Seven is an age of deep thoughts, misheard phrases, paranoia, and brute honesty. Ali: “How long until dinner?” Me: “Not too long. Maybe twenty minutes.” Ali: “Oh good. I just wanted to know if I had time to go upstairs and dilly dally for a bit.” Noah: “DELETE ALI?? What does that even mean??” I’m […]

What’s That Sound, The Dozenth Volume.
These are Noah’s new “drinking glasses.” Hopefully this isn’t his idea of preparing for college. Ali and Noah were discussing the pros and cons of their various babysitters with my friend Kelly. Noah explained that they have a system of points. Ali insisted the point system is based on a ten point scale, but Noah […]

What’s That Sound: Volume Eleven(ish)
Having a boy child is often a confounding situation. Like, how does this happen? And more importantly, after it happens, how does one hang up their coat, look at a sucker stuck solidly to the hoodie, and say “eh, I’m good.”?! This kid. So let’s document the inner workings of such a powerful mind. On […]

What’s That Sound: Birthday Edition.
Today, this kid is turning six. He’s become quite an adventurer this year, always willing to take on a challenge. And ask questions. And ask more questions. And also more. Questions. Here are a few things he’s said or asked recently… “These mints are too spicy. I’m going to save them for when I’m older. […]

On the Growth of a Man.
Noah has been busy lately, growing up and stuff. He’s become a puzzlingly model student (he has for his entire life held a staunch non-education policy), his imagination is running wild with ideas of commerce, and he got his first loose tooth. He tried to play the tooth thing cool, just slipping it into conversation […]

On Parenting The Male Variety.
“That bad smell you’re sniffin’ is my feet.” Because that’s what a little boy tells his sister, who is across the room, when she happens to have the sniffles. He was sitting in my lap, though, so I should know – he wasn’t wrong. His shoes have smelled so dead-rotted-carcass lately that one night I […]

Just Because It’s Friday…
“Hey Mommy. Is my butt still clean?” “You mean your bottom? Clean from what?” “My bath last night.” “I mean, probably…why?” “Well, I’ve touched it twice today with my hand and haven’t washed it.” (Holding up a finger.) “You touched your bottom with that finger?” “Oh no I touched my butt with my whole hand. […]

24 Hours with a Five Year Old.
The following happened between the hours of 8:30am December 21 and 8:30am December 22. Monday. 8:30am: I threw clothes at him and told him to get dressed – we had to go to Physical Therapy. After a few mandatory whines about the unfairness of having to wear clothing, he disappeared into the bathroom. The next […]

What’s that Sound, Volume Six: The Questioning Edition.
Noah has solidly entered the 437 Questions a Day phase. It’s high time that I get Chris’ lap counter out for a day of objectively counting them as I did for his sister. I suspect he’ll break her record by lunchtime. He sees questioning me as something akin to an eternal game Keep Off the […]

Bits and Pieces Of Life.
I’m seriously behind at life right now. Despite the fact that I feel like I’ve been breathlessly working all week to get caught up. Okay no I lied. I’m too obsessed with outdoors and Springtime and my new hammock to try and put together thoughts anymore. (But that’s Ali, not me. I can’t take a […]