So Ladies. Mother’s Day is quickly approaching. I asked Siri about the specifics, and she reported duly: And, you know, I’m not all about encouraging Mothers to be selfish and to demand what is theirs and all, but MOTHER’S DAY IS OURS. I’m not sure which is better: having children too young to understand the […]

Traditionally Hating and Loving Traditions: 2012.
I wrote this post last year, but I’ve decided that this needs to be an annual discussion. There are a lot of new people around here with opinions that deserve to be voiced, and some of you who were around last year may have had changes of heart, seeing as how my own preferences have […]

Chick Cars: The Report.
Last week, I conducted a survey on the crucial subject of Chick Cars. Between blog comments, Facebook, Twitter, and in-person interviews, I collected vast amounts of data on this subject. In sorting out this influx of information, I determined to do more than simply look at the numbers. Because I have a heart for the […]

The Scientific Study of Chick Cars.
A few months ago, My Dad was tossing around the idea of buying an old(ish) sports car. (Clearly, something very unhealthy was in our family’s air during the month of May.) He was planning a Grand 40th Anniversary Adventure with my Mom – something really spectacular – and he needed to right car to set […]

The Mystery of Roast.
Aside: I received some thrilling news yesterday, as I was included as an honoree in Blogher’s Voices of the Year 2012. (You’ll find me towards the bottom in the “Visuals” category.) I elaborated at length last year about what Voices of the Year means to me, so I will not do so again. But I’d […]

The Unoriginal, Ungourmet Cook.
I need to ask you guys a crucially important question. I love to cook. I’m usually too busy blogging lazy to do much of it, but I enjoy it nonetheless. However, I’m not some super-fancy blogger toiling away at 3 AM developing recipes and discovering new ways to use rare white truffles from the Croatian […]

I went on a second date the other day. It was nerve-wracking, because we had been hooked up over one of those internet sites for months – you know the type I’m talking about? No, not a dating site – geez, people. One of those Mommy blog things. Anyway, so blind dates are scary enough, […]

A Holiday Breakdown.
You all did as I asked and chipped in your holiday tradition likes and dislikes. So now it’s my turn to fulfill my promise and provide excessively geeky charts and graphs to break down the holidays. But first, I would like to draw some conclusions and propose some Holiday Protocol Changes based on our Highly […]

Traditionally Hating And Loving Traditions.
Christmas traditions pull opinions out of people with the fervency of a string between a doorknob and a loose tooth. Even people who are typically easygoing and un-opinionated can shockingly explode when a despised Christmas song comes on the radio, or alternately burst into tears of unbridled joy when their favorite holiday movie scrolls by. […]

Happy Holiday Wars!
Obviously, as I’m not about to have a baby, this post is from last year. However, I’ve noticed the wars already starting on Facebook, as The Police complain about the rise of Christmas decorations, and The Liberalists cheer while they gleefully listen to Christmas music. So I couldn’t help but bring it up again this […]