Either I Had a Moment of Culinary Genius or I’m Pregnant. . .


I was playing kitchen with Ali yesterday morning and reveling in the “genuineness” of her play food.

I was having an internal monologue to entertain myself while she “fed” me all sorts of said food. . .

Seriously. . . is that supposed to be a bagel or a doughnut??

And the Fried Chicken Leg looks more like an old fashioned money satchel.

And I’m not even going to SAY what the spaghetti looks like.

How is it that the lettuce is half the size of the strawberry?

And the Chocolate Chip cookie looks more like it has Chocolate Covered Espresso Be . . . hey. . . . wait a minute. . .
And I started thinking. And thinking. And thinking some more. Feeling much like Winnie-The-Pooh regarding his beloved honey, I couldn’t quit thinking about how delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies would be if Espresso Beans were in them.

So I went to Target and bought the following:

Choxie Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans:
And Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (I wasn’t in the mood to make any from scratch. Besides, I should see how this works first):
I love how it says “Chocolate Chip FLAVORED Cookies”. Are they not even real Chocolate Chips?!?

Then last night, I did a test batch. I mixed two Espresso Beans in each cookie and put another one on top:
However, Halfway through baking, due to cookie expandage, I decided that they needed more Espresso Beans:
The aroma coming from the oven was heavenly.

And the result. . .

Well, let’s just say that you’re lucky these pictures got taken in time. They were all that I imagined, and then some. They were exquisitely delicious.

And, even though I ate 2 cookies for a total of 10 coffee beans, I had no trouble at all sleeping last night. Which is pretty amazing for me, since all you have to do is breathe on me with coffee breath and I’ll be jumping all night.

I’ll be making the rest of these for small group tonight. Then we’ll see if it’s just me (although Chris loved them too, but he’s my husband – he has to), or it they really are great. I guess if it’s just me, maybe I am pregnant.

Then again, since most of my small group IS pregnant, maybe that’s not the best measurement. . .

A Monkey Tale

So we have this mystery in our family.

It’s a bit of an odd mystery.

Have you ever had that sensation of remembering something from your childhood that was just plain weird and totally illogical, and then one day realizing that your parents must have been teasing, or talking about something else? That may be too vague to explain what I’m talking about, but here’s our family mystery:

My Mom remembers, plain as day, as a normal occurrence in her childhood, her Mom (Mammaw) telling her about her pet monkey that she had as a child.

Yes. Mammaw had a pet monkey. In the 1930’s.

Sounds logical, no?

Normally, I would just write that off as one of those strange childhood memories. Except for the fact that my Mom’s siblings ALSO remember hearing about said monkey, and also associate their mother’s childhood with having this pet.

However, Mammaw says this is the most ludicrous thing that she has ever heard, that she NEVER had a pet monkey, and has NO idea where they came up with this.

And actually, one of the top 10 funniest moments of our family history (right below the Mammaw/Chris Spoons Debacle) is when this memory discrepancy was discovered.

We were having a normal Sunday Family lunch, and somehow monkeys came into the conversation. Just as normally as she would have said, “please pass the peas”, my Mom says, “Well Mother, you should know, because of your childhood pet monkey.”

Mammaw twists her face in complete confusion and ridiculosity. “I had a WHAT?!?!?!?!”

Mom: “Your pet monkey!”

Mammaw: “I never had a PET MONKEY!!!”

Mom: “Of course you did!! You told us about it all the time!!”

Mammaw, in the most “where did you YOU come from” voice ever: “NOOOO I didn’t!!”

I cannot tell you how long the rest of us laughed at this conversation, as my Mother’s comprehension of the universe came tumbling down around her.

So it has become somewhat of a family mystery AND a family joke. Anytime there is anything to be said about Mammaw forgetting something, someone has to say, “Well there WAS the pet monkey, after all.”

Or, conversely, any time there’s a comment made about one of my Mom’s slight airheaded moments (that “slight” was added so as to not insult my Mother), someone has to say, “Well she DID think her Mom had a pet monkey, after all.”

My personal opinion is that there WAS a pet monkey mentioned in their childhood, but it was some sort of threat, or wild story, or something that left this impression in three kids minds.

There HAD to have been something behind this wild tale.

Either Mammaw made up a series of bedtime stories about a pet monkey that was very realistic, or she threatened them that she would get her pet monkey to attack them if they didn’t behave, or SOMETHING.

