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When I went to get Ali on her birthday morning, I was singing “Happy Birthday”. Excitedly and full of realization, she squealed, “IT’S MY BURFDAY!!!!”
For our activity that day, we celebrated at her favorite place, McWane Center, with AJ.
We played in the water,Shifted gears,
Dug for dinosaurs,
decorated giant lite-brites,
And had many beautiful piano concerts!
Oh yes – and a train ride! Which was, of course, thrilling for Ali.
And since it was Thursday, she got to end her Birthday by hanging out with her best friends ever, small group!
I still can’t believe that all four of those girls looked AND smiled at me at once. Amazing.
Friday night, we had her birthday party. She got to wear her “party dress”, and couldn’t have been more thrilled, because, as she squealed to Daddy when he walked in with the Pizza, “EVERYBODY’S here!!!!”She and AJ got to play with her Thomas table,
And Eli enjoyed it also.
Actually, Eli seemed to enjoy himself quite a bit. . .
I think he was anticipating his own birthday in a few months.
She loved her cake and really tried to blow out those candles. . .She tried eating like a lady, fork and all. . .
but really enjoyed the sugar flowers on top more than anything else!
I think she ate at least half a dozen.
. . .and loved every minute of it!
AJ and Ali gazed at the presents, wondering at the glory within. . .
and Ali got a big birthday hug from AJ!
Finally! Time to open!
A Princess Computer!
A combining of two favorite: Mr Potato Head AND Play-Dough!!
After every present, she begged me – “open it pleeeease”, and I had to beg her to finish opening all of her other presents.
As she opened a present,she felt the need to remove the tissue paper, carry it across the room, drop it in the floor, then go back. . .
to get her present.
AJ sat quite primly and adorably while watching Ali open presents.
A baby doll!! She loved Mommying and swapping between the Paci,
and the sippy cup.
For a bit of a flashback,
Ali and AJ at Ali’s one-year-old Birthday party,And at her two-year-old Birthday party.
They loved making towers with Gina for the sole purpose of knocking them down:
And Ali finished the night off by looking every bit of 15 years old: