Oh Readers, Where Art Thou? . . .And Christmas Meanderings.

I know that I am totally just typing into thin air here, because there are fewer people on the internet today than there were people checking stock market quotes with glee and happiness all year!

But unlike all of the other bloggers out there who are taking “Christmas Breaks” or some other sort of nonsense, I still care about those 5 people on the internet today, and so this post is for you!! (I can hear your cheers and tears of gratitude now. Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!)

I AM sort of curious what everyone is doing that is making today a slower internet day than even yesterday, Christmas day!! Shopping? Returning? Surely not working!! Playing with toys? Still sleeping from yesterday’s craziness?

Anyway, on to the post. . .

We slept until a glorious 9:30 am this morning (there are benefits of keeping toddlers up WAY past their bedtimes), so I am feeling refreshed and ready to share our Christmas adventures with you.

We started out our traditional Christmas events on Christmas Eve, when we always go the the Candlelight service at church, then return with the fam to our house for Lasagna, prepared by Mom.

Ali couldn’t wait to get the holidays kicked off!!
The annual mysterious Bonsai tree sellers were out on our way to Church. They just showed up this week – I guess the only people who buy Bonsai Trees sold on the side of the interstate on-ramp as Christmas gifts are those who are looking for presents at the very last minute.
I didn’t get any pictures of the Candlelight service, because I was much too busy making sure that my child didn’t disrupt the very quiet and worshipful service. We told her that she could come to big church if she sat very still and quiet, but otherwise she would have to go to the nursery. She did amazingly well!!

Other than the excited greetings every now and then of, “HEY Mammaw!!!!”.

Oh, and during the especially quiet part of the candlelight singing. We allowed her to hold Chris’ candle until it was lit, and then Chris told her that he had to hold it because it was very hot. So our overly cautious child thought it was best to make sure that we (and those around us) fully understood the risks we were undertaking by repeating over and over the whole time it was lit, “It’s hot. It will hurt you. It’s hot!! It will hurt you. It’s hot!!! It will hurt you.”

It was very helpful.

So then we all headed back to our house. Ali and Eli had fun dancing to the Christmas music:
And then after dinner, it was time for them to go to bed so that Santa Claus could come.

Ali’s main gift from Santa was Thomas tracks and trains (which Santa purchased off of Ebay to save LOTS of money), and Pop built Ali a Train table and Gramamma painted it. It is sturdier and better than any genuine Thomas table ever thought of being!
So once Ali went to bed, Santa delivered the track so that we could set it up to be ready for the morning. I must say that it always looked very easy to organize and assemble at the bookstore and toy store, but once we started trying to fit it all together, we realized that it took a village to get all of the tracks to meet. Chris and I started out working on it:
Then I sat back because Mom and Dad thought they knew just how to get it together.
I swear I didn’t stage this picture with everyone’s hand on their chins or heads in complete and utter puzzlement from putting together a children’s toy:
note to self: when buying miscellaneous tracks off of ebay, they may require more brainpower to assemble than, say, a nice “figure 8 set” bought in a store where every piece has a purpose.

However, Chris spent the time of everyone else’s efforts to quietly study the layout. And five minutes after everyone left, VOILA! The engineer came out in him and he got it all relatively connected and put together:
And it paid off!! Ali was so thrilled when she came down on Christmas morning. “THOMASS!!!!”
And then when she realized that she had actual presents to open on top of the train table, utter amazement!!
Her first present had all of her trains in it.
So after much gnashing of fingernails (and teeth), I managed to get them all out of those devilish plastic wrappers,
and read all of the information cards to Ali about each train,
Which made for one VERY happy little girl.
She didn’t get all of her Santa presents opened (she still has two that are wrapped) because she was having too much fun with Thomas. So I set off to start my Christmas lunch slaving in the kitchen.

Last year was the first time that I cooked an entire holiday meal, and I was very disappointed in my usually organized self for having dinner a over a half an hour late. So this year, I employed my favorite index cards for a full organizational overhaul, which included spreadsheets and flow charts:
So I had a plan. Starting with pre-heating the oven at 9:30.