Or maybe Mammaw DID have a pet monkey, and just loves to see us all squirm with curiosity. I could totally see her pulling that trick.

The world will never know.

My View, Adjusted.

Thanks to the evil stomach virus attacking my poor child, this has been my view today:
Yes, she refused clothes but wanted her necklace on. When toddlers are liable to puke on you at any second, you give them what they want.

So, what with stomach virusing and everything else that could have possibly gone wrong going wrong today, I’m going to share some happy pictures of sunnier days in the not-too-distant past:
There. I already feel better! And she is feeling much better, too, by the way. I think we’re through the worst of it. Thanks for all of your kind words and prayers this week!

I’ll Never Think of "Food" in the Same Way Again.

I am earning a new Mommy Scouts badge over here.

And not one that I want to earn.

Yup, the dreaded “My Toddler Has a Stomach Virus” Merit Badge.

Ali woke up during naptime crying. I went upstairs pat her back and tell her to go back night-night (happens a lot during naptime). But once I got up there, she began to get sick, and continued to “sick” all over the bed, the formerly-beige carpet, her pillow, her beloved DoggieBear, ME, the bathroom, and the sink for quite a bit.

I’m sure at this point it is obvious that I’ve never dealt with a toddler besieged by a stomach virus before, or I’m SURE I could have limited the collateral damage a bit.

Oh, and as an aside, I have most definitely found the first drawback to all of those bold beautiful colors of home-juiced fruits and vegetables. NOT nice to carpets.

She cried and held me for a long time, and when she finally woke up enough to get ahold of herself, her analytical side came out.

She looked at the floor and said in her best “I’m trying to solve this mystery” voice, “Somebody spilled something all over Ali’s floor!!”

(Yes, it sounded JUST like the three bears. I fully expected her to say, “And there she is, right there!!!”)

I explained “You spit up, honey, because you don’t feel good.”

After about half an hour of my vain scrubbing-the-carpet attempts, she looked at it again and said, “Ali spit up.”

“Yes, Ali spit up, honey. You spit up because your tummy hurt and spit all of the food in your tummy on the floor.”

Excitedly, she said, “Ali has a baby in her tummy?!?!?!”

“No, honey, you had FOOD in your tummy.”

“Oh. Ali had FOOD in her tummy.”

Later on, Chris came home and helped with my FURTHER attempts to clean the carpet (I had him stop off at Lowe’s for more cleaner). I was trying and failed to keep Ali out of it. She stepped on the wet carpet, backed up quickly, and said, “Ali stepped in Ali’s food.”

ew. That just gives spit up a different vibe. Not to mention the food.

She got special treatment since she had been sick and got to watch a bit of TV (Wheel of Fortune – she loves the letters). After WoF, Dancing with the Stars came on, and since she had been dancing to the WoF music, I figured that I should let her watch the first dance to really be impressed. Here is the proof that she DID feel better for a bit:

Later, when I explained that she couldn’t sleep with DoggieBear tonight because he needed a bath, she explained to herself, “DoggieBear fell in Ali’s food”.

Not QUITE how it happened, but close enough.

She’s already woken up crying a couple of times, but no more “sick” has occurred yet. Your prayers for our making it through the night without stepping in any more “food” would be appreciated.

Update: We made it through the night with no further “sick”. She did wake up many times during the night crying, though – not sure why. She’s still asleep, so we’ll see how she is once she wakes up. Thanks for your prayers!

Second Update: Actually, she DID get sick in the night, just not enough for me to see in the dark. She still feels very badly this morning and is very feverish. . .

If I Wanted My Hair to Stick Up, I’d Put a Cone in it. . .

So have you noticed that “big hair” is back in? I’m pretty sure that it all started this stylish lady:Now granted, it actually really does look very distinguished the way that Sarah Palin wears her hair bump. But I remember when I first saw it, I was like, “What in the world is on the back of her head making her hair stick up like that?!?! She must have one dang bumpy head!!”
Then, of course, Paula had to follow suit, along with a ton of other stars.

So since I wasn’t old enough the last time Big Hair was “in” to experience this phenomenon, I had no understanding of the mechanics of how this works. In fact, I was completely confused as to how one can make her hair stand up in a big poof like that. Do they secretly install coneheads?? Or is it more like a speed bump?

