Fun With Food Photo Contest

5 Minutes for Mom has a new photo contest!!!

When I saw that the sponsor was Prego and the theme was “Fun with Food”, I didn’t even have to scour my thousands of pictures – I knew the one!

We went to Macaroni Grill a few weeks ago, and I ordered Ali the grilled chicken, thinking that I didn’t really want to fight the pasta mess while out to eat (especially since she had never had spaghetti before). However, the “side” for grilled chicken IS Spaghetti.

At first I passed it off as “dip dip”, and she was dipping her chicken in the spaghetti sauce. But after a few minutes, she began to get curious about all of the twisty noodles underneath. I had eaten enough of my dinner that I finally said “why not?” and let her go at it, full force. And she had so much fun trying to figure out how in the world to eat noodles!! She would go from confused, to concentrated, to glee at her success!! This picture is during the “concentrated” phase and right before the “glee” phase:

Notice the uneaten grilled chicken and broccoli, but the demolished spaghetti!

Imported Randomness

I don’t know about you, but I love looking at food that is made and labeled in other countries. The labels are always so interesting. My mom brought a can of Dolmades (A Mediterranean dish of rice stuffed in grape leaves – they are delicious) over earlier in the week. This particular product was obviously manufactured in another country (Turkey, to be exact), but was labeled to be sold in the US as well as in Turkey. Which makes for some interesting comparisons.

Turkish Label:
American Label:Observation #1: It’s probably a good thing that we don’t call Calories “Energie” over here in the US. We have enough problems eating healthy. We need a word for them that has a negative connotation, like CALORIES. All I need is to see is to look at the side of a container of Edy’s Rocky Road Ice Cream and exclaim: “Wow! Look at all of the energy I’ll have if I eat this WHOLE carton!!”

Observation #2: Look closely at the serving sizes. Magically, the serving size DOUBLES when translated into English. And not only that, but we all know that we eat more than a “serving size” of most products. Could be a factor into our American “issues” as well.

And last but not least, my extremely boyish-sense-of-humor husband really got a kick out of the product name:
Tukas. I don’t think that would get them very far in America.

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday is a weekly column where I post what I am thankful about that week, and you have the opportunity (via your blog linked into this post OR via comments) to share your thankful thought for the week. I love reading all of your thankful thoughts!!

Today I am thankful for God’s goodness and grace. I am thankful that He is good, all the time, no matter what we feel! I am thankful that He continually offers us His love, His wisdom, and relationship with Him! And finally, I am thankful that ultimately He is in charge, and we are not! We don’t have to feel the pressure of figuring out our own lives, or even how to “help” others with theirs, because He will gladly take the reigns and let us just sit back and ride.

OK – your turn!! What are you thankful for today? Leave it in a comment, or if you have a blog, write a post on your blog and link it in with Mr. Linky (at the bottom of this post), and you can have the pleasure of welcoming my wonderful readers to your site!

To use Mr. Linky to link to your blog, just type in your name in the first slot, then copy and paste the URL of your blog post in the second one and click “Enter” – then there will be a link to your post from my blog! ***be sure to put the link to your actual “Thankful Thursday” post – not just your main blog URL.***

Early Learning FAIL.

Ali and I went to Barnes and Noble today so that she could enter into Ali-Heaven for a few precious moments:
(I’m starting to think we should get her a train table rather than a play kitchen for Christmas. So much for reinforcing gender stereotypes.)

Anyway, they of course have tons of toys for sale around the playset. Especially the learning toys that appeal to bored-out-of-their-mind-Mommies-because-their-child-goes-into-complete-other-world-when-playing (unless Mommy happens to talk on the phone or use the computer, at which time they are completely incapable of playing without Mommy’s help).

Back from the second rabbit trail. So one of the popular learning-toy brands out there right now is Melissa and Doug. They have some really cute, and useful stuff.

Learn how to read a calendar. . .check.

Learn about musical instruments. . .

Learn animals. . .

Then I saw this one:
Are you kidding me?? Really? Just what I want my toddler to learn: how to unlatch any lock! While you’re at it, can you go ahead and teach her how to

sneak downstairs after mommy and daddy fall asleep, slide a chair up to the door, and use those new unlatching skills to go outside and play?

Because that would really save me a lot of time.

Also – don’t forget to make the sequel puzzle – how to undo all childproofing gadgets! Especially the plug covers!!!

