I’ve seen just The Dad removed. I’ve seen The Dad and One Kid removed. But this lady…do NOT cross her and her formidable shopping bags. Come to life?? IN A REAL, TANGIBLE BOARD GAME?? Mind. Blown. Because nothing sells like your Grandpa telling you that his Honey Flax Flakes are… “This stupid two-dollar make-your-own-company […]
Because Everybody Needs a Hero.
Every city needs a hero. Every mother in every city needs a hero. And sometimes, it greatly helps to fantasize that the very person causing half her angst is. That. Hero. That he’s been around since the beginning, quietly watching over shoulders, fixing problems and savings lives. No, the very beginning. No! The Very Very […]
Carnivorous Creations: The Meat Bouquet.
Originally posted September 1, 2009. And still one of the stupidest things we’ve ever done for a blog post. Chris has consistently sent me gorgeous flowers throughout our relationship. I have always greatly appreciated this, but have always been burdened with a good bit of guilt at each occurrence of said delivery, because there’s nothing […]
What Did You Get That You Didn’t Want?
Apparently American culture is more self-centered than ever. Starting Christmas evening and continuing through the night, I received dozens of emails from online retailers. And they all began their subject line with, “DIDN’T GET WHAT YOU WANT THIS CHRISTMAS?” Yes. Let’s encourage ungratefulness and materialism ON CHRISTMAS DAY, giving us all every opportunity to feel […]
Baby Got Pad.
There is really nothing I adore more than watch people awkwardly record important moments with iPads. Especially in large crowds of people where their ‘pad completely blocks the view of the people around them and they’re likely to give their neighbor a black eye if they get too excited. Or two. And, much akin to […]
An Ode to The Duke.
Disclaimer: Not for the Ladylike of Heart. I’ve been feeling a small measure of guilt recently about our non-existent household rules about “potty-talk.” Perhaps these rules don’t exist because our children are more polite than us. For instance, I might have been heard singing the song, “We wish you a Merry Pooping, We wish you […]
The Downton Connection.
{SPOILER ALERT: Vague references to Season Three of Downton Abbey are in this post. Read at your own risk.} A couple of weeks ago, a reader wrote on my Facebook Page: I read it, and I puzzled. She was right – despite my fandom, I had certainly never picked up on a resemblance of my […]
Rambling Round-Up.
Chris and I were having a discussion the other night. The kind where I thought we should do one thing, and he thought we should do another. (I take full responsibility for this sort of discussion as I was quite difficult to live with last week, thanks to Pink Eye, a painful reaction to the […]
The Final Fix.
And so it came to pass that it was her time to spend 184 Days in the prison of flood recovery. She prayed three times for this thorn to be taken from her flesh, as it grieved her soul greatly. But finally, the end was at hand. From the dark day in November when my […]
Running Out of Tradition.
For over three decades, my Grandmother has been the cornerstone of Hallmark’s Christmas success. If they have a Ritualistic Secret Society, I’m positive that she is a charter member. She has bought all of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren scores of Hallmark Christmas Ornaments every year, all lovingly dated and labeled per child. As each […]