McWane Through the Eyes of Toddlers

Mom and I took the girls to The McWane Center today. Now I know that the McWane Center is more geared around older kids than Just-Two and Almost-Two year olds, but I must say, we spend 2 1/2 hours there and the girls had experienced about 20% of it and were nowhere near boredom!

So, with that said, I thought that I would let Ali give a review of “McWane for Toddlers”.

We waited ever so patiently for Gramamma to get here so we could go to the “indoor park”. I don’t know why Mommy didn’t want to take us by herself.
We went to “Just Mice Size” first – the part that was actually supposed to be for us. AJ was braver than me – she actually climbed up on the blocks and slid down!
I preferred just building with them, or sitting on the little bitty ones.
Then we found the mirrors. There is nothing that we like better than to look at ourselves! Mommy says we’re teenagers in the making.
We did not, however, like the mirror that made us short. As if we weren’t already short enough!
The water table was by far our favorite part. We would have stayed here for the whole trip had Mommy not gotten bored. I don’t know why she doesn’t have a longer attention span. We especially liked our special shirts that we got to wear.
AJ was confused because the little boy playing with us was also named AJ. He was confused too. Every time one of our Mommy’s called for them, the other one looked weirdly at the stranger as if to say “why are you talking to me?!”
Pouring was fun, but it was much funner to pour on the floor. And down our special shirts, and onto our shoes and the bottoms of our pants sticking out under our special shirts.
There seemed to be an infestation in the grocery store area.

Caterpillars were buying groceries. . .
And Giraffes were running the registers!! They were even at the play areas!
They seemed to be lurking in every corner, especially around the mirrors.
OK I fooled you!! It was me and AJ all along!!
We liked dressing up!
And especially looking at ourselves!
After that we liked sticking the foam blocks to the wall. We got pretty good at it, although we need some lessons in Physics to really hone our skills.
Then we drove the rocket together!! That was ALMOST as fun as the Hot Dog truck at the Galleria!
We were completely prepared for takeoff.
On the second floor (Gramamma and Mommy seemed really out of breath. I don’t know why, although I did lose count of how many stairs there were) we found this fun thing. We could push our hands into it and make handprints!
Here are a bunch of our handprints (and Gramamma’s face sideways) from the other side. Can you see them?
Then AJ got brave, as usual. Here’s the progression of her bravery: three faces, each one a little more pressed in:
After Mommy and Gramamma got their breath back, we headed to the third floor where my favorite person in the whole world was waiting for us. . . . THOMAS!!!
We peeked through the ticket office. . .
And then we watched in complete amazement as the trains went really fast!!
They had lots of train tables for us to play with. . .
But ya know what? As creative as the McWane Center is, you just can’t beat the fun of jumping off of a block.
Well, I hope you enjoyed Ali’s review, and found it helpful in planning your next McWane outing! Here are just a couple more tidbits from our fun sleepover.

Here are Ali and AJ playing this morning. . .
And here they are playing at the same toy almost a year ago. Boy a year can do a lot for height and hair!!
And this one is for AJ’s family: Sorry, we couldn’t help it. AJ is now a Bama fan.

Twins for the Day

Well, our second sleepover was a success!! Or at least, they are both sound asleep. I better be safe and say that so far it is a success. But I am T-I-R-E-D!! So I’m going to minimally blog and maximally post pictures.

AJ was mesmerized by one of Ali’s toys that plays five different songs. Except that she only wanted it to play ” ‘Appy and You Know It”, so she figured out how to skip through the other four by listening to the tone that precludes each song to get it to play her song.
She LOVED Ali’s shapes. They had a great time sorting them all!
It was serious business. A true job that must be studied and focused on by both of them! They remind me of quality control people on an assembly line or something:
Ali decided to rest. . .
And AJ decided to join her.
So I decided it was time to watch “Thomas”.
Then AJ decided that Elmo needed to rest:
Now EVERYONE is well-rested!
I took them to the park after naptime. I would have more pictures, but I was running around frantically trying to keep up with them going in two different directions. I even had my friend Amanda there helping me, but it seems like 2 toddlers + park = 4 toddlers!!
So I made the executive decision that we would go into the library and play with puzzles instead. They were quite obliging.
Yes, containment is key when keeping two toddlers and you’re not used to having more than one on one odds.
We got home, And AJ played us a beautiful concert. She REALLY enjoyed the piano.
Then we colored for a while. . .
And then it was time for our traditional matching jammies pictures!! (Only I didn’t know that AJ calls them PJ’s and has composed a beautiful “PeeeeeeJAAAAAAAYS” song that she sings anytime you pull out jammies. It was lovely!)
For comparison, here is one of the matching jammies pictures from their last sleepover (6 months ago):
At any rate, they’re still twins!! (for those who don’t know, they actually aren’t related at all. They just freakishly favor one another).
Then AJ thought it was time to get serious.
But Ali decided that it wasn’t. Who doesn’t need a rousing game of “door” before bedtime??!!
AJ immediately thought that was a better idea than pondering in the rocking chair.
Which is which? I know. . . do you?
Mirror image. . .
Flip image:AJ! Are you coming??
Then it was time to pick up all of the millions of letters and shapes.
But who doesn’t have time for a rousing “ROLL TIDE”?? (AJ learned how to say it REALLY well – Ali’s a good teacher! I’m sure that AJ’s Daddy will be soooo happy) ;)
I’m sure I will have a few more tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted!