I have heard that “teasing” or “back-combing” was involved, but the thought of purposefully tangling my hair to make it poof up seems like pretty much the last “beauty trick” that I would employ on earth, right after I go out and get a tattoo on my face. I work really hard to keep tangles out – you will not find me purposefully ADDING them in. Not to mention the untold damage that MUST be done to continue raking your hair into a rat’s nest day after day.

And apparently I wasn’t the only one thinking that these methods could surely be improved upon. While pondering these deep mysteries of big hair, I saw a commercial for Bump-Its. It is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. They are little “bridges” that you put in your hair to make it stand up:Of course, they come in multiple sizes for optimal bumpage: miniature bumpage, small bumpage, large bumpage, and my-hair-looks-like-the-butt-bustle-of-a-Victorian-dress-honkin’-huge bumpage:
And hurry! If you order now, you will get 10 sets! For the price of 1! That’s a $3,698.99 value, all for three easy payments of $9.99! Oh, you haven’t called yet? Well we’ll throw in a wig to go with it! And a sham-wow! Oh, and here’s a bucket of Oxyclean too!

Of course, even if I DID want bumpy hair, (which I don’t, might I add), my hair is so fine that my bridge would be falling down all day long.

And it seems like it just MIGHT be a bit embarrassing if your bump fell right out. It’d be like a toupee flying off or a bra’s stuffing peeking out of the top of one’s shirt (which I saw happen not too long ago at the mall – it was CLASSY).

At any rate, it just wouldn’t be right.

Anyway, what with all this big hair being back in, I know one person that is thrilled beyond belief:
That’s right, Beth Moore: You finally did it. You waited long enough, and the fashion came back around to you.

Disclaimer: I am in no way insulting Beth Moore’s hair, just quoting her oft bemoaning of flat hair being in style and her anticipation of the day it comes back in. I look forward to seeing her new hairstyles with every new bible study as much as the next girl.

Teaching Toddlers Important Skills, Such as Bracket-Making.

So if you’ve been around for a while, you already know that my toddler is not only good at gambling, she’s great at it.

(and, obviously, I am a shameful parent in need of a sound talking to about the evils of letting my daughter have a $1 square in her Daddy’s office football pools.)

So naturally, I had to let her fill out a brackets for Chris’ office March Madness pool as well.

However, this wasn’t as easy as randomly picking a square for her. I had to somehow skillfully coerce my toddler’s participation in making 63 decisions. Yes, if you’ve never counted before, when making a bracket, you have to make SIXTY-THREE choices.

In toddler world, that is over two months worth of deciding between PB&J or Grilled Cheese, which is, in itself, no laughing matter.

So. I started off the most logical way, while using the opportunity of her being in bed after naptime and not wanting to get out yet to trap her into talking to me.

“Ali, would you like Louisville or Morehead State?”

violent shaking of head “uh uh!!”

Okay. . .let’s get a bit simpler.

“Ali, would you like an L or an M?”

“an M!!”

Okay. Now we’re onto something. Although that was probably the worst bracket pick, um, EVER.

We get through maybe 15 choices using the first letter of each team’s name, and then I run into a brick “uh uh!” again.

So I switch tactics. I use their seeds. . .

“Ali, would you like a two or a fifteen?”

“A fifteen!!”

Poor thing. She doesn’t realize how risky of a decision THAT was, either.

This strategy only gets me through a couple more decisions, so I switch back to letters, which works for a while more.

Then she just starts flat-out ignoring me.

So I got more creative.

I went and got a post-it notepad and a pen, and returned to my chair that she always instructs me to sit on while she’s playing in bed.

“Ali, would you like Mommy to write you a U or a V?”

“A U, please!!!” (there was much excitement at this new development.)

So I write a big U on a post-it note and hand it to her. You would have thought I had written her a seven page love note.

This tactic works for quite some time, especially if I switch it up by offering her letters and numbers.I didn’t encourage her to pick one team or the other, with the exception of one of the times when she lost interest, I asked her if she wanted Radford or North Carolina to win, knowing she’d answer (and not ignore me) since she LOVES Baby Radford.

So, her bracket is picked and entered both into her Daddy’s office pool and into Boomama‘s online game (her user name is “Ali-2yrsOldandBracketing” – look for it somewhere near the VERY VERY bottom).

As are mine – after all, the fun of making and keeping up with a bracket is the ONLY thing remotely interesting, entertaining, or positive about Basketball, in my humble opinion.

