Chris felt very cheated during my first pregnancy. He was oddly, yet very excitedly looking forward to me tapping him on the arm in the middle of the night, telling him that I just HAD to have three soft taco supremes with extra sour cream from Taco Bell right now, and him jumping out of […]

I’m Not Intelligent Enough for Intelligender.
A little over a month ago, I asked your opinion on whether I should take the new, fancy, unknown-whether-it’s-trustworthy Intelligender gender predictor. I finally decided I would take it, but here was my logic as to how I wasn’t going to let myself get “all crazy” attached to the results: You see, (and this is […]

A Completely Unnecessary Blow to the Pregnant Woman’s Psyche.
Last night, I had dinner with my LifeGroup, a group of teenage girls from church that a couple of my friends and I have called our own for the past three years. We had a great time, but afterward, I was TIRED. It had been a long day for a still-in-the-low-energy-stage pregnant woman, and I […]

Whatever Happened to the Dickie?
So it’s getting to be about the time that I at least start going through my maternity clothes, seeing what I can acquiesce to wear again and what I wore so much with Ali that I can’t bear the sight of, and getting them washed and ready completely engulf my wardrobe. I’m not showing yet, […]

On a Cheerier (and much Shorter) Note…
Newbie’s first inclusion in a family picture: 11 weeks! I’ll be back and “really” blogging tomorrow. Newbie is giving me quite the day today (of which I promise you don’t want to hear the details), most presumably as payback for doubting his/her force over my body by daring to get off the couch and go […]

Tilted Uteruses Rock.
(Or would that be Uteri?) (And yes, I am aware that I have used the “U” word on my blog twice in a week. But you know what? I’m pregnant, and that’s kinda where my baby is hanging out these days. Anyway, I’m pretty sure that I have 99% female readership. So you 1% can […]

The Agonizing Issue of (Boy) Names.
Chris and I are delightfully in agreement on almost all aspects of life. we love the same vacations, television shows (except 24 (Ding Dong the Wicked Show is Dead)), houses, furnishings – ALMOST everything. And then there are some things that are even better than that, where we have beautiful complimentary tastes. For instance, we […]

Hurricane Newbie
Ali asked to call Daddy this morning. When he got on the phone, she verbally exploded into the phone.. “I’m sick because I coughed all night long and Mommy just threw up all her food in the potty and I need you to come home right now and make me feel better!!!!” That pretty much […]

Don’t Mess With The UMU.
Dear Newbie, We need to talk. I know you’re not to the cognitive point where that is really possible yet, but I need you to concentrate really hard and grow a brain because WE NEED TO TALK. You may not be fully aware of this, but there are some specific and finely negotiated agreements between […]

The Case of the Overly-Curious Baby-Carrier.
So as you know, we took Ali with us to the baby doctor last week. We didn’t tell her that I was pregnant until we were already there…at which point she booted me off the exam table because she started to feel a bit queasy:I can relate to that feeling. As fun as it was […]