BlogHer BulletPoints.

BlogHer has an effect on 95.6% of it’s attendees that it turns their mind into complete mush by the time the weekend is over.

I was not one of the lucky 4.4%.

And so, while I allow my mind time to de-mush and re-solidify and my feet time to re-grow (what, you didn’t know I blogged with my feet?), all I can seem to produce are Bullet Points. I might have some more philosophical thoughts later in the week, but today, what you see is what you get.

  • Mrs Potato Head got verrrrry handsy with my British Friends Jay and Sian. It made us question if there was really a Mrs under that potato. So we questioned (s)him. (S)him looked guilty as charged and hung his spud in shame. IMG_0027
  • Thank goodness, Dora was not handsy. No one wants Dora doing THAT sort of exploring. photo(5)
  • Wai-wai-wai-waitta minute, Dora!! Whattarya doing to Boots?!?!?!photo(2)
  • Oddly enough, the Rabid Rabbit was the most well-behaved furry BlogHer guest. Rabies, I suppose, doesn’t always result in mischief.IMG_0019
  • Last year’s celebrities: Tim Gunn and Paula Deen. This year’s celebrity: The Sun from Jimmy Dean. photo(4)
  • I missed Tim Gunn.
  • But I did get to meet another fashion celebrity offsite. David Lauren, Ralph Lauren’s son, looks eerily like Jerry Seinfeld. Except much more well-dressed…and more good-looking. But Jerry can’t be blamed for that – Ralph can.IMG_0006
  • The Ralph Lauren Madison Avenue Headquarters are much cooler in real life than on Friends. IMG_9996
  • Day One: I’m an idiot. I’m pregnant and didn’t pack myself any snacks. Now I’ll have to find a store and stock up.
  • Day Two: I’m an idiot. I stocked up on snacks, completely forgetting that I’d get enough food in all the swag to feed the entire Duggar family for a week.IMG_0067
  • (And I’m sure that they’d find some way to make tater tot casserole out of the bags of Sweet Potato Chips and Craisins that are filling up my room.)
  • New York will make you wish you were the type of Mom that would spend $100+ on a sweater for your kid and glad that you AREN’T that type of Mom all at
  • Coloring is therapeutic whether you’re at home or at BlogHer. It’s especially therapeutic when you know you’re making a postcard to send home to a tiny someone that you might miss a little more than a tiny bit.IMG_0025
  • iPhone FaceTime (which is just as tear-inducing in real life as on the commercials) is the greatest invention for the away-from-home parent since the aforementioned
  • Because really, it’s easier to play “Hey Mommy! Can you do THIS?!?” on FaceTime than on a
  • Even if you say you’d never attempt the Subway alone, the Subway is an evil temptress. She will lure you in, but once you’re underground, if you perchance take the wrong train (feeling the lurching in the wrong direction is a sick feeling), all of the wonderful iPhone apps in the world can’t help you right your wrongs – because there’s no signal underground.
  • Nor are there maps underground.
  • Nor is there a “you look like you need help, idiot tourist” kiosk.
  • So it’s best to escape while you still can, torture your feet even more, and walk back from whatever mysterious place you ended up.
  • If you get to walk more (thank you Mister Subway), you get to appreciate the fact that the city is a beautiful place, IMG_0033

  • but at the same time, it makes Birmingham look like even more of a beautiful place.
  • (No, I wasn’t really righting my wrongs from the Subway until after dark.)
  • I can’t wait to see this hand again:Welcome Home[28]
  • BlogHer turns your mind into Mush. Have I already mentioned that?


Dear Ali,

It’s been a wonderful year since your last birthday – I’ve loved the amazing adventures and conversations that we have had.

Thankfully, we didn’t experience anything that could even be close to being called the Terrible Twos (although I know you’re making no promises about the Threes yet).

In fact, you were, for the most part, downright agreeable, letting me teach you such words as Axiomatically Bombastic, being eager to learn your states and your presidents, and finally wanting to learn how to write.

Sure, we had our moments. Especially related to poo. And sure, you talked my ear off at times and wanted to grow up way too fast, but overall, this year has been better than I had ever imagined it.

Here are some of the highlights:

This year, you got to try new things, like Snow (obviously last March, not yesterday’s snow-letdown): Snow
Of which you weren’t a fan..Snow2

(You much preferred mud-puddles)Mud

Waterslides, Waterslide1
Um, also not a fan..Waterslide2

Your first trampoline, Trampoline

Your first haircut,IMG_5546

Your first wedding,Wedding

And you got to start your Olympic training in GymnasticsGym1
…of which you were SUCH a fan, you made sure to practice everywhere.Gym2

You and AJ continued your best of friendship throughout the year: AJ1




And you even began hanging out with some boys…


You adored the beach…Beach0Beach1Beach2
Honed your musical skills,
IMG_3112 copy

As well as your milk-bubble talents.

You cheered for your Daddy’s favorite team (you know – the NATIONAL CHAMPIONS..apparently you’re good luck),IMG_3384

And practiced Greek Dancing in honor of your Mommy’s heritage.
You developed your own funky sense of style,



IMG_2437 copy
And ADORED you some makeup. Makeup1

Thank you for making this year adventurous, hilarious, at times mysterious, and just plain fun.

On your last birthday:1

Month One:2

Month Two:3

Month Three:4

Month Four:5

Month Five:6

Month Six:7

Month Seven:8

Month Eight:9

Month Nine:10

Month Ten:11

Month Eleven:12

Month Twelve:IMG_6667

Just one request for this next year… please don’t get too grown up on me.

…please keep making up your own contractions, like “am’t” instead of the boring way adults say “I’m not”…

…please keep making up your own past tenses, like “doos” and “gotted”…

…and please keep drawing your own conclusions, like “My Eyes are Bright!” instead of “The sun is bright!”

Happy Threeday, Ali!