Her percentile is currently 0.04%. But just in case you wanted a taste of her strategy, this is what I could tell from her choices:

  • If “7” was an option, she always chose it. It is, after all, undeniably her favorite number. In fact, nearly every time we go down the stairs, she has to sit on 7, and say, “bum is on 7!”. THEN she has to sit on 8, and say, “Bum is on 8, 7 is up there, feet are on 9.”
  • If “W” or “T” were choices, they were always picked.
  • And of course, Radford. I’m surprised (in a good way) that Radford wasn’t her chosen winner.

In summary, I think that Ali would be best off if she sticks to gambling on football rather than on basketball. You gotta know what you’re good at and stick to that.

Sleepover Bliss

AJ came to spend the night with Ali last night, and they have been having quite the time.

She came bearing gifts: a sucker. Ali had never had a sucker before:
but she wasn’t impressed. She just couldn’t understand why the candy was supposed to stay on the stick, as it made MUCH more sense for it to go in her mouth.

We took them to Taziki’s for dinner, where they got to share everything. Ali shared her favorite play secret with AJ, “ride the pony”:
They shared making a huge mess with the salt,
they shared food,
And had one last shared ride of the pony.
Then we came home and played marbles, a favorite pasttime but not recommended for toddlers who eat things.
Luckily, these two girls are not that sort of toddler.

Put them on their eyes, maybe. But not eat them.
This playtime also afforded me the opportunity to get a few cute “head shots” of them:
. . .and then Ali decided that she no longer wanted to wear her hair band, and this Dolly Parton look was the result:
Yes, she will be going into the country music industry in no time.

Then, of course, we had to get their traditional “matching jammies” sleepover shot. For reference, here is Sleepover Number One in April ’08, 11 months ago:

And here is Sleepover Number Two in November ’08, 4 months ago:And here is now:
I think they hit the peak of looking like twins in November, and they don’t really look alike as much anymore. How about you?

Because Chris was helping me get them to smile, there were touchdowns. . .
and clapping. . .
but apparently, AJ’s Daddy took note of her ease in learning “Roll Tide” last time she slept over, because this time it was VERY apparent that she had been well-versed in “Go Vols” and “Go Big T”. And not only was she taught those phrases, but apparently she was taught to say those things when someone (i.e. Chris) suggested that she say “Roll Tide”.So, David and Ashley, you can rest assured that your parental training still stays with her, even when other grownups try to tell her to do something that she knows she’s not supposed to do.

Then it was time for bed. We read the bible together. . .
and prayed together. . .
and then I used one of those tricks that ONLY works once. We got both of their rooms ready, then in an excited voice, I said, “Who wants to go night night first?!?!?”, and AJ immediately started jumping up and down excitedly and saying, “I do!! I do!!”

How do I know that it only works once? Because I tried it at naptime today and Ali immediately answered, “AJ!” while AJ simultaneously answered, “Ali!!”.

Oh well. If only I could come up with a new one-time trick every time, how great would that be?

This morning, they shared breakfast,
but were much more interested in my juicing demonstration, especially guessing which color of juice was going to come out next:
And then they both enjoyed the results very much.
Hopefully AJ’s parents won’t accuse me of trying to turn her into a hippy, drinking fresh juice and whatnot.

So then I dressed them up. . .
And I would love to say that they asked to match, because they did, (once I suggested it), but I will admit that I am dweeby and enjoy matching them. So there.

Then we went to McWane Center, where they caught virtual butterflies:
And discovered their new favorite exhibit, the crane:
All in all, I do believe that they have had the best of times.

Conquer the Caption: Week Two

Conquer the Caption
Last week was a lot of fun with a BUNCH of great entries!! So first of all, let me announce the winner of last week’s Conquer the Caption:

Conquer The Caption Week 1 w/b

Jennifer, with her caption of: “Heeeeeelp!!!!! I’m being abducted by aliens!”, because she looked at it in an original way. When I got the email of her comment, I was completely confused and totally didn’t “get” her caption at all. Then when I went to look at my picture again, it really does look like she’s being lifted up into space, and it made me laugh! Congratulations on thinking outside of the box, and I’ll send you your cheesy button!!!!

Now, here is THIS week’s Conquer the Caption picture:

Conquer The Caption Week 2

And, since I clearly did a TERRIBLE job at clearly explaining how to participate last week, please read the following carefully, and I will try my best to make more sense!!!

