
Since I’m totally on the subject of my heinous crime of eating out too much this week, I have further thought on the matter. Further thought that greatly disturbs me. Regularly. First, let’s start with some analysis. There are 5 types of restaurants in the world, in descending price order: 1. Fancy-Schmancy – these are […]

The Perils of Sleepwalking and Motherhood.

I have a condition – Sleepwalking. This condition has come and gone different times in my life, but has ultimately only landed me in the emergency room exactly once. However, that fateful night at the ER was not the only scary situation I’ve gotten myself into due to said condition. My condition is brought on […]

Proper Vacation Bathroom Etiquette.

This is a conversation, of quite the typical variety, that took place last night. Important note: My parent’s bedroom and my Grandmother’s bedroom share a bathroom that is in between the bedrooms. (Dad heads to the bathroom) Mom: “Hey Vic…” Dad: “I’ll be back. I’m going to the bathroom.” Me, being sarcastic: “But Dad, it […]

Rachel, Topped With Drama and a Side of Angst.

I have a tub labeled “Sentimental” that I have carried with me through three moves and almost nine years of marriage without ever opening it. Until now. A mood struck me, probably when I was procrastinating from getting something else done, and I dug it out from it’s home amongst the boxes of stuff-we’ve-saved-that-we-will-probably-never-use-again in […]

Rachel and the Very Chewy Mistake.

I don’t chew gum, nor does Chris. Yet Ali is completely fascinated by it. Not with the someone-blowing-a-bubble part, or even with the chewing-it-endlessly-until-your-jaw-falls-off part. She’s never tasted it. Her obsession with bubblegum is with the stuck-under-the-table type. Her favorite hobby at any eating establishment is to get under the table and inspect the bubblegum […]

Things Found in My Husband’s Lego Box.

Disclaimer: As with “Things Found on my Husband’s iPhone“, my husband is aware of, and okay with, me exposing the depths of his life in this post...or he just knows how to make me happy. As I mentioned briefly at Christmas, Chris’ parents brought him all of his childhood Legos. And believe me, it was […]

Hitting Each Other: A Perfect Missions Fundraiser.

Our youth group is going to Costa Rica on a short term missions trip, and they have come up with some awesome fundraising ideas. The latest and greatest: A Church-Wide Dodge Ball tournament. That’s right – not just the kids, but all ages. And you KNOW that the men couldn’t resist a temptation like that. […]

Recent Random Weirdness

Have you ever looked closely at food advertisements? They aren’t nearly as appetizing as they are when you DON’T look at them. For instance, I have never had coffee that would just sit gelatinously up above the cup:If you take a minute and pretend it’s cold, it actually looks pretty yummy – Starbucks pudding. Hmm…cross-branding […]

A Lady Never Tells…

We have a way of having quirky and unique creature invasions no matter where we go. At our old house, it was Satan the Squirrel. Thank goodness he hasn’t found us again (yet). But for the last three years at our new house, we have had a much less damaging, but much more puzzling group […]