The Story of Hosting Woes: A Cautionary Tale.

So two weeks ago was…stressful. It wasn’t planned to be, insomuch as one ever plans a stressful week. It all started at the end of June, when my blog / Picture Birmingham’s hosting company, HostGator, billed me for my annual renewal. I’d managed to talk them down last year to 40% of the list price, […]

Eight Years in a Nutshell or Two.

This month is my blog’s eight year old birthday. I don’t usually even think about my blogging anniversary, let alone mention it, because it happens every year. So what. But this year I’ve been pondering it more – I think possibly because this past year is the first time I’ve ever seriously thought about quitting […]

The Best Worst Comments: Volume III.

Volumes I and II can be found here and here. I adore my regular readers and their lovely and encouraging comments – I seriously cherish with all my heart. But the random Googlers that find my blog and leave bizarre and angry comments also have a special place in my heart. As such, the time has come […]

On Nuts and the Blogosphere.

Like you, my inbox has gotten its usual case of severe Winter Flu. It’s a pox, really. A Plague. Every retail establishment I’ve never been interested in is sending me multiple emails a day about their Black Friday Deals and their even better Cyber Monday deals and their EVEN BETTER final sale prices and their […]

The Best Worst Comments, Volume II

You may have heard…bloggers live for comments. They are just the best. They add richness and depth to the story, offer wisdom, information, and differing viewpoints, as well as giving us the positive feedback we need to keep writing – because every blogger’s Love Language is Words of Affirmation – why else would we spend […]

Take a Turn.

Guys. I’m tired. Life has taken 100% of my time lately. I know, right? So unthoughtful. I have endless things to blog about and no time to actually sit down and write. Or when I do, Life (again!) has dismantled my brain in such a way that words will not come. Blurg. So today, It’s […]

Carnivorous Creations: The Meat Bouquet.

Originally posted September 1, 2009. And still one of the stupidest things we’ve ever done for a blog post. Chris has consistently sent me gorgeous flowers throughout our relationship. I have always greatly appreciated this, but have always been burdened with a good bit of guilt at each occurrence of said delivery, because there’s nothing […]

Scoot Over and Make a Little Room, Everyone.

Well. Hi there! The internet is a funny place. And by funny, I mean weird. For whatever reason, one of my denim posts went viral on Pinterest a year and a half ago. And for some other whatever reason, the same post went viral on Facebook last week. As such, there are a decent number […]

I Want to Spotify You.

When it comes to internet radio, I’ve always been a Pandora girl. It’s free, easy, and they were the first people (that I know of) to use the fantastically mysterious Music Genome Project to magically choose songs that I would like. But then my friends kept talking about Spotify. Over and Over and OVER. So […]

13 Things That Need to be Banned from Twitter.

I love all forms of social media – yes, even Pinterest, despite my poking fun at it a little too often. But when it comes to playing favorites, I do not hide my adoration for Twitter and disdain for Facebook. However. Twitter has its own set of cultural quirks and personal phrases that have sprung […]