Wordless Wednesday – Two Extremes

Extremely Messy: First experience with Spaghetti – confusing, slimy, and fun, all at once. . .
Extremely adorable and (sniff) grown up:
AJ taught Ali how to play “Ring Around The Rosy” in the lobby after Church on Sunday:
Ring around the rosy. . .
Pocket full of Posies. . .
AJ! Whattarya doing on the floor?!!?Ooooh!! I get it! It’s part of the game!!!
And then Miss Ginny saw how much fun they were having, and HAD to join their game. . .
Check out my other Wordless Wednesday post at B-Sides here.
Check out more Wordless Wednesday posts from others at 5 Minutes for Mom!

Tough Love Villains

Disclaimer: The following post has vast generalizations and is not written in a fully analytical fashion at all. I am sure that any homeschool debate team could pick it apart in seconds. And I’m OK with that.

I can’t believe that I’m writing a political post. Frankly, I’m sick of even reading them, being as they are quite numerous right now. But for some reason, I can’t convince my fingers not to write this. And it is not as much an argument as an analytical observation.

As the media has gone on and on (and I have gotten sicker and sicker of this whole election deal) these past few weeks, I can’t help but think about why republicans are villainized and democrats are hailed as kings. I mean, the obvious and simple answer is that most of the media is left-wing. But why?

Also, even in the debates, I was sickened because of how much more attractive Obama’s platform came out of his mouth as opposed to McCain’s. Besides the fact that he has more charisma, I could just “feel” the American public buying into his message easier than McCain’s.

I finally came up with one option as to why these two things could be true.

Tough Love.

No one “likes” tough love, but everyone needs it. I am a big believer in the principle myself, as I’m sure many of my friends (and especially my “daughters“) would begrudgingly attest to. I love being able to help people, but there have been MANY times that I’ve wanted to help someone out of a dilemma, but realized that if I did, I would be enabling them and they wouldn’t truly benefit from my help in the long run. So instead, I could explain to them the truth, pray with them, guide them in how to fix their issue, but ultimately leave the power in their hands. And even though it may not have been the answer they hoped to get, in the long run, they were (or will be one day!!) appreciative.

The thing is, people must be responsible for their actions. They cannot be coddled and provided for, because this makes them feel “entitled” to be taken care of, or in one word, SPOILED.

The Republican’s platform on economics and moral values could both be considered as “tough love”. You are not entitled to money that you didn’t make, the government is not going to provide for you, and you cannot erase your decisions and their consequences by getting an abortion. Nobody likes to be told “no”, but “no” can be one of the most educational and growth-inspiring answers that one can get.

The Democrat’s platform on economics and moral values could be considered as “enabling”. You’ve made some bad decisions? Here, let us give you some money to fix the problem. You’re pregnant and you don’t want the responsibility that follows? Here, have an abortion. Make YOURSELF happy.

Which is more appealing to a humanist mindset? Obviously, the latter. When a person is focused on themselves and desiring to be taken care of with little input (a la “free lunch”) they are much more attracted to the democratic theology.

But in the long run, the nation doesn’t go “all democrat” because we need tough love – we need to be pushed, to be encouraged, to be exhorted to be responsible, to make wise decisions, and to take responsibility for our actions.

Ending Disclaimer: I know that there were vast generalizations in this post. One exception I would like to state is the Democrat’s stance on the environment – they are a bit more “tough love” on that issue than the Repub’s. Also, I would like to state that I know that there are Dem’s who have reasons to be democratic that have nothing to do with a humanist view of wanting to be enabled. This post was just my thoughts on the reasons why the Democratic platform sounds so much more “attractive” to everyone than the Republican’s. This is not meant to pigeonhole anyone or insult anyone. Just an observation.

My Favorite Photographs of the Week

Obviously, I’m obsessed with taking pictures. And blogging. So It’s only fair that I get to do a recap in photographs each week. So without further ado. . .

These first two pictures are from our small group on Thursday night.
This is what I would look like with quadruplets:
Overwhelming when I consider it, and then I remember that this is Julie (if you replace my child with her child that is the same age):
Wow she is braver than me. And more patient. And everything else with a more at the beginning or an er at the end.

During our lovely date weekend, we did a bit of shopping at the Summit. While I was at Belk (I really can’t stand even typing that horrible word – can I keep calling it Parisian? Thanks.), I saw a couple of “curious” things.

Curiosity #1: Nuns need makeup and perfume too.
Curiosity #2: This is a two piece set – a coat and handmuff.And here’s a closeup of it’s tag:
That size and price should never, ever go together.

When we picked up Ali on Saturday, Ali and I tried out Pop’s latest project, this newly restored race car:
Since I know that you want to buy it, you can do so here.

