It has been discovered today that, the currently viral website that allows you to upload a photo and then tells you how old you look, is actually a conspiracy by multi-level-marketing behemoth Radon + Folds. Redarn + Flan is a direct sales skincare corporation that relies primarily on women who don’t mind utilizing Facebook […]

An Important Opinion Piece on Emoji.
Emoji have always been a peculiar thing. A thing that I use every day, but that also creates many problems in my mind. A year or so ago, I began documenting these issues in a note on my iPhone, hoping that one day, Siri would read my note and offer an answer for my many […]

One Oil to Rule Them All.
At Young Living Essential Oils, we pride ourselves in being on the cusp of technology, purity, and usefulness with our oils and oil blends. My Step-By-Step Guide can help you find all answers to life’s questions of health, well-being, prosperity, and immortality. But now, your life will be reinvented with our new line of oils, […]

On My Whirlwind Relationship with a Spammer.
As a blogger, I get hundreds of emails a day. Of those, approximately one is a real person emailing me to genuinely correspond. If I’m lucky. I adore emails from real people. In the stack of emails, there are definite patterns that can be found. PR Firms sending me press releases, hoping that I’ll write […]

Why I Homeschool.
18. If my kid is going to pass notes in class, they’re going to have to be to me. And I DO love getting a good note – especially if it’s creatively folded and contains at least twenty hearts. 17. I like being able to answer the question “When are your kids starting back […]

A Call for Felinism.
A guest post, by Fred the Cat. The time has come for a revolution. We live in America – the land of the free, the land of equal opportunity, the land of respect. But cats, my friends, are not getting these basic rights. Cats are humiliated on YouTube. Villainized by Disney. Ignored by Government. Scoffed […]

How to Use Essential Oils: A Step-By-Step Guide.
1. You will receive your first (and second, third, and four hundredth) introduction to Essential Oils via your favorite social network – most likely Facebook. This glorious day in your life will occur when you happen to mention any form of personal discomfort. A headache, scabies, a sword wound, or split ends. If the stars […]

Just Peel It.
Last week while we were at the beach, we went out to eat. I added a side salad to my dinner as I sometimes do. When it arrived, I went through my all-too-familiar Cycle of Salad Emotions. CYCLE OF SALAD EMOTIONS …The ranch looks homemade and thin…happy! …The tomatoes aren’t completely juiceless crunchy tomato […]

If Only God Had Expounded.
I think we can all agree that God could have been more detailed. I mean sure, He wrote the #1 bestseller of all time and it is QUITE voluminous. But there were some items that He could have really made our lives smoother if He’d fleshed out a bit more. Sprinkle or dunk? Wafers or […]

When Sharing Corrupts.
Ali has a sharing problem. Her problem is unlike her brother’s sharing problem, which prompted him to sit atop four Hot Wheels like an overprotective mother bird on a nest of eggs for an hour because the little girl across the street was visiting and there was a slight possibility of her having interest in […]