Mom and I took the girls to The McWane Center today. Now I know that the McWane Center is more geared around older kids than Just-Two and Almost-Two year olds, but I must say, we spend 2 1/2 hours there and the girls had experienced about 20% of it and were nowhere near boredom!
So, with that said, I thought that I would let Ali give a review of “McWane for Toddlers”.
We waited ever so patiently for Gramamma to get here so we could go to the “indoor park”. I don’t know why Mommy didn’t want to take us by herself. We went to “Just Mice Size” first – the part that was actually supposed to be for us. AJ was braver than me – she actually climbed up on the blocks and slid down!
I preferred just building with them, or sitting on the little bitty ones.
Then we found the mirrors. There is nothing that we like better than to look at ourselves! Mommy says we’re teenagers in the making.
We did not, however, like the mirror that made us short. As if we weren’t already short enough!
The water table was by far our favorite part. We would have stayed here for the whole trip had Mommy not gotten bored. I don’t know why she doesn’t have a longer attention span. We especially liked our special shirts that we got to wear.
AJ was confused because the little boy playing with us was also named AJ. He was confused too. Every time one of our Mommy’s called for them, the other one looked weirdly at the stranger as if to say “why are you talking to me?!”
Pouring was fun, but it was much funner to pour on the floor. And down our special shirts, and onto our shoes and the bottoms of our pants sticking out under our special shirts.
There seemed to be an infestation in the grocery store area.
Caterpillars were buying groceries. . .And Giraffes were running the registers!!
They were even at the play areas!
They seemed to be lurking in every corner, especially around the mirrors.
OK I fooled you!! It was me and AJ all along!!
We liked dressing up!
And especially looking at ourselves!
After that we liked sticking the foam blocks to the wall. We got pretty good at it, although we need some lessons in Physics to really hone our skills.
Then we drove the rocket together!! That was ALMOST as fun as the Hot Dog truck at the Galleria!
We were completely prepared for takeoff.
On the second floor (Gramamma and Mommy seemed really out of breath. I don’t know why, although I did lose count of how many stairs there were) we found this fun thing. We could push our hands into it and make handprints!
Here are a bunch of our handprints (and Gramamma’s face sideways) from the other side. Can you see them?
Then AJ got brave, as usual. Here’s the progression of her bravery: three faces, each one a little more pressed in:
After Mommy and Gramamma got their breath back, we headed to the third floor where my favorite person in the whole world was waiting for us. . . . THOMAS!!!
We peeked through the ticket office. . .And then we watched in complete amazement as the trains went really fast!!
They had lots of train tables for us to play with. . .
But ya know what? As creative as the McWane Center is, you just can’t beat the fun of jumping off of a block.
Well, I hope you enjoyed Ali’s review, and found it helpful in planning your next McWane outing! Here are just a couple more tidbits from our fun sleepover.
Here are Ali and AJ playing this morning. . .And here they are playing at the same toy almost a year ago. Boy a year can do a lot for height and hair!!
And this one is for AJ’s family: Sorry, we couldn’t help it. AJ is now a Bama fan.