on a slowly dying tree?

Personal political feelings aside, I really feel sorry for Barack every time we visit him in all his bellish glory.

But, as bad as those are, I’ve noticed a startling trend this Christmas… poor Barack is being sold on everything and in every form.

I don’t remember this type presidential gifts in the past, other than a set of rather distasteful Bill and Hillary figurines, but really, Bill more-than-kinda brought that ridicule on himself.

But Obama – there’s something about him that’s really gotten ahold of the merchandise hockers.  And, since politicians have no rights over their images like the rest of us (I guess due to that whole free speech thing), there’s really nothing he can do but join in.

..Which makes me think that there’s a Christmas tree somewhere in the White House decorated with nothing but ObamaBells.

At any rate, since ObamaGifting is apparently the thing this year, I figured that SOMEONE needed to offer an Obama Gift Guide, and so that’s what I’m here to do.

The following is a countdown of my FAVORITE Obama items (aside from the ornaments above, of course), all of which can be found on Amazon, if you are so inclined to purchase..

10.  Obama Action Figures.

These come in a variety of options, including the standard, serious one,


The gold-suited “Inaugural Edition” (which, according to it’s description, “has eight points of articulation”.  I’m not even sure what that means),


(It would have been pretty cool if he’d worn a gold suit to his inauguration, but alas…)

Or the square-headed one, coming in both personalities: President Obama and Super Obama:ObamaSuperObama

9.  The Obama “Change” Bank.


…So that you can see for yourself all of the change that Obama can contain in that head of his.

8. The WWOD (What Would Obama Do) Answer Card.

…in case your Magic 8 Ball finally gave out.

7. The Ukelele-Playin’ Bobble-Headin’ Dashboard Doll.

I’m pretty sure they fashioned this doll after some of the pictures from Barack’s Hawaiian vacation a while back, but, based on the tabloid pictures, I was almost SURE he had his shirt off that entire vacation, so I’m not positive…

6. The Obama Jedi Knight.

In case you were hoping to tell what side he was on based on the color of his lightsaber, good luck – it’s purple:

5. Obama Paper Dolls.

You can get the very formal Campaign Edition,


The little-known Cowboy-Rap Artist persona of Obama,


Or, my favorite, the Barack and Michelle set – which starts ‘em out in their skivvies like ALL proper paper dolls.


4. The Obama Family Nesting Dolls.

This is the gift to get if you’re looking for the classiest (ahem, most expensive at $60) ObamaGift.  These are made in Russia in traditional nesting doll format, and my favorite part is that they even included The Dog as the centermost soul of the Obama Nest:


3. The Obama Rubber Ducky.

but lest you think that duck-nose is the most offensive defamation of our President’s face, there’s always….

2. Obama Toilet Paper.


Is the Thumbs up really necessary?

And, finally, my favorite Obama Gift of the Season…

1. The Obama Chia Pet.

Which can, much to my delight, be bought in two options.

“The Determined”:


And, “The Happy”:

And if that expression is any indication, I think I have a pretty good guess as to what herb is growing out of “The Happy’s” head.

Happy Shopping, and may your tree be full of ObamaBells.

Black Friday Giveaways – EZ Sox!

I hope, for your sake, that your kid isn’t nearly as opposed to putting on their own clothes as mine is.  Ali is just not a fan – apparently I do a much better job at it than she does.

I’ve made some progress with her, but there are still a few items of clothing that she struggles with – like shirts and socks.

So anything that can help me win the battle of not having to dress her is awesome.  And EZ Sox are a great solution!

EZ Sox are a training sock (which actually makes a lot more sense than a training bra – I never quite figured out what, exactly, those bras were training) for kids from ages 2-5.  They have loops on the side to help kids pull them up, and fun faces on the front to help them know how to put them on:


Aren’t they adorable? And, thankfully, they have skid-proof writing on the bottom to help with slippery floors.  I was extraordinarily frustrated this year that Ali has apparently grown out of most brands of skid-proof socks – which isn’t cool since we have hardwoods!

They sent Ali a pair to try out, and I handed them to her to figure out on her own.  She had them on in half a second!


…And, of course, loved the look of them!


If you’d like to win a pair of your choosing of these cute and useful socks, EZ Sox has offered to give away their awesome socks to two lucky people!!  Just comment on this post to be entered.

