What’s That Sound, Volume Two

What’s That Sound is a series of my second child’s most recent quotes. (And no, this isn’t unfair to my first child – she got her own series.) It’s the most Mommy-Bloggified thing I do, but how else am I going to remember? One morning at breakfast, it went down like this… “Thank you Jesus […]

Regarding a Summer Love Affair with YouTube.

I’ve never been a YouTube sort of girl. Sure, I use it to suit my own purposes, uploading videos for blogs and then immediately logging off. But watch other videos? No. Search for stuff? Never. Until I had a son. A son obsessed with all things containing wheels. Noah needed to see tractors. His fire […]

Fashion Statements of Fact.

Since his debut onto the fashion scene in August, Noah has discovered that he has much more to offer. And so he’s back, explaining in detail the intricacies of toddler clothing and more. He realizes that exposing the world to his impressive depth of knowledge runs the risk of making him the go-to guy for […]

Thoroughly Shirking my Duties.

  The job of Mom is an infinite scroll of large and tiny responsibilities. Once I’ve fed them, hydrated them, schooled them, broken up fights, bathed them (semi-periodically), read to them, rocked them (not with real rocks, my Dad always reminds me), changed diapers, and allowed them to sit mindlessly in front of Dora the […]

Noah’s Fashion Pointers: Volume One.

For a two-year-old boy, Noah has very strong opinions about fashion, especially since his sister at two didn’t seem to be aware that she was even wearing clothes. But my son’s tastes are exquisite, specific, and a non-negotiable. As such, I decided to let him have his own video column to share his wisdom. So […]

You’ve Gotta Start Somewhere.

So yesterday, we began. Noah was slightly perturbed about being labeled as a troublemaker on the first day, But he couldn’t deny that there was just cause for that assumption. And no, I didn’t take a “first day of school” picture last year with which to compare these. And yes, that fact does indeed eat […]

The Rest of the Trip.

I wrote about Disney (or the lack thereof). I wrote about LegoLand. But there was a lot of space on either ends of those experiences that deserve documenting. So here is, albeit late, my last accounting of our trip to Orlando. The best purchase that I made before we left was this method of transporting […]

On the Pondering of Offspring.

I yearned for children for six years before Ali was born, and two of those years were spent desperately trying to get pregnant, then a few years later, we spent another year trying to get pregnant with Noah. But. Had I known then what I know now, there are things that would have helped me […]

Snapshots of Summertime.

This feels like our first real summer with kids. I’m not sure exactly why, except that maybe this is the first summer after a “real” year of school, and it’s also the first summer that we’ve had two KIDS, not a kid and a baby. And we’ve been relishing in it. Noah’s been learning a […]

Swimming Onset Insanity.

A week ago from tonight, I found myself losing my mind in the shallow end of a pool. Questioning my ability to be a parent, and doubting my purpose in life. What had led to this travesty? How could my life be so complicated when standing in a swimming pool? Let’s go in reverse order. […]