When I opened up my Christmas presents from Chris, there was one particularly long and skinny one. As soon as I saw what it was, I gasped and looked up in horror. “You DIDN’T. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!” “Wait! No…this isn’t a Selfie Stick! THIS, my dear….THIS is a SUNSET STICK. “Ummmm…..it […]

Why Alabama Lost.
So Alabama lost. Did you hear? My husband handled it awfully well – I think he nearly tuned out the last fifteen minutes of the game, clearly as a psychological coping mechanism. But it was effective, as the children didn’t get woken up by screams of agony and defeat, which is a much better fate […]

Things In Which You Shouldn’t Run.
Okay. So I wear leggings as pants. Clearly, that came as a terrible shock to many of you – at least based on the comments, the Facebook conversations, and the in-real-life justifications I’ve had to offer since making my grand admission. So, in an effort to regain your confidence, I’d like to present you with […]

Five Jeans That Shouldn’t Exist.
As I’ve noted a few times, I do about 90% of my shopping on HauteLook. I’m a fan of shopping on my phone, and I’m fairly good at gauging what will fit and what won’t. Plus, I return what I don’t want and everyone’s happy. And they have some ahhhhmazing jeans on there. For ridiculously […]

The Day I Started Wearing Leggings as Pants.
It’s a tough row to hoe, sharing one’s principles on the internet. Because sometimes you end up changing those principles. And there’s nothing the internet loves more than hypocrisy. For instance, the time that I made fun of Toms, then had to admit that it was all my son would wear – and worse, that […]

Doilies Aren’t Shorts.
I know that summer is almost over (or very over) in some parts of the United States. Those of you in South Dakota and Colorado have already seen…snow?? Weirdos. However, we have at least another month, maybe two, of wearing shorts, getting sunburned, and sweating our brains out. Especially at football games. Saturday was no […]

Pitfall, The Shopping Edition.
I have a horrible confession. I’ve been cheating on Zulily. Not only have I been cheating on Zulily, but I’ve completely abandoned my daily Zulily Browsing, which means no more Weird Strange and True posts for you. However, I’ve replaced her with a new App Mistress: HauteLook. This exposes a growing selfishness in my heart, […]

Wedding Crashers.
This post is supported and endorsed by two wedding planners. We need to talk about an alarming trend that is spreading like Kardashians and certain to bring doom to our nation if not addressed. Slovenly Dressed Wedding Photographers. At the last several weddings I’ve attended, I’ve been horrified by cutoff shorts, yoga pants, t-shirts, holey […]

It’s Fashion, Y’all. Gameday Fashion.
I wasn’t going to post one this year. I know, I know – it’s tradition. But I live-tweeted it instead on a particularly fun gameday, and I thought that was good enough. Apparently it was not. I had people who missed it. Or wanted it all again. And some that even said “it’s all they […]

An Official Apology.
Dear Toms, It’s true. I’ve been cruel about your brand for years, likening them to my Grandmother’s Shriner Slippers, saying they looked like my 1986 Keds rolled with toilet paper, poking fun at anyone who would want to be like you, and absolutely refusing to even consider wearing a pair. I admit that I thought […]