  1. Write a caption for the above picture and post it in the comments of THIS POST.
  2. Put up your OWN photo (not mine) on your own blog and link it here (using a permalink – let me know if you don’t know how) with the mister linky below. Then other people (like me) can come to your blog and write captions for YOUR photo, too!

Have fun, and let me know if I am still being confusing!!

Ultimate Blog Party Giveaway: The Kid Dictionary!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

5 Minutes for Mom is having a HUGE party this year – and everyone has the chance to win!! There will be TONS of giveaways, and this post is my participation in it! So be sure to enter my giveaway by commenting on this post, and then go check out everyone else’s at 5 Minutes for Mom!

If you’ve been hanging around here for any amount of time, you all know that my goal is to try and have an “entertaining“, or even “humorous” (on a good day) blog. And I also like big words. And teaching them to my two year old.

Well, Eric Ruhalter wrote a perfect book for me!! It combines big words WITH humor. Only they’re better than regular ole’ big words, because they’re MADE UP big words! The book is “The Kid Dictionary: A Book of Words that Parents Need But Don’t Have.” He creates awesome words such as:

WHYAHRHEA (WHY-uh-REE-uh) n: An inquisitive toddler’s chain of questions rattled off in rapid-fire succession.

BROFITTI (bro-FEE-tee) v: To scribble with permanent magic marker on the face of a younger sibling.

INVISIBOOBOO (in-VIZ-uh-boo-boo) n: – The site on a child’s body where you unnecessarily applied a Band-Aid to appease them when they got hurt, though did not bleed.

THREEMAGEDDON (three-muh-GED-in)-n.: The supposed hellfire and brimstone that would erupt should an annoyed mother reach the third digit while counting aloud to 3 to get a non-compliant child to get his act together.. “ONE !….TWOOOOOOO !!!!….. “

SNOOT (SNEWT) v: To suck in rather than to blow out when blowing your nose (Ali STILL does this EVERY time I try and get her to blow her nose!!).

REGURGITIGHTEN (re-GUHR-jih-tie-tuhn) v: To brace yourself upon ascertaining that your ill child is about to barf on you.

This book is full of priceless and hilarious words that will really help you see the bright side of some possibly not-so-bright parenting moments.

And now you can win a copy of this book!! Just leave a comment on this post, and you will be entered to win. You may leave extra comments for extra entries if you subscribe or follow my blog.

You have until Monday, April 6th to enter, and the winner will be chosen randomly and announced on April 7th by 3pm.

If you’re here from 5 Minutes for Mom, thanks so much for visiting my blog!! Please take a minute and check out my most popular posts at the top of my sidebar. I’d love to share some laughs with you!

The prizes that I would love to win are: 16, 19, 21, 22, 26, 49, 50, 58, 75, 88, 89, 91, 118 or 122!!

Babies in the Big City

I know, this post is quite late in arriving. I got very little sleep the night before last, thanks to not being wise and drinking a large coke with a late night meal. I was so tired yesterday (and yet still drove back from Atlanta) that I fell UP two flights of stairs in two different cities. That’s right. I’m just THAT graceful.

When telling my friends Ashley and Lydia on Sunday night about my upcoming trip to Atlanta, I think I stunned them both when they realized that I had never driven anywhere over an hour away by myself. It’s just that Chris and I have always traveled together since we got married, and before that I was a child (nearly), so it’s just never happened.

So, mine and Ali’s two-and-a-half hour trip to Atlanta was destined to be a fun adventure, even though that’s really not that far away. Unless you get to experience Atlanta traffic.

I set out with many, many things to keep Ali occupied. Here you can see her modeling many of them all at once in an extremely tacky fashion:
She always wears her bracelets like that. I don’t know why. I guess it’s just more comfortable.

Barkley was coming from Charleston to meet us there for our fun girlfriend+babies trip, so she had her own travel adventures with a seven month old. One of them being trying out those nifty new seats in a Wendy’s bathroom:Of course, he promptly fell OUT of the nifty new seat right after she took that picture. Gotta love technology.

Once we got to Atlanta, there was no longer any need for entertainment. Ali has never been to Atlanta (or, come to think of it, any city bigger than Birmingham), so driving in was amazing to her. She experienced tunnels for the first time and saw trains (and even “VEWY VEWY FAST trains, Mommy!!!” – thanks, MARTA), she saw tall, tall buildings, lots of Cranky the Cranes, and got very excited when she saw LOTS AND LOTS OF BABY CARS!! (Thanks to a “Smart Car” dealership that we passed).