However, I didn’t have our traditional Christmas morning breakfast of sausage rolls in the plan, and so while I was enjoying opening presents with Chris, they woefully were not enjoying doing this:
Oh, I was so sad. So in an attempt to right my perfectionistic self, I set to work sawing off the tops of them, which resulted in this plate of edible sausage rolls,
And these unfortunately-more-numerous scraps of burnt ones:
However, Ali was much too busy scavenging my stocking candy that I left unattended while panickingly trying to fix my burning breakfast to mind:
That’s about 26 Jelly Bellys in her mouth and dripping down her chin, if you’re wondering.

So while I feverishly worked to complete the rest of my spreadsheet correctly, Chris’ family arrived, and Ali got to teach Papa how to play Thomas (with Lisa LaPorta watching them in the background):
They were rather suspicious of each other for some reason:
And although I stayed true to my flow chart and masterfully juggled heaps of Christmas dishes, it was all for naught, because Chris’ brother and girlfriend had the terrible Christmas luck of having a flat tire, then a flat spare on their way from Tuscaloosa.

To which Chris ended up having to going to pick them up, change their spare out with the one on Chris’ Mom’s car, and then lead them back, nice and slow, on the backroads to our house.

So, two hours later, we sat down to my perfectly timed dinner (that would have been much fresher had I been running behind like last year):
The Moral of this story is: Organization doesn’t always pay off. Or maybe better yet, Irony likes to bite organization in the butt every now and then.

Ali’s favorite food was corn on the cob, as usual.
Then on to the presents!! Ali had a blast. She got dolls,
and potatoes (with two arms on one side!! Oh the horror!!),
And many other fun toys to add to her way-too-many-I-can’t-believe-she’s-having-a-birthday-in-two-weeks-and-getting-more-toys pile!!!

Then we headed to my parent’s house for dinner. I’m sure that you can imagine how “starving” we were for another Christmas dinner.

So, naturally, after dinner, we were all just about done for:
OK. Kids never run out of energy on Christmas day.

But the adults do!! Lindsay and our special Guest Leanna were also worn out from the day’s activities:
Eli and Ali, not so much.

Eli, in his ever-increasing-7-Month-Old moto-skillz, managed to take Ali’s “purse” (Shapes bucket that she calls her purse), off of her arm and into his own arms while she stood there in utter shock.

He enjoyed his purse snatching finds very much.
Ali took a minute to get over being robbed by a baby:
But then she realized, if you can’t smack ’em over the head with your purse to keep them from stealing it, you may as well join ’em.
When it came time for present unwrapping again, Ali had just as much fun showing Eli how to work his toys:
But she sure loved the Magnadoodle that Eli gave her!
AND the teeny tiny camera!! She’s been waiting to get one to start her own blog.
Eli LOOOVED his new train.
In fact, Eli’s train became a very handy camera tripod to take our family picture at the end of the night. You just set the camera on top of the train, then press a train button and the self-timer button, and VOILA! The kiddos actually look at the camera!!

If Only I Had the Ability to Even Come Up With a Witty Title for this Post. . .

I cannot think of a single word that can describe my complete and utter exhaustion at the moment. Why I’m even typing this now befuddles me completely.

It was a wonderful Christmas day, but completely full-speed and nonstop. So, I will be back hopefully sometime tomorrow with a full recap of our day.

Until then, I re-offer you my post from Wednesday, which I am assuming from the complete lack of commentation that everyone was too busy with Christmas Eve activities to read. Either that or the more unfavorable possibility that it was wholly unentertaining. But hey – it’s what I’ve got tonight. Merry Christmas, and I’ll see you tomorrow, assuming that I roll out of bed before it’s time to go back to bed.

I began telling you about the perils of letting your two year old do most of the design work on Christmas cards in this post. Here are a few more of her masterpieces, with their appropriate titles:

“The Card is always Whiter. . .”
Leo’s bird didn’t want to stay on his card. It took off flying toward’s Kitty’s. Maybe Kitty’s hat just looked like too good of a perching place. I think that perched Cardinal may have had something to do with thise polka-dots on Kitty’s Snowman’s scarf, though. . .

