Time for Formal Introductions.

Blog Welcome Mat

So Hi!

Let me introduce myself.  I’m Rachel, and this is my home.

I’ve had a few posts making the rounds on Pinterest and a few other places lately, and as a result, there are a bunch of new readers that have been hanging around.

And I always like to get to know new people, so today, I’m talkin’ to you.

The first thing you should know about me is that I adore interacting with my readers.  I’ve read plenty of blogger’s “About Me” pages that have given some sort of apology with their email address such as, “Here’s my email address, but the chances of me having time to answer you are pretty much less than Conan and Leno joining forces and creating a collaborative show.  So feel free to email me – if you like talking to an echoing cyberwall.”

I am the complete opposite.

I get ridiculously excited when I get an email from a reader, and I promise that I will respond within a day or three.  If you don’t get a response, then either your email got stuck in my spam filter or my response got stuck in yours.

(Unless you’re the son of the President of Equatorial Guinea and are wanting me to help you smuggle your fortunes out of the country.  Then I’m most likely not going to answer you.)

So if you ever have a question, comment, suggestion, funny photo, blog idea, or just want to say hey, please feel free to email me at graspingforobjectivity@gmail.com.

Also, about the comments.

Every time I visit a blog, I muse to myself, “I wonder how many comments it takes for them to know who I am?”

Around here, it’s 1 to 5.

If you tell me something unique and personal about you in your first comment, I’m likely to keep that framework in my mind and think fond thoughts about you often.

(Unless that unique and personal thing is that you hate me with every fiber of your being.  I’ll still remember you, though – no worries about that one.)

If you comment more generically, I will categorize you as a distinct individual somewhere between your first and fifth comment.  This has to do with how unique your name is.

If your name is Clarissa, I promise to remember you immediately.

Ooh! Or Tori.

But if your name is Rachel (people are attracted to like-named bloggers), Jennifer, or Julie, be patient.  It might take me a minute longer to assign you an individual compartment in my brain.

I also try to reply to as many comments as possible, and do my darndest to visit my reader’s blogs, because I do this whole blogging thing for the relationships.

Have I mentioned that?

I really like you guys.

If you want to read some posts that further explain who I am and what I do at this blog, here are some suggestions.

~ I like turning subjective stuff into objective stuff:

Bathing Practices as Indicated in Children: A Scientific Study.
The Categories of Scream.
The Presidenim Election.

~ I like solving mysteries:

Dr. Pepper Ten: An Investigative Report.
Uncle Joe’s Tot Locker: An Investigative Report.
On Meeting the Party Friends.

~ I like finding new ways to explain life:

Parenting, 2.0.
Social Media Policy for Labor and Birth.
United Toddler’s Union, United Mommy’s Union, and Mommy Benefits Package.

~ I like capturing the chill-bump inspiring moments of life:

Yard Bunny
Tiny Bits of Grace

~ I don’t exactly mean to, but I have a way of telling my stories and, in the process, making giant corporations despise me.

The Chuck.
The Inconvenient Gap of Truth.
Can’t Buy Me Love.
Zulily. Really??
How it Feels to be Hated By a Celebrity.

…and perhaps make one or two happy every now and then.

Frequently Asked Idiocies
The Mommybloggermobile

~ I occasionally share some homeschooling and/or child-teaching tips:

Geography, Pre-K Style
Best Educational iPad/iPhone Apps
On Creating a Miniature Shopkeeper
Creatively Encouraging Reading and Writing
Geography Geektasticness

~ And even a craft project or two, this coming from a very uncrafty person:

Paint Chip Art
How to Make Word Search Gift Wrap
Tangled Birthday Party

~ And I like offering “helpful” tips for life:

Kiosk Warfare: A Guide for Survival.
Baby Tips.
A Shredded Diary.
The Decaffeination Report.
How to Act When They’re Expecting.
On How to Diaper a Newborn.

But seriously – enough about me.

Back to you.

If you’re new around here, or have just never properly introduced yourself, or if you’ve been around from the beginning but just want to tell me something new, it’s your turn to talk.

Say hey!

Tell me where you’re from!

Tell me something unique about you!

Ask me anything you’d like to know!

Snag your much-deserved compartment in my brain!

I look forward to getting to know all of you.