Deep Thoughts About Socks in the Single’s Scene

Everybody has them. They were married at one time, but their spouse managed to disappear into the bowels of the dryer, or some other unknown location.

I just always throw mine back in the hamper, so they get re-washed every time I do a load of laundry. The hope is that one day they will find their way into the dryer depths and be reunited with their spouse. Or bring their spouse back with them.

But they always manage to still stick around, alone, trying to pair up with the other singles but just not looking right together. I suppose I should give them seven chances or so and then throw them away. But that seems so unfair, so undeserving. It wasn’t THEIR fault that they spouse got lost. THEY were the sock that loyally hung around!! Why should THEY be punished?!?

Holey socks I can throw away. They gave up and wore out. But not single socks. It’s just not right.

How do you console (or punish) your single socks?

Wordless Wednesday

Ali and I went to the mall with Ashley and AJ on Monday. They were playing in the Disney store, and AJ wanted to sit in “Picky Mouse’s” lap. She looked so adorable, peaceful, and innocent, so I snapped a pic:
Then Ashley suggested to Ali that she go sit with AJ so that we could get a cute picture of both of them. What my child ACTUALLY heard, apparently, was “Ali, would you go ramrod Mickey and knock him over on your way to sitting right in front of AJ so as to totally eclipse her?”
More Ali and AJ pics to come – AJ is spending the night tomorrow night! A toddler sleepover always makes for good blogging.

Check out my other WW post at B-Sides.
Check out everyone else’s WW posts at the fabulous 5 Minutes for Mom!

Winners for the Giveaways!

Today is the day to announce the winners for my Red Mountain Music Giveaway and my Reader Appreciation Giveaway!!

I’m so excited, but so bummed that I can’t give a prize to ALL of you! After I used the random number generator, I wished I had twice as many so I could do it again! But not to worry – I have another giveaway up my sleeve to do soon – and it will be another FUN one!

So, without further ado, the winners are: (drumroll please)

Red Mountain Music – “Silent Night” Christmas CD:
#29 Croasla0 from Sewanee
#56 Tonya from Wisconsin
#71 Mrs. Butler from Birmingham(!!)
#246 Jodi from Michigan

Reader Appreciation Giveaway – $10 Starbucks Cards:
#16 emily
#19 cassieb

Thanks to all who participated!! Keep your eyes out for my next contest coming in a couple of weeks!!

If you won, you will be receiving an email/comment from me shortly asking for your mailing address. If I don’t hear back from you within a week, I will choose a new winner for that prize.

If you didn’t win but want to buy the Red Mountain CD, it is only $10, and worth EVERY penny!! Click here to go to the RMM store.

Eye Issues

Ali doesn’t quite “get” closing her eyes. If you tell her to close her eyes, she does what she thinks is closing her eyes. Which is this:
But yet she thinks they are closed like when Mommy and Daddy close their eyes. Because Sunday night when we were doing bedtime prayers, she had gotten off focus, so I opened my eyes to make eye contact to get her back on track with praying. She looked at me sternly (with her squinty “closed” eyes) and said “Close Eyes!!”

Then yesterday, we were driving West on 459 at sunset. Yes. If you’ve ever done it you know how very painful it is. First, you see every speck and fingerprint on the windshield. Then you are completely overcome by the blinding sun and can’t see anything. Ever again. Completely burned retinas.

Anyway, Ali was saying “too bright! too bright!” . I couldn’t get the shades positioned to block the sun from her eyes, so I told her to close her eyes. Then I remembered how well she does that. So I quickly said, “No, put your hands over your eyes!” And miraculously, for the next 5 minutes, she rode, completely unmoving, in the following position:
(obviously, this is a reenactment so that no eyes were taken off of the interstate to take this picture. But it is an accurate portrayal of prior interstate events).

I Wish I Were a Road Biker.

I wish I were a road bicyclist. It looks like so much fun!

