I have been a fan of VeggieTales since I was thirteen years old and a babysitter-in-training. The kids I babysat for introduced me to it and I was all like “Whaaaaaat? Vegetables on cartoons?? That can’t be good.” Until I watched one. I *might* have bought my own VHS copies as a teenager. I also […]

A Brief Analysis of Doc McStuffins.
My kids were late the the Stuffin party, but we arrived with gusto and obsession. Doc is now the preferable cartoon above all others – including but not limited to Sophia the First, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Team Umizoomi, and even the revered My Little Pony. (Which is a shame because the latter show […]

The Effect of Frozen on Marital Relationships.
I told you we had a problem. This was a typical yet random text exchange between my husband and I yesterday. All because I answered a question with “Yeah”… And then a few minutes later… Okay. “A problem” was an understatement.

The Lyrics That Will Kill Us All.
Today was the day that I realized my two-year-old was a musician. Not because he’s ever touched an instrument, but by watching his face. As we were driving home, just the two of us, he kept asking insistently for me to put on “Seven Bridges Road.” I finally did, and turned it up. Then happened […]

How The Disney Stole Christmas.
“Pick something from Disney,” Chris said. “It’ll be a safe choice.” I was desperately thumbing through NetFlix, looking for something, anything to entertain our children for the last hour before bedtime on the worst parenting day of our lives. Chris and I had both woken up with the stomach virus Saturday morning. We were incapacitated, […]

My Head on a Platter.
Keep Calm and Speak British. Ali has an iPad Atlas that is quite fabulous. She regularly turns the globe, scours the world and learns all sorts of cultural nuances. And to make it all the more fabulous, it speaks in a British Accent. Which is great and well and just peachy – except in the […]

Welcome to America, Season Three.
The long-awaited time has come. Downton Abbey Season Three starts in America on Sunday. Or, if you’re like me and have been pretending to be British, Season Three just ended. But no worries – I will offer no spoilers. I won’t even update my graphic until you’re caught up – because I’m nice like that. […]

Continuity Inanity.
I’m a Continuity Tyrant. Let’s say that I happen to be watching a movie. I’m totally enraptured in the plot, the drama, the angst. Two characters – a man and a woman – are having an intense dialogue – you know, the type that explains the whole movie and makes everything come together in an […]

Wardrobial Consequences.
As I was folding my jeans on Saturday, I saw a horrific sight. My favorite pair of jeans – the most cherished item in my wardrobe – had, unbeknownst to me, acquired quite the hole. And said hole was notsomuch in a place where holes are acceptable… My first reaction was mourning, of course. There […]

Dora The Ignorer: If Dora Could See.
Disclaimer: This post may only make sense if you’ve seen at least 50 Dora The Explorer episodes, preferably repeatedly ad nauseum. I sometimes wonder if Ali secretly thinks that Dora isn’t exactly the brightest cartoon in the tube. Because she doesn’t exactly seem to get it. Dora turns and looks directly at Ali, asks a […]