“The Birds”
Every time I gave Ali a bird for Heather’s card, she would put it on her card, sit back and ponder her design choices, and then take it off of Heather’s card and put it on Joey’s. What resulted was a Bird Blizzard, leaving Joey’s Snowman’s sparkly red mouth gaping open. This one reminded me of BooMama’s fear of birds, and even though I’m not normally afraid of birds myself, his card is pretty frightening:
Heather’s snowman, however, looks perfectly peaceful to be unattacked by falling Cardinals. She doesn’t even look disturbed about the four-letter-pileup on her naming interstate.

“The Snowman on Elm Street”
I saved Gina’s snowman from having three eyes, even though Ali begged me for “nother green eye!! nother green eye!!”. However, when she stuck the sparkly trail of blood coming out of one of the allowed eyes, I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t make her take it off.

Thankful Thursday: And So To Honor Him

Thankful Thursday is a weekly column where I post what I am thankful about that week, and you have the opportunity (via your blog linked into this post OR via a comment on this blog) to share your thankful thought for the week.

Much like I did at Thanksgiving, I put a considerable amount of prayer this week into my Thankful Thursday post for Christmas. It’s not something that I take lightly or feel qualified to do – write a post that truly encompasses the thankfulness that Christmas brings. And I’m sure that I didn’t do it justice. But here’s my best shot:

. . . And So to Honor Him

Last Christmas, our Pastor’s wife, Karon, headed up a project to compile a book written by our Church members. The name of the book was “And So to Honor Him”, and was supposed to represent all of our different ways that we were choosing to Honor Jesus for Christmas.

For some reason, it really took a long time for me to get my head wrapped around the idea of the book, so I regretfully never participated. However, the concept has stuck with me, and was brought back to me this week as I was praying about what to write for this Christmas post.

We all know the “gift” that God gave us for Christmas. His Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth, laying in a manger. . . we could all probably quote those passages. But, much like I had trouble grasping the concept of Karon’s book, I wonder how much we grasp the concept of what the gift of Christ really means and does in our lives?

Ephesians 1:3-14 is kind of like the “side of the box” on the present of Jesus Christ. It lists all of the features, bells, and whistles of the gift. I highly recommend reading it, but for the purpose of this post, here is a bullet point list of the features that come with accepting the gift of Christ:

  • We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ
  • We were hand chosen before the creation of the world
  • We are holy and blameless in God’s sight
  • We are adopted as sons through Christ, which brings God pleasure
  • We are freely given grace through Christ
  • We are redeemed through Christ’s blood
  • Our sins are forgiven according to His rich grace
  • God has shown us the mystery of His will through Christ
  • He will work everything out according to His will
  • We are given a deposit – the Holy Spirit – as a promise of our inheritance

Obviously, we can’t come close to reciprocal gift-giving with a God who gave us the above gift. But thankfully, God didn’t ask for that. He just wants us to give Him our best, which is according to the specific gifts and talents that He has already blessed us with.

For the little drummer boy, his finest gift was to praise Jesus through his music.

For some of us, it may be to encourage or bless others. Or financial giving. Or maybe serving others. For me at this moment, it is writing, and teaching my precious two year old about giving to Jesus. And I will continue to be searching for other ways (as many as possible!!) that I can honor my King who sacrificed so much for me.

I hope that you also can find your way to honor Him this Christmas.

OK – your turn!! What are you thankful for today? Leave it in a comment, or if you have a blog, write a post on your blog and link it in with Mr. Linky (at the bottom of this post), and you can have the pleasure of welcoming my wonderful readers to your site!

To use Mr. Linky to link to your blog, just type in your name in the first slot, then copy and paste the URL of your blog post in the second one and click “Enter” – then there will be a link to your post from my blog! ***be sure to put the link to your actual “Thankful Thursday” post – not just your main blog URL.***

Wordless Wednesday: A Half Dozen Grains of Thought.