They have cool little spandex suits that always seem to somehow be flattering on them, even though I can’t imagine how they would be on me. Maybe it’s the magic of road biking. Or the magic of the spandex suits. Maybe they’re like those super-constricting-Scarlett-O’Hara-like underclothes that squish your insides so much that it makes you have a 12″ waist (what happens to all the extra inches in those things, by the way? Do they squish up to your head or down to your feet?).

Plus, they go so fast. All I have is a mountain bike, and I KNOW that it doesn’t get that fast. They make it look so easy because they’re going so fast.

How fun would that be? Biking is DEFINITELY my favorite form of exercise, and they especially look like they are enjoying it. AND skinny because of it. Or is that the spandex suits?

I want to go that fast, look that skinny, and have that much fun!

They go so fast that in my neighborhood they often exceed the speed limit, especially down hills. Can they get pulled over and ticketed?

Also, are they supposed to stop at stop signs? Because they don’t.

I’ve seen a TON of people (in cars) in the process of getting pulled over lately, especially in Hoover. I mean, like at least 8 people in two weeks. It’s bizarre. Hoover PD is feisty. I have even seen HOOVER PD staked out on the interstate in LEEDS – miles from Hoover.

Back to road biking. How cool would it be to see a cyclist get pulled over for speeding?

Oh – and I wonder if they make little spandex suits in Ali’s size? How cute would we be in matching helmets and spandex suits?!

Both Giveaways End Today!

Hey everyone!
I should be back with a “real” post later today (I just want to be nice and give you a chance to catch up on the weekend’s multiple posts before barraging you again. Because I’m thoughtful like that), but I wanted to remind you that today is the last day to enter my two giveaways!

To enter to win one of four copies of the Red Mountain Music (aka Ashley Spurling) Christmas CD giveaway, click here and then comment on the post.

To enter to win one of two $10 Starbucks cards, click here and then comment on the post. AND if you’ve never commented on my blog before, your chances of winning are pretty great – there are only 5 first time commenters so far, and one of the cards is going to be drawn from only the first time commenters!

To be eligible, you must enter before midnight tonight. Winners will be announced tomorrow at 3pm. Good luck!

Can You Say That With a Happy Face?

That’s been pretty much every other phrase out of my mouth for the past four weeks.

A WHILE back (maybe last Winter) when Ali was first starting to get good with words, she would scream out what she wanted.




I let her do this for a long time, because I was just so relieved that she could communicate what she wanted.

Until one day, I was working in the infant’s room at Church and heard her next door in the toddler’s room. Wow. There’s nothing like hearing your child in a different light when they’re talking to others. Or screaming at others, as it may be. A humbling moment when I realized that I had allowed, nay even encouraged, my toddler to become demanding at a Queen-Like level.

So I started making her say “Please” after everything. And as I was teaching her, I would always smile and say “say ‘Please'” in a very sweet sounding voice. I had to do this every time she asked for something. It took about three weeks for her to start saying it without being prompted. Then all of her requests came out with a smile and in a very sweet little voice.

:D “Juice Peeeeeeeese” :D

It was heavenly.

But then, a few months later, the requests took a whiny turnpike. They became “JUUUIIICCEEE PLEEEASE” in a very discontent, whiny way with the following whiny face:
So I had to start all over. “Can you say that with a happy face?” “I didn’t see a smile!” “Can you ask sweetly?” “Can you ask that with a smile?” “You need to have a happy heart!”

Then I get one of these cheesy grins (which I personally find very adorable):
It’s been about four weeks, and I’m still having to prompt for the right attitude in asking. I started last week telling her that she needed to ask sweetly the first time, and denying her requests until she asked sweetly the first time. I tried this a few times, but I’m not sure she understood. Either that, or the adage “old dogs can’t learn new tricks” should be “old dogs can’t learn new tricks, and it takes toddlers a LOOOONG time to learn new tricks”.

Is anyone else out there working feverishly to break habits and change behavior patterns in their kids (ones like this one that aren’t “disciplining” issues)? Or have any great tips on how to speed the process up?

Her Preposterous Luck is Spreading.

So you remember that Ali won $50 on a football squares game, despite the fact that I’ve never won in the decade that I’ve done Alabama Football with Chris, right?

Well, she won again tonight.

AND it was double the money. $100.

AND her Daddy won the final, another $100.

They swept the board.

So besides the fact that Chris was SO excited about the end of the game that he went out on the back porch and howled as if at the moon, which consequently got our neighbors quite worried (I’m sure), he and Ali won the whole pot.

I had to blog about this today so that I didn’t have to post it on a Sunday. That just seems so wrong.

Maybe next time her luck will rub off on me.

And no, none of you can borrow my baby and take her to Vegas. She’s just lucky, not Rain Man. She counts to three, not cards.

Studying the board:
Glee at discovering that she AND Daddy won!!
Now the question is, what to do with a toddler’s SECOND and twice as large gambling winnings?