I wish I were a road bicyclist. It looks like so much fun! They have cool little spandex suits that always seem to somehow be flattering on them, even though I can’t imagine how they would be on me. Maybe it’s the magic of road biking. Or the magic of the spandex suits. Maybe they’re […]
Super-Glue Phlegm
If the title grosses you out, Please just go ahead and stop reading. Find another post to read. I have plenty that aren’t gross at all – such as Toenail Art! Now, for the brave readers. . .(after all, many of you have said recently how you like me being real!) I have had phlegm […]
I Hate Honking.
I sincerely hate honking. I refuse to do it, with one exception: if honking is necessary to stop someone from running into me. The only problem is that since that is the only time I use my horn, I usually can’t even find it quickly enough to prevent a problem. THAT’S how rarely I honk. […]
Imported Randomness
I don’t know about you, but I love looking at food that is made and labeled in other countries. The labels are always so interesting. My mom brought a can of Dolmades (A Mediterranean dish of rice stuffed in grape leaves – they are delicious) over earlier in the week. This particular product was obviously […]
Early Learning FAIL.
Ali and I went to Barnes and Noble today so that she could enter into Ali-Heaven for a few precious moments:(I’m starting to think we should get her a train table rather than a play kitchen for Christmas. So much for reinforcing gender stereotypes.) Anyway, they of course have tons of toys for sale around […]
Put a Little Elbow Grease Into It. . . .
Do anyone else’s hands already feel like this?:I don’t get it. Yesterday was the first chilly-all-the-way-through-the-day day of the fall, but yet my hands have already felt dry, itchy, cracking, peeling and even painful for about a week. And I don’t even have that dry of skin. And you KNOW how much I hate lotion. […]
A Blog "Not" about The Office.
Eeeenteresting. . . so my bloggy friend Rachel G. complains that people only comment on her blog when she brings up a controversial topic (or at least “discussional” topic), but apparently all of my readers clam up when I bring up a topic for discussion. I guess my readers prefer entertainment posts, not discussion ones. […]
Mysteries of the ALDOT
A lot of stuff happens every four years. The Olympics, the Presidential Election, and I have to get my driver’s license renewed. I actually just now realized that it fell on the same four year schedule as the previous two things – maybe that will help me remember next go-round. Anyway, so Ali and I […]
Stick to What You Know
You know all of those Delta Dental commercials and billboards that will have something like “Pop’s Donuts and Opthamologist” or something like that? The point, of course, is that Delta Dental specializes in just one area, therefore making them superior in that area. So now I have request. Jillian Michaels, of Biggest Loser training fame, […]
Perceptional Paradigms
par·a·digm: A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline. I have always overanalyzed other people’s perceptions of me. Yes, I care WAY too much what other people think of me. Especially growing up – I would take […]