You can get up to four extra entries by:

  • Following EZ Sox on Facebook or Twitter
  • Tweet, blog, OR Facebook about this giveaway
  • Subscribe to OR Follow my blog
  • Follow me on Twitter OR Facebook

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

Best of luck! This giveaway is open until Monday, December 6th. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, December 7th.

Disclosure: I received review items for the purposes of writing this post, but I received no other compensation for this giveaway. My opinions are always my own.

Black Friday Giveaways – Dreamy Eyes!

I’m back with more Black Friday giveaway fun! After all, isn’t it more fun to win things from the comfort of your computer chair than to have to drag yourself out of bed, fight the mobs, and get to the stores just in time to miss the last doorbuster item??  That’s what I thought.

I have an adorable stuffed animal from the “Dreamy Eyes” collection from Aurora World to give away:

DreamyEyes2 DreamyEyes1

These animals are perfectly endearing with their big eyes and soft fur… and so cuddly!! Ali got a lamb and a dog to review, and although she usually makes new “friends” go through a trial period of warming up before they make it into her prized rotation of favorites, these immediately got named (Luv E. Lamb and Pluto, if you’re wondering) became her two absolute favorite friends, and MUST be in bed with her every time she lays down.

…And I find them pretty cute, too!

Errr, not that I’d ever cuddle with her stuffed animals.  Ahem.


If you’d like to win a randomly selected Dreamy Eyes friend, simply comment on the post to be entered!

You can get up to four extra entries by:

  • Following Aurora World on Facebook
  • Tweet, blog, OR Facebook about this giveaway
  • Subscribe to OR Follow my blog
  • Follow me on Twitter OR Facebook

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

Best of luck! This giveaway is open until Monday, December 6th. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, December 7th.

Disclosure: I received review items for the purposes of writing this post, but I received no other compensation for this giveaway. My opinions are always my own.

Black Friday Giveaways – Cradle Rock CD’s!

Since I will be having a new baby sometime before Christmas actually arrives, I’m starting my usual panic attack planning for Christmas shopping early this year. I’m hoping I can get it all done before I’m terribly uncomfortable, but really, it’s already too late for that.

WAY too late.

However, I’ve got a few fun products to introduce and give away to you people that might help with your own Christmas planning, so I decided to have a few Black Friday Giveaways!  So keep your eyes out all day today for new giveaway posts.

The first one is a brand new line of CDs: Cradle Rock.  This giveaway is especially for all of my fellow preggos out there – I know there are quite a few of you!

Produced by Tree Top Records and available at iTunes for $9.99 and retail outlets for $11.98, These fun albums were just released October 8th. So far, there are three: Johnny Cash, Kenny Chesney, and Michael Jackson.

These CDs are instrumental adaptations of their songs made into lullaby form without losing the structure and tempo of the songs. It’s a great way to soothe a baby to sleep while keeping the parent entertained (and, therefore, not falling asleep) by the musical adaptation of “their” music.  I found them very fun!! I have a feeling that Noah will be falling asleep a LOT to these.  Plus, they have more albums in the works, including U2, Black Eyed Peas, Nickelback, Carrie Underwood, and The Eagles.

If you would like to win your choice of one of the three albums pictured above, I have one to give away!! Simply comment on this post to be entered.

You can get up to four extra entries by:

  • Following Tree Top Records on Facebook or Twitter
  • Tweet, blog, OR Facebook about this giveaway
  • Subscribe to OR Follow my blog
  • Follow me on Twitter OR Facebook

(be sure to leave separate comments for your extra entries.)

Best of luck! This giveaway is open until Monday, December 6th. The winner will be randomly selected and posted on my giveaway winners page on Tuesday, December 7th.

Disclosure: I received review items for the purposes of writing this post, but I received no other compensation for this giveaway. My opinions are always my own. And yes, I’m panicking about Christmas Shopping. Anyone out there a personal shopper?


For sweet smiles…

And even the not-so-sweet not-so-smiles.


For Chubby Cheeks,

even when I don’t like my own chubby cheeks.

For memories made with friends,


And memories made with family…



Even when those memories…rot.


For a big sister’s excitement,


For a husband’s amazing love,

And for getting to watch my daughter enjoy that same love.


Even for my ever-growing belly…


…And especially for our growing family.

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices.

~ Psalm 16

Happy Thanksgiving!!