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Blog Roll
Infusion-Induced Insanity.
On our last few hotel stays, Chris and I have discovered a magical commodity that hotels sometimes offer: fruit infused water. Displayed beautifully in a large dispenser with multi-colored fruits, three recent hotels have had it in the lobby, with those lovely little clear plastic cups that make everything taste better. One hotel even made […]
I pulled the post I published this morning because I became concerned that it could be misconstrued as mean-spirited. I didn’t mean it that way, but sometimes it’s hard to write about experiences without saying things that could be misunderstood. I never in any way want to come across mean-hearted, even if that means not having […]
The Adventures of Creep and Crack.
Up until the point in question in our home renovations, our contractor has sent out the most impressive sets of workmen, scoring Class A (or even better) on The Creep Scale. The Creep Scale, a scientific document based on surveys of ones of housewives. Class A*: This person is a stranger in your home, but […]
This is How I Feel…
This is how I feel about dyed armpit hair. This is how I feel about a Facebook invite to play Dragon City. This is how I feel about sixteen year olds wearing cut-off mom jean shorts. This is how I feel when I realize a single Facebook friend is selling Mary Kay, Rodan + Fields, […]
Under Lock and Key.
Ali spent an entire Saturday morning planning and creating an extraordinarily intricate blanket fort. Like Fort Knox itself, her construction boasted of all of the necessary building components to create the highest security possible – chairs, every blanket in the house, random objects like hammocks and toys to fill in the gaps left by the […]
The Snotty Truth: a Tonsillectomy Recovery.
I am an Adult Tonsillectomy Survivor. I know, I know – you’re probably as tired of hearing about my tonsillectomy as you are my running. I get it. But I wrote about my surgery day and never got back to writing about the recovery. Because of this gross oversight (and yes it is definitely gross in all […]
Summers are For Kids.
Our summer thus far has been the most fascinating family paradox. While Chris and I have been wrestling with it in a most epic fashion, the kids have literally had The Best Summer Of Their Lives. I had surgery = The kids got ten days of fabulous playdates with different friends every. single. day. Then […]
On Fighting Weather Fears.
In April, we experienced some pretty strong and unexpected straight-line winds in our neighborhood. Ali and I actually saw the storm in all its intensity, which was over by the time we ran down to the basement. But the memory has stuck with Ali. She’s an unemotional and severely logical kid, which is extraordinarily nice […]
22 Things Learned From a Year of Running.
Today is my One Year Runningversary. In the past 365 days, I’ve run nearly every day, totaling 1,258 miles and a calorie burn (supposedly) of 135,000. I was determined to run to fight my dysautonomia, was finally able to get motivated enough to start running by the below “before” picture, and became obsessed with running […]