29. And Prepared to Prove it.

So. Today is my last day of being 28 years old. Typically, I’m such a big fan of birthdays (particularly my own) and the personalized attention that comes with them, that I don’t mind at all the thought of becoming a year older. But there’s just something distasteful about the thought of 29. After all, […]


I am not a writer by education, as I’m sure proof of such is in abundance around here. In fact, the classes I despised more than any other were those of the English variety, mainly due to the title of this blog: they were too subjective – especially in the grading. Especially my first experience […]

Top 10 Reasons Your iPhone Might Divorce You.

Having been an iPhone owner for a few months now (admittedly I am an iLateBloomer), I may have become a little more than addicted to it’s convenience, super-hero abilities to do anything I want it to do, and capability to amuse me in any second in which I might find myself becoming bored. I (very […]

Am I Five or Am I Six?

Obviously, I’m a scientific thinker. And being such, nothing confounds me more than things that SHOULD be scientific actually being ridiculously confusing and conflicting. …which means that all methods of pregnancy calculations drive me mad. First of all, the whole count-from-two-weeks-BEFORE-you-conceive thing. It’s an amazing feat of nature that on the day you conceive, you’re […]

Caffeination Liberation

“1-2 caffeinated drinks a day.” It’s the mantra that is told to every pregnant lady, over and over and over and over, filled with guilt and threatening menace should you cross the line. Of course, I’ve always taken that to mean “1-2 Giant 44 Ounce Caffeine Bombs a day”, so that way I never feel […]

Mile High Shopping.

I never take a magazine onto a plane with me because I’m always completely fascinated by the Sky Mall catalog. So this last flight, I obeyed the instructions at the top and took it. So they could joyfully replace it. The first thing I always think when I look at catalogs like this is, “What […]

This Just In: Boys Will Be Boys. And I’m Frightened.

So Chris and I were lying in bed last night, doing what couples do when they’re lying in bed at night (checking Facebook on our iPhones), and enjoying reading the sudden outburst of boy mischief being reported on Facebook. The first Facebook Status we read was this one from our friend Rachel G: “seriously??!!?? so […]

Disney Creates Skanks.

Disney is a complicated beast. They create characters so lovable (and widely marketed) that no child can go a day without running into them somehow. In fact, my kid doesn’t go a day without pretending to be at least five of them. In the same day. Repeatedly. And not answering to anything but the particular […]


People constantly complain about flying: the ridiculous costs and add-on fees, delays and cancellations. I don’t understand these people. Flying is a blissful experience of adventure, independence, and expediency that I absolutely adore…. Until now. I finally have a bone to pick. You see, I ever-so-carefully packed my monstrous giant of a suitcase for BlogHer. […]

BlogHer BulletPoints.

BlogHer has an effect on 95.6% of it’s attendees that it turns their mind into complete mush by the time the weekend is over. I was not one of the lucky 4.4%. And so, while I allow my mind time to de-mush and re-solidify and my feet time to re-grow (what, you didn’t know I […]