Confessions of a Poser.

Life has begun in the South. Football Season is here, also known as The Holy Days. I married into University of Alabama Season Tickets, the most scarce and sought after of commodities in the state. Our schedule starts with a couple away games, but soon, our entire family will be digging out our crimson (except […]

On the Pondering of Offspring.

I yearned for children for six years before Ali was born, and two of those years were spent desperately trying to get pregnant, then a few years later, we spent another year trying to get pregnant with Noah. But. Had I known then what I know now, there are things that would have helped me […]

Ironic, With Children.

So Alanis Morissette and I are basically best friends. Photo Credit – Alanis: AKM-GSI; Me: my iPhone; both used with permission. …Or at least we had sons six days apart, both have long dark hair, and sometimes wear stripes. (Same difference.) Because of our deep relationship, I took the liberty of rewriting my favorite Alanis […]

A Teaching Tool for the Internets.

When you come across those people in life who express interest in beginning to use social media for the first time, (You know, like the people who say, “I really need to get on the Twitter!!”), And you want to help them jump in, just share this graphic with them. So. What did I leave […]

Sick, With a Side of Sick.

Hi! Noah here. SO.  I heard you heard I was sick. It was a dark time in my life. I was so ill that there was very little that I wanted in the universe. You would think that would make me considered low-maintenance, right? But no – The Servant Who Calls Herself Mommy picked that […]

The 15 Stages of Having Nothing to Blog About.

1. Impending Doom – In thinking through one’s long list of blog post ideas…and realizing that there aren’t any.  Not a single one. 2. Optimism – Surely something will come to mind.  Something always does.  It will be totally fine. 3.  Annoyance –  Clearly, Mental Mutiny is afoot. 4.  Blank Stares – THINK, computer screen!! […]

Chick Cars: The Report.

Last week, I conducted a survey on the crucial subject of Chick Cars. Between blog comments, Facebook, Twitter, and in-person interviews, I collected vast amounts of data on this subject. In sorting out this influx of information, I determined to do more than simply look at the numbers.  Because I have a heart for the […]

A Public Smock Announcement.

(With many thanks to DirecTV, for their magnificent and inspirational commercials, and my Mother, who allowed me to borrow a few choice articles of clothing.) If you dress your son in smock for Easter, He may feel dejected, embarrassed, and angry. If he feels dejected, embarrassed and angry, he will get in a fight on […]

The Presidenim Election.

I have a list of subjects that I refuse to blog about, and my political leanings are very near the top of that document, right behind – oh wait – blogging about the contents of the list is on the list. However, I find myself at a place in time where I absolutely MUST make […]