And Ali had to swing with Gramamma once more before we left:
Rewind to a bit earlier in the week: Ali and AJ were carefree and cruisin’. I hear Beach Boys music every time I look at these pictures:Fast forward to Saturday night’s Sunday School party:
Ali immensely enjoyed Abby’s bracelets:
And Ali and AJ loved the puzzles:
While Abby and Mia were princesses.
And the last picture of the weekly recap – my little floating-headed-toddler:

Red Mountain Music Giveaway!!

The first time I ever heard Ashley Spurling (AJ’s Mom, for my blog followers) sing, it sent chills down my spine (and that doesn’t happen often). Seven years later and even though she is one of my best friends and I hear her sing all the time, her voice still gives me chills. She has a stunning voice – on of those that you have to hear to believe.

Ashley sings with Red Mountain Music, a group of amazingly creative Birmingham musicians who primarily arrange new music for very rarely used hymns.

For the first time this year, they have created a Christmas CD, called Silent Night. It uses the traditional arrangements of the songs, and is simple, eloquent, and beautiful.

And I have four copies to give away to you!

Here are sample clips from the songs on the album (did I mention that Ashley is singing every track?!?!):

  1. Silent Night
  2. Joy To The World
  3. What Child Is This?
  4. O Come, All Ye Faithful
  5. Little Drummer Boy
  6. Away In A Manger
  7. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent
  8. O Come, O Come Emmanuel
  9. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

I personally love this selection of music – especially my favorite traditional Christmas songs, “What Child is This” and “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”. Oh yeah – an I love “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus”. OK – I LOVE them all!!!

To be entered into my giveaway, all you have to do is comment on this post! Say whatever you like – tell me what your favorite Christmas song is, or how unbelievably awesome Ashley’s voice is, or just a plain ole; “Hey! Enter me!!”. Please only enter once.

You can enter whether you’re a blogger or not – just remember that if you enter as anonymous, at least write your name in the post, and your email address also if you want to get an email if you win!

Entries will be closed at midnight on Monday, November 10 and the winner will announced at 3pm Tuesday, November 11, just in time to get in the Christmas spirit!!! If you leave your email address, I will email you. If not, you need to check back on 11/11 to see if you won!!

p.s. – yes, Ashley is also in our small group, along with the author of the books in my last giveaway, Jarrod. If only I were as talented as all of my friends (sigh) :)

Helpful Links:

  • If you are coming from Bloggy Giveaways and would like to get back (or would like to go to a carnival of other giveaways), click here.
  • To hear the hilarious “documentary” of Ashley, Brian and Clint talking about Red Mountain Music, go here.

A Poetic Conclusion

Remember my birthday a couple of weeks ago? You know, that day that I spent deathly ill. . . yeah that one. Anyway, as part of my birthday surprise, Chris had ordered me my favorite kind of cake, a carrot cake – a large – actually huge one –
from a wonderful Birmingham bakery, Edgar’s.

The plan was to take it to our small group that night and share it with our friends for a mini-birthday-party. Well, being that there was no way I could get off the couch, let alone go to our small group (not that they would have wanted me there), my birthday party never happened. But so as not to let a pricey pre-ordered bakery-made cake go to waste, Chris picked it up on his way home that day.

Well, being that I was quite ill, I didn’t want any until late that night, and I had a very small piece. Then the next day, we left to go to Kitty and Leo’s. So when we got back, the cake was already a bit hard and stale. I ate another piece, but it kinda reminded me of being sick, so. . . .
it sat in our fridge until today.

And got harder and harder and staler and staler.

Then we had to bright idea to take it to the chickens when we picked Ali up. At least it would make for some super-sweet eggs. And since Ali took stale Panera Bagels to them the day before (she is really obsessed with the chickens right now), we figured their tastes might have gotten distinguished and would prefer a bakery cake to their chicken feed.

So we gave a hunk of it to Ali to give them:
And it went like this:
One bite for the chickens. . .
And one bite for Ali (who didn’t find it stale at all):
Which made for happy chickens:
And a happy Ali:
These eggs are gonna be GOOOOD next week:
If you make a Carrot Cake with eggs made from Carrot Cake, is it a Double Carrot Cake?

Quick Update

This week’s “A Dose of Humor” is up – be sure and check it out!

Written by Jessica Riley, it is the interpretation of a day in the life of a Mom if commentated by a sports announcer.

In other news, my catchup day was a success! Despite the attempts at sabotage by my work’s evil network (the whole office went down as soon as I got home from taking Ali to Mom and Dad’s, so I couldn’t dial in for a few hours), I got lots done. Not everything on my list was accomplished but that would have been nothing short of a miracle.

Then tonight, Chris and I had (and are having) a lovely date, followed by sleeping in and being lazy in the morning. Sooooo nice.