1. The first, but I’m sure not the last, attempt at feeding DoggieBear her broccoli:
2. So proud of her Play-Dough Christmas Tree with “Ormants” and “Pessants”:
3. Who knew that she had a shirt that matched her new Crayon Apron perfectly?
4. My vote for the Tackiest Christmas Deco of the year, which I spotted in Mountain Brook, of all places:
I suppose that it DOES kind of fit with the overall health of the mailbox, though.

5. Ali’s attempt at drinking Gramamma’s Milk Shake today. Notice that there is about an inch of saliva in the straw, but no Chocolate had made it out yet:
Gramamma got herself a new straw after that.

6. And Finally, a would-have-been great Christmas card photo, ironically taken on Sunday, WAY too late to make it onto a Christmas card:
See my other WW post at B-Sides, and See everyone else’s at 5 Minutes for Mom!

This Christmas Spirit Brought to You By Red Mountain Music

Chris and I went to WorkPlay last night to hear Ashley sing with Red Mountain Music. Mom and Dad kept Ali overnight, so we made a rare “Monday Night Date” out of it.

We had never been to WorkPlay before, and loved the setup! We got to sit in a cuddly, comfortable, round booth directly centered with the stage. I do believe we managed to snag the best seat of the house!

Although we were on a date and we had a cozy, romantic booth all to ourselves, we did have to keep our “canoodling” (as our small group refers to our overly affectionateness to each other) to a minimum, since we were front and center with Ashley, AND there was another couple from our Sunday School class in the next booth over (sigh).

Drew Holcomb and the neighbors
started the show off with some awesome “jazzy” Christmas music:
Drew’s wife, Ellie, talked about how her family was musical growing up, and that they had written a song for one of her brothers a few years ago who was away for Christmas. I thought to myself, “how nice. A musical family.” Chris bought their CD afterward, and when I looked at the credits to that song, I was highly amused at my “small time” image that I had given to her family, when I saw that her Dad was Brown Bannister!!

I mean, he basically owned the contemporary Christian music industry in the 80’s and 90’s, right? Or at least he owned the big 4 – you know – Michael W Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, Amy Grant, and Sandi Patty. I wonder if he is still as involved in the CCM industry as he used to be. . .

But at any rate, that’s what I get for jumping to conclusions.

After they did a great show, Red Mountain took the stage, and Ashley, of course, sang amazingly and blew everyone away with unbelievably breathtaking versions of everyone’s favorite Christmas songs.
Ellie also came back and sang harmony with her on a few of them:(I especially like Brian’s (far right on the keyboard) hammer-head movement in the above picture.)

It was an awesome night. So Christmasy, so romantic, so cozy.

If you haven’t bought their Christmas album yet, you should. It’s awesome. Every night, Ali begs me to “sing Ashley singing”. Every time we get in the car, Ali asks “Turn Ashley up, peeeese” (which, by the way, has been an AWESOME respite to continuous requests for Veggie Tales).

You can also get any of their other 5 Albums and download their free “B-Sides” off of their website. Ashley sang one of the (free) B-Sides last night, Sweet Well of Bethlehem. It was one of the best songs of the night.

Now that you’re completely jealous that you missed out on the best concert of the year, I am done.

Gagging at the Gifts (Literally).

We played “Gag” Dirty Santa with my extended family on my Dad’s side on Sunday night. If I counted correctly, we had 36 people there (21 of whom were old enough and played Dirty Santa), so you can imagine how interesting that huge of a crowd made the game.

Plus, the twist was that everyone put $5 in a pot, and then whoever was voted as having brought the best gag gift won the pot. So obviously, that added some motivation to bring some pretty crazy stuff.

My theory on gag gifting was “gag presentation” – a potentially desirably gift packaged in a gag way. My thought process was that the “realness” of the gift would make it stealable, while the packaging would make it funny, resulting in a winning gift.