I tried to explain to her that we were in Atlanta. But I don’t quite think she got the concept. She kept pointing to all of the highrises saying, “There’s an Atlanta! There’s another Atlanta! There’s a tall, tall Atlanta!!”

I got to the hotel before Barkley, so I went up to the swanky front desk to check in. And then I realized that I was not going to like how this made me look. You see, Barkley’s husband made our reservations, because this trip was a gift from him to Barkley (and I got to benefit too!). So our conversation went as follows:

Front Desk Man: “What name is the room under?”

Me: “Jeremy (G). But my name is on the room also.”

Front Desk Man: “And what is your name?”

Me (as I stand there WITH MY TWO YEAR OLD and feel like a very bad person): “Rachel (C).”

Thinking quickly to save my reputation, I manage to think to say: “Please also have a set of keys for Barkley (G). SHE will be here soon, and SHE will need keys as well.”


When we got to our room on the sixteenth floor, my-oh-my was Ali back to being thrilled with The Big City. After checking out the view for a while,

She kicked back and enjoyed the comfy chair.
And, for the first time that I remember, when I suggested it was time to take a nap, she said “stay up and play in the hotel house, please!!”

Yes, I’m lucky. She usually is quite agreeable and ready for her naps.

Then Barkley and Woods arrived, and I got to meet my adorable Godchild for the first time!! He LOVED all of Ali’s big-girl toys:

And, of course, Ali LOVED all of his toys.

They got to know each other somewhat trepidatiously. . .

But had many good bonding moments.

We shopped while we visited. The great thing about shopping with toddlers (at least mine) is that they are completely self-entertained.
One of Ali’s favorite places in the world to go is the mall. In fact, yesterday, she told me, “I NEED to go to the mall, Mommy.”

What have I done to my child??

Oh – and the great thing about shopping with babies? They are completely self-comforted:
That night, we took our kiddos to my favorite Greek Restaurant in Atlanta, Taverna Plaka, in hopes of letting them enjoy the bellydancing.

However, there is no bellydancing on Monday nights. But, of course, the food was delectable. Ali quite enjoyed hers:
And even Woods got to sample the Hummous dip:
Barkley and I then took the kids back the the hotel, put them to bed, and relaxed and talked for hours on end. We fully intended to have a picture to illustrate this. However, after many re-settings of the self-timer, running to get into position, and giggling and grimacing at the photos taken, we decided that past midnight was no time to try and get a decent picture that didn’t show greasy faces or double chins.

Not that we have double chins. It just looks like we do after midnight.

By the next morning, the kids were much more comfortable with each other, discussing the pros and cons of Pampers:

Ali enjoyed some reading and eating time by the window before Woods came and joined her for my attempted photo shoot:

And then did a bit of swirling in front of mirrors.
As I told you yesterday, we ended up staying an extra day after finding out that Chris had to come to Atlanta for a business meeting. So we got another hotel, of which I have already shared our adventures.

However, as I mentioned in that post, Ali got her nap really late, which was in part on purpose so that we could eat with Daddy when he arrived. She actually didn’t wake up from her nap until 7:30 pm (Atlanta time), and Daddy arrived at 9:00pm Atlanta time. We went to our favorite wing place that is no longer in Birmingham, Wing Stop. What time did Ali get to bed, you ask? Latest ever, by far (unless Gramamma and Pop have kept her up later and I just don’t know): 11:00pm.

And since she only slept till 9am, she was pretty dazed on the way home. In fact, I think she might have been seeing things when we were almost home. She kept pointing at cars and saying, “There’s Gramamma, Mommy! There’s Nick and Papa and Nana, Mommy! There’s Pop and JC, Mommy!.”

So I’m going to try and get her back to normal schedule over the next couple of days. We’ll see how that goes.

Speaking of which, since it’s almost 6pm as I write this, I should probably go wake her from her nap.

So I leave you with these:

Most odd “the next new thing” I saw being hocked in Atlanta: Electric Cigarettes. I have no idea what these are supposed to be.
Most ridiculous price tag I saw in Atlanta: Has to go to a baby dress. Because baby dresses should NEVER EVER have this price on them: