It has been a very dreary, rainy weekend. You know, to finish out the Triumvirate of Weather – what with the snow two weekends ago and 80 degrees last weekend. All of this rain has gotten me thinking a lot about windshield wipers. I guess I can’t really help thinking about them, since when I’m […]
Say it Forward Friday – Bloglationships.
Hi, you! Oh, quit looking over your shoulder – I’m talking to you. You see, I want more than to just be a silly blog to be read. I want bloglationships. I treasure my bloglationships. I love knowing you, interacting with you, and you being a part of my life like I am a part […]
Mommy Scouts
I think that we should have Mommy Scouts. You know, where we get to earn Merit Badges as we experience facets or overcome obstacles of Mommyhood. Because admit it – we’re all proud of what we’ve overcome in this crazy job, and we like wearing them like honors on our sleeves anyway, so we might […]
Deep Thoughts, Valance Hair, and Not Another Blog about American Idol.
I had an epiphany during American Idol last night. It’s probably something that everyone else in the world already knows, but I can be a bit slow with my deep thoughts sometimes. However, at the risk of you giving me a big fat “DUH” in the comments, I thought I’d share. I was thinking about […]
Pink is the New Blond
So on this season of American Idol, there have been a lot of Pink-Haired singers. Not completely pink-headed, mind you, but just with “tasteful” pink highlights:I realized last night during eliminations that I have been subconsciously cheering for all of the pink-haired people, and have been disappointed when they’ve gotten eliminated. I guess I like […]
One Step Forward + One Step Backward. = Three Steps Forward
The interesting thing about blogging about a toddler is that sometimes when you write a post, reality clearly seems one way. But just a few days later, that reality may change completely. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. I wrote this post about a month ago, but never finished or published it : […]
A Princess Reality Check.
So now that I have a daughter old enough to be interested in princesses and fairy tales, I’m getting reacquainted with all of the Disney Princesses. It’s so interesting looking at them through the cynical eyes of an adult for the first time, rather than the dreamy-I-want-to-grow-up-and-be-a-Princess-too-and-I-hear-there’s-a-Prince-in-England-about-my-age-I-wonder-how-I-can-go-about-meeting-him? eyes that I had last time I was […]
Feeling Better!! And "deep" thoughts about American Idol, embarrassment, and teenagers
I am feeling 100% better today!!! I will NOT say “one-hundred-million-percent” because I DESPISE it when the judges on American Idol say that. So cheesy. But I do feel like I was never sick. But I still say it was NEVER heartburn. Anyway, speaking of American Idol, I’m not one to blog about TV shows […]
Musical Uniquities
Yes, I made up that word. Here’s the Grasping for Objectivity Abridged Dictionary entry for it: Uniquities – “you-KNEE-quit-ease” – kind of like the word “antiquities”, but instead of antique, think unique. There’s nothing like a car trip to get off on a random subject. When we’re on car trips alone (a la no Ali), […]
Deep Thoughts About Socks in the Single’s Scene
Everybody has them. They were married at one time, but their spouse managed to disappear into the bowels of the dryer, or some other unknown location. I just always throw mine back in the hamper, so they get re-washed every time I do a load of laundry. The hope is that one day they will […]