Pinterest Tracking Page

To know how to make a page like this for yourself, read my instructions here.  If you would to hire me to make you one for your blog, email me at graspingforobjectivity@gmail.com.


Read-Aloud Books     

Geography Pre-K Style    

Teach Your Toddler the Countries at the Breakfast Table

How to Teach Your Toddler the Presidents    

Geography Geektasticness       Pin It

A Day in Our (Home)School


iSchool 2        Pin It

Eat Your Remainders (Division)

Playing Store With Your Kids     Pin It

Creatively Encouraging Reading and Writing     Creatively Encouraging Reading and Writing Pin

Crafts: Word Search Wrapping Paper        

Word Search Wrapping Paper (2012 Repost)

Paint Chip Art      Pin I

Melted Crayon Art

Tangled Birthday Party       Pin It

Treasure Heads     Pin It


Coloring Books from Photos      


Coexist     Pin It

Happy Mother’s Day from Time Magazine     Pin It


On the Proper Fitting of Jeans     Pin It

An Inconvenient Gap of Truth        

Mom Jeans and the Dreaded Long Butt     Pin It

Avoiding Mom Jeans for those over 50

Jeans for Most of America

Jean Hem


Downton Abbey, Explained Pin It

Downton Abbey, Explained (Graphic Only)    Pin It

Downton Abbey – Graphic Only Page

All You Need to Know About Project Runway

The 15 Stages of Having Nothing to Blog About

Noah, in Memes.     Pin It

Parenthood 2.0         Pin It

Queen Elizabeth


Soft Butter Mints     Pin It

Mummified Chicken     Pin It

Oreo Truffles     Pin It

Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean Chocolate Chip Cookies      

Cuties Julius     Pin It

Tomatillo Chili      

50 Best K-Cups  

Cozy Potato Soup

Taco Soup



How to Watch Downton Abbey Now

How to Turn Your Blog into a Book

Pinterest Graphics        

Pinterest Stats       

Main Blog:

Grasping for Objectivity

My Content on Other Sites:

Downton Abbey Addicts Downton Abbey Explained

iSchool, Volume Two.

Since my original iSchool post, we have found many more great learning apps on the iPad/iPhone.  Whether you’re homeschooling or not, if you have an iDevice of some sort and you allow your kids to play on it, you won’t ever regret downloading good edutainment – the games are just as fun as Angry Birds, but can teach your kids crazy-quicker than any textbook ever will.

With that in mind, here are the latest apps that we’ve been loving on.  The following are my own opinions and my discoveries – no one is paying me to review any of these apps.

General Learning:

iPad TeachMe Second Grade

TeachMe: Second Grade – the TeachMe series is still by far my favorite all-time app collection.  They are fabulous.  The Kindergarten app quickly prepared Ali for the first grade app, and the first grade app quickly prepared Ali for the second grade app.  Second Grade has all of the great rewards, parental reports, customization, and entertainment that the previous apps do, but it’s added more sections of learning.  It rotates between spelling, sight words, long addition, long subtraction, fast addition, and fast subtraction.  It has a great method for making the long addition and long subtraction easy to understand, and the timer and extra coin incentive on the fast addition and subtraction are great – it has really brought out Ali’s competitive side, and has significantly increased the speed of her math skills.


Reading / Spelling / Writing:

iPad Tab Tale Alice In Wonderland

 Tab Tales – Last time I wrote about apps, I was very sad that I hadn’t been able to find any good reading apps.  I’ve recently discovered Tab Tales, and am on a geekish high of grand proportions.  They’re classic stories in poem form, written in mostly simple, readable words.  There’s a “read to me” and a “read by myself” option.  We choose “read by myself”, and I have Ali read it, then at the end of the page I press the Play button and have it read aloud, further cementing the storyline into Ali’s head.  But what I really love about these apps are the interactive pages.  The pictures all move and do cute things, and many of them have puzzles, as well.  This is just the type of reward I need to get Ali excited about reading – because she knows that once she’s read the page, she gets to play on the page.  These books have been the first reading exercise that Ali has ever done where when I ask “do you want to quit now?”, she actually says no.  The books are free, but they do have ads on them, but you can pay .99 per book to get rid of the ads, which I think is well worth it for these wonderfully designed books.


