A Collection of Ifs and a Butt.

IF you’re marketing designer maternity denim, why not put your model in shoes that would completely risk the life of any (off-balanced and clumsy) pregnant woman? IF one has to wait 10 minutes for an apparently picky request of “No Cheese”, this should not be what one should receive: IF you’re a University that shares […]

If Only I Could Live in a Skinny Mirror…

I first became aware of the phenomenon about a decade ago. It was in a CVS Pharmacy, of all places.  It must have been Christmastime, because they had a plethora of cheap-Christmas-gift-Merchandise on hand. And there was a “full-length” mirror – or at least it was a long rectangular mirror about four feet high.  It […]

La Tristesse.

“The Sadness.” Despite my many years of French lessons (which are oh-so-helpful in Alabama, let me tell you), I didn’t know what La Tristesse meant until I met Chris. He had this weird, melancholy, artsy poster left over from his College Dorm Days – it said “La Tristesse” at the top, and was a very […]

The Second Annual Holiday Shopping (Un)Guide.

It’s that time again…the time that all of the crazy baby catalogs in my mailbox have to move over to make room for all of the even crazier toy catalogs. I seriously just need to put a dumpster out front – the mailbox just isn’t cutting it. And, since I wrote you a shopping guide […]

Mail-Order Baby.

There is indisputable proof that the moment a woman conceives, a magical bulletin is immediately sent to every baby and children’s retailer in the world. She wakes up the next morning, as of yet unaware that she is with child, only to be completely puzzled by the stuffed state of her mailbox – full of […]


I am not a writer by education, as I’m sure proof of such is in abundance around here. In fact, the classes I despised more than any other were those of the English variety, mainly due to the title of this blog: they were too subjective – especially in the grading. Especially my first experience […]

Football and Kid’s Market: Two Different Forms of Crazy.

So Saturday Football did not disappoint. I mean regarding my Scavenger Hunt, of course – what, you thought I was talking about the game?? It was good too. The “interesting” fans were out in full force. Amanda B. did quite well on the Scavenger Hunt, and Green Door Girl did a fabulous job creating an […]

Across My Path as of Late.

Need a great Daycare? In Birmingham, we have only the best: …I bet those kids take GREAT naps. We were browsing through the baby section the other night and ran across belly mold kit – you know, so you can always remember exactly how gargantuan pregnancy makes you. Although we didn’t buy it, we learned […]

Tales of Gating.

So after my last post about football, I’m sure that you all assume that our tailgating crew is among the top tier of the hierarchy of football-tailgating craziness. But I present to you evidence that, although I will not deny our proper belonging in The Nutlawn, the nuttiest we are not. WE DO NOT have […]

Mile High Shopping.

I never take a magazine onto a plane with me because I’m always completely fascinated by the Sky Mall catalog. So this last flight, I obeyed the instructions at the top and took it. So they could joyfully replace it. The first thing I always think when I look at catalogs like this is, “What […]