My exhaustion of hearing about the HP of every Pokemon ever created can be a heavy burden. And I grow weary of hearing the difference between GX and EX and Ultra and Mega and X. I languish from my child asking me for eBay searches and Amazon browsing for more and more and more Pokemon […]

An Education of the Wild Yeasts.
In my thirty-six years on this planet, two things have completely eluded me: Jury Duty and Sourdough Starters. Although not even being considered to sit on a John-Grisham-worthy international espionage trial did bother me, being left out of the sourdough club disturbed me at a more intrinsic level. I was beginning to think that all […]

Helpful Tips for an Extreme Time.
So our lives have come to this. All that we care about, all day, every day, is not catching The Flu. Am I right? So I’ve compiled a list of helpful tips for all of us to keep fighting the good fight. Wear a Camelbak filled with Purell at all times. Perfect for squeezing onto […]

Diary of a Tired Mom: Dead of Winter Edition
I’m afraid that all of my motivation and Type A-Ness was housed in my uterus. It’s been nearly six weeks since its removal, and I don’t feel like running, eating vegetables, eating less Christmas chocolate, writing, cleaning, educating my children (which I am managing to do anyway – whether quality education or not), or really […]

When Being an Early Adopter Spins Out.
I am aware and annoyed that the world tends to hate on new things as they come along, picking apart all of the potential dangers and drawbacks before anyone has had a chance to even try them. Remember when Pokemon Go came out? All the news stories were about people walking over cliffs or wrecking […]

On Discovering That I’m a Prodigy.
The year of 2017 will be forever remembered as the era where I made a monumental breakthrough on my journey of self-realization. If I were given one of those standard employee reviews where they asked me what my strengths and weaknesses were, before 2017 would be lacking a vital component of who I am. Because […]

Congratulations on Your Simple Existence.
Last week, I had a male nurse tell me all about how he has no health problems and takes no medications. He told me a hilarious story about him going to the doctor for the first time in years just so that he had a primary doctor if he ever needed one, but he probably […]

Diary of a Tired Mom: Beliefs and Dreams.
Every time I need Triple Antibiotic cream, I can only find Hydrocortisone – and not just one tube, multiple tubes. Every time I need Hydrocortisone, I can only find Triple Antibiotic cream – and not just one tube, multiple tubes. I no longer believe that these two creams are separate entities. They cannot exist at […]

Theories on a Grand Target Adventure.
As I was driving down Highway 280 on Saturday afternoon, lost in thought about all I had to accomplish in the next day and week and year and lifetime, I approached a set of flashing police lights in the median. I slowed down, as one does, out of caution and to ensure that it wasn’t […]

The Alabama Skimm
I’ve mentioned before how much I like The Skimm, and there’s been a lot going on here lately, so I decided to give you guys a bit of my own homestate Skimm. Alabama’s been talked about a lot lately. First, our Governor had a, well, a situation that ended up giving us a new Governor […]