Gift #1: I started with a beautiful, sparkly, gold glass bowl:
Then Chris and I borrowed some (unused) diapers from Ali. We put some water in them to give them some heft, and then used some year-old Choxie Chocolate Flaky Truffles for garnishing to create Bowl a la Poo:
The odd part was, while Chris and I were putting the deco in the bowl, he mentioned, “the power of suggestion is really strong. This actually SMELLS like poo.”

A second later, I said, “you’re right – it does.”

A few seconds later, the smell had escalated, and we were both a bit weirded out by the apparent voodoo power of old Choxie packaged in diapers.

Then I realized that the cat had just “restroomed” in her litter box in the basement in an extraordinarily unusually putrid manner worthy of the visual that we were beholding.

Our cat has a knack for timing.

It became QUITE gaggable as the minutes passed. . . so much so that I thought our gift might actually soak up some of the aromas to add to it’s authenticity.

Gift #2: We bought the card game “Slamwich“,
And packaged it like so:
After finishing our presentation and wrapping the presents, we gathered Ali from her nap and headed off to the get-together.

After the 9 kids opened their (non-gag) gifts with the calmness and complacency of a herd of Chihuahua’s sedated with Red Bull,We started our game.

My brother, Nick, was quick to open Gift #1, and was none too pleased with his find:
However, that didn’t deter him from trusting me for some reason and also opening Gift #2 later in the game, which again he wasn’t too excited about:I do love his bemused looks.

Other interesting gifts included Anti-Monkey-Butt powder packaged with a skunk,
Two live goldfish, which had the accompanying accessories of spices and a book on how to make Sushi,
A battery powered twirling spaghetti fork,
And Chris’ ultra-romantic find, a crushed velvet elf set, including below sexy hat,
And boxers with jingle bells on the end.But the winning gift (no, it certainly wasn’t one of mine by a long shot), was originally opened by my mother:
A limited (to one) edition, professionally matted, signed photo of my Cousin Nathan from my Cousin Nathan:
. . . and when you lifted up the frame, those blue jeans he had on? They were shoooort and “stylin‘” cut-offs that he borrowed from his wife.

Hot stuff.

Anyone else have any gag gift stories from this year or years past?

Good News, Bad News: Announcements.

I’ll be back tomorrow morning with another post, but for the time being, I have a couple of announcements to share with you.

Good news first: I’m going to be an Aunt again, and Ali is super pumped about getting another cousin!!! Go here to read all about it and leave your congratulations!!

Bad news: Please be in prayer for my friend Gina who shared her heart as a guest writer for Thankful Thursday last week. That very same day, she found out that her Mother most likely has cancer, and as she found out more news over the weekend, it’s most likely already in stage three or four, and possibly spreading. This is made even harder for Gina due to reliving the long, painful death of her Grandmother (during which Gina was her primary caretaker, as she is for her Mother now) which sent Gina into a very dark period of her life. If you know Gina (or if you don’t but feel compassion for her), please leave her some well wishes and encouraging words here or at her blog. And please be in prayer for Gina and her mother during this difficult time. More information can be found at her blog as well.

All I Want for Christmas is Some Toenail Art. . .

I saved the most bloggable gift from last night to tell you about today.

If you’ve been reading my blog for any amount of time, you’ve probably seen references to my Uncle-in-Law’s “unusual” hobby of making his wife toenail art out of his toenail clippings. If not, you may want to go to the above link before continuing.

Anyway, when they moved to the beach earlier this year, Leo left some of his art medium behind in his desk drawer at work. Chris was cleaning his desk out, and ran across this priceless find:
So naturally, Chris seized the extremely rare opportunity to make LEO a piece of unforgettable art out of Leo’s own abandoned body parts. Now, these aren’t Grade A Angus Clippings, because they are fingernails, not toenails. But hey, art is art.

