Last Tuesday, I went to Children’s Hospital for the morning for a Blogger Media event. Myself and five other local bloggers (Nanci, Angie and Trish, Andre, and Val) were taken on a behind-the-scenes tour of the hospital, where we got to learn all kinds of amazing facts about our state’s only free-standing Children’s Hospital, which […]

Social Media Policy for Labor and Birth
When Ali was born nearly four years ago, I felt like a Social Media Pioneer (even though it would be a couple more years before the term “Social Media” was coined), because I was the first person I knew to nearly-real-time publish birthing information and baby photos on Facebook. And, really, it wasn’t a big […]

So I’ve been thinking a lot about Eve lately. No, not because of that disturbingly bizarre Pomegranate juice commercial where naked-but-tattooed-with-fig-leaves Eve is laying on the ground with a huge snake coiled around her… (washing the mental image from my brain) But because of The Curse. It’s becoming more and more apparent to me that […]

Setting Unrealistic Expectations Since 2007.
It’s a strange phenomenon that no matter how long you’ve been married and how many kids you have, if you add someone else’s kid to the mix, it always feels like you’re “playing house” all over again. We’ve been keeping one of our favorite two-year-olds in the world, Radford, all weekend, and Ali has blissfully […]

I Adore My Husband, Even When He’s An . . .
Yes. That really is Chris that I’m sitting upon. You see, he’s always had this strange desire of wanting me to play the role of Mary when I’m pregnant. I avoided it when I was expecting Ali, but this year, he begged relentlessly. And so, I agreed. With one condition: that he couldn’t be Joseph. […]

Survey Saturday: Push Presents and Cameras.
I never write posts on Saturdays anymore, unless I just have something really important to say, or unless I have a survey. (I have no idea what the connection is, except that “Survey Saturday” flows really well.) But this is both: it’s a matter of grave importance AND a survey. Push Presents. i.e., a present […]

Being a (Pregnant) Girl is So Subjective: A Journal.
This post is dedicated to everyone who’s been complaining that I haven’t posted any pregnancy shots. (Besides the belly shots on B-Sides, anyway.) After this post, you may officially quit your whining. Saturday: I realize that my legs don’t fit so well into my jeans anymore. Crushing reality. Hate all my alternatives. Start feeling like […]

An Ode to Waistbands.
Dear Regular, Wonderful, Adored-With-All-My-Being Jeans, You have served me well – much longer than I thought you would possibly be able to. Somehow, with your certainly-miraculous stretchiness and the help of many tortured waistline-expanding rubber bands (most who lost their lives in the line of duty), I have been able to enjoy your comfort up […]

Mail-Order Baby.
There is indisputable proof that the moment a woman conceives, a magical bulletin is immediately sent to every baby and children’s retailer in the world. She wakes up the next morning, as of yet unaware that she is with child, only to be completely puzzled by the stuffed state of her mailbox – full of […]

Pleading Insanity Due To Internal Parasite.
Pregnancy is a voluntary state of insanity. It makes you do things, think things, and eat things that you would have never DREAMED of doing, thinking, or eating before nor (ohISoHope) after. Ali and I went to lunch with Ashley, AJ, and Tessa last week. After lunch, we walked down the street to a local […]