iPad Word Wizard

Word Wizard – This app has spelling quizzes, but our favorite feature is it’s movable alphabet, where you can drag the letters to create words and sentences, and it will repeat them back aloud.  Ali finds it to be great fun to teach the app to say things and surprise people when her iPad reads it aloud, such as the day we took Noah to the doctor, and when the Doctor walked in, Ali had her iPad say, “Noah is sick.  Can you help him?” It’s a great way for kids to practice spelling and sentence structure composition in a fun setting.


iPad Montessori Crosswords

Montessori Crosswords – Made by the same company as the prior app, this one has spelling practice disguised as crossword fun.  It’s cute and entertaining, but Ali prefers Word Wizard most of the time.



iPad Zaner Bloser Handwriting

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting – This is a simple app to practice writing letters and numbers.  You can get manuscript or cursive, and it allows you to practice capital or lowercase letters.  It either guides you or allows freeform writing.  It’s perfect to work on the coordination of writing, but doesn’t have much edutainment value.

iPad Grammar Jammers

Grammar Jammers – This is a fairly silly app that sings songs about grammar.  But Ali loves it, and it makes us giggle, so perhaps she’s learning something?



iPad Math Ninja

Math Ninja – I think this game could be THE hit game for a boy who needs math practice.  It’s got a delightfully fun dialogue, adventure setting, and the ability to earn more weapons and buy things.  It feels very original-Nintendo-RPG-Style, so it brought back fond memories of Dragon Warrior and the like.  In the game, you’re a Math Ninja fighting off RobotDogs and RobotCats.  You solve a few math problems, then you shoot ‘em up with the various weapons you’ve bought with your winnings.  Very well done, very game-like interaction, but still getting significant learning in there.  It has addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division levels.  Ali loves it even though she doesn’t totally “get” the shoot ‘em up part, but if you have boys, I would recommend downloading this one immediately.


iPad Motion Math Hungry Fish

 Motion Math: Hungry Fish – This is a cute, simple app for solidifying addition configurations.  You choose the “level” you want to play – say, “8”, and then you combine bubbles of numbers to add up to 8 to feed your fish.  It’s been good to help speed up the idea that 1 + 7 = 8, 2 = 6 = 8, or 3 + 5 = 8.  It has in-app purchase options to get subtraction, multiplication, or division.



iPad Kiddy Art

Kiddy Art – This is a wonderful free app that gives simple step by step visual instructions on how to draw animals and scenes.  It’s exactly what I was looking for to help Ali develop her artistic skills.  You can also color the pictures as well.




iPad DoodleCast

DoodleCast – This is a cute art program that gives the kids a scene and a concept – “What do you do at the playground?”  It then records the drawing AND the audio while drawing, and they can play it back and watch.  This can be humorous when a parent doesn’t know they’re playing this app, then then they hear their side of a phone conversation played back over the iPad.  Use caution.

Miscellaneous Learning:

iPad Presidents V Aliens

Presidents Vs. Aliens – This app is made by the same developer that made Stack the States and Stack the Countries (of which I reviewed last post.)  It’s a great game to familiarize your kids with the presidents, and definitely has difficulty levels beyond what we’re ready to do.  It has a cute interface where you shoot aliens with the president’s heads, which is entertaining on many levels.  This isn’t one a non or slow-reader can play alone, as you have to read the questions, such as “Which one of these presidents is George Washington?”, but it’s fun to play together.

iPad Analogies 4 Kids

Analogies 4 Kids – I got this app for Ali because my ACT weakness was always the analogies section (ironic, since I ended up marrying the King of Analogies).  It’s a simple app, but definitely conveys the idea without using too many words.



Here’s my updated app summary in order of my rankings, with the ones reviewed in this post highlighted.

Best Educational Learning Apps

Printable Version Available Here.

Apps I’m Still Looking for:

  • I would LOVE to see someone create a Phonics Rules app – especially if they incorporated it into a game. How awesome would that be?
  • I want to find more reading apps. I’m thrilled about discovering Tab Tales, but we’re going to run out of books pretty quickly. The more, the better.
  • I have yet to discover any good early-grade science or history apps.

Do you know of any apps that fit into the above criteria? 

What great apps have you discovered lately, kid or non-kid related?
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