So Chris set up a studio in his workshop:
Bought some supplies and prepared them (which, by the way, I think will be the only time that my husband ever goes to Michael’s Arts and Crafts voluntarily):And being that my husband is immaculately thorough, actually divided the fingernails out and counted them, to ensure that his art was as symmetrical and planned out as possible.
Here was his engineering math:
(201 nails divided by 70 squares equals 2.87 nails / square)

So he then “randomly” drilled 1/16″ diameter holes, after estimating how many he needed:
Then set to work painstakingly mounting each nail with craft glue in its own hole, like little coarse hair plugs on a middle aged man.
Now I would like to say that he stayed completely sterile and was paranoid and careful about touching the nasty medium,
. . . but when I came down to check on him, he was building his masterpiece and eating skittles with the same hands.
He got all of the lovely nails in. The last few became difficult to work between their neighbors and had to be carefully threaded with needle nose pliers into their special new home.
And I’m telling you, some of these nails were a bit… well, um… they were toting some funk:
then a few coats of a nice latex spray paint, and the nails were left with a Sally Hansen Ultra Gloss finish:
Then finished off his masterpiece with a fully licensed collegiate collectible and coordinating tee:
So last night, Leo got to be surprised with the transformation of his abandoned clippings:
Straight from the heart!! Err. . . toes. . . or fingers. . . or desk drawer. . .
I know the question all my loyal readers are dying to ask, and No, you can’t get one. However, if you would like to commission a reproduction, all you have to do is collect several hundred of your own funky fingernails (or your Uncle’s funkier toenails), and give Chris a call.

And Christmas Kicks Off. . .

Chris’ Aunt and Uncle, Kitty and Leo, are staying with us this weekend so that we can “do Christmas” with them. Ali is in complete heaven. She’s been jumping around saying such things as “CITING!!” and “HAVING FUN!!” all day.

Ali pulled Kitty into my office this morning to “play dough” with her. We made blankets, which Ali completely covered herself with to “keep warm”:
Then we took K&L to the McWane Center today to experience Ali’s favorite-of-late places.

Ali and I played the piano together:And oddly enough, Ali was afraid of one of her favorite exhibits today. . .
Then again, maybe not so oddly. Kitty and Leo are pretty scary in blue.

Ali played dodgeball,
Ali and Chris played Volleyball,
And Ali and I played the drums.
Saturday afternoon, Nana and Papa came over to join us to celebrate Christmas with K & L:
Ali waited patiently to open presents:
. . . mainly because until tonight, I’m not quite sure that she fully realized the excitement to come. From here on out, she may not be so patient.

She opened her new kitchen:
And although the box was interesting, she didn’t really “believe” that she got a kitchen until later in the evening after Leo and Chris had already been putting it together for a few minutes. She hadn’t really noticed, and then I told her, “Chris and Leo are putting together your new kitchen!”. She looked over at them, then looked at me with wide eyes and a slowly opening mouth of complete amazement. I so wish I had gotten a picture – it was a beautiful moment!!

She also opened other presents:
New jewelry. Just was a girly-girl needed – especially since she was so desperate for new jewelry, she was making a “ring” at dinner out of the skin of her hot dog. Pearls look much better that hot dog skin.
Kitty complained that we got “un-rippable” wrapping paper:
Ali also received a crayon apron. TOO cute!! She wore it proudly all night:
Ali viewing the chaos:
Playing on the box is just as good until Leo finishes reading the directions:
And once it was together, Ali couldn’t have been more thrilled with her new kitchen!!
(As am I. I believe that this will greatly aid me in dinner preparation!! She was totally enraptured with her kitchen for a very LONG period of time. I can’t wait!!)
Ali always pretends to talk to Papa on the phone. It was much more convenient when sitting right next to him!
She had fun laughing with Papa:
And then resting, as it was way past her bedtime, but she wasn’t ready to give up on all of the fun:
It was a fun night, but I was ready to put my feet up after all of that festiviousness!!

Consider yourself carded.

To All Who are Concerned:

Please do not be distraught over the lack of Christmas Card from our family. It is simply just one thing that I have yet to allow myself to take on the pressure of, and so I haven’t.

I have, however, compiled all of the Christmas Label pictures into a collage, as I did last year.

And that, I will now share with you, from the depths of my heart and blog, if not from the depths of my roll of stamps and printer ink.


If you were wanting a comparison, here’s last year’s card:

Merry Christmas!