I discovered this just in time. I was about to completely lose my mind over the fact that it was COLD. And we didn’t get snow. And what was supposed to be a nice, iced-in, mid-week weekend compliments of the snow that visited everyone but us had turned into just another COLD day. And then […]

A Tale of Two Muses.
I tend to be a dichotomous person. I sometimes exhibit characteristics that seem diametrically opposed, such as having purple hair and being a homeschool mom. And writing extensively on the internet but never mentioning politics (in a serious manner, anyway.) Opposites make me extraordinarily balanced. Right? Because of that extreme personality balance, I take photos […]

The Time Has Come.
It will be here in just a few days… To be quite honest, after every single ArtWalk, I tell myself “I am NOT doing this again.” It is most likely the most exhausting thing an introvert can do to herself. But I always do it again anyway. Because I have a year to recover. Because […]

Origin Stories.
Every year about this time, I write a post similar to this one. Then I don’t publish it, out of concern that my words would be misread or misunderstood. This year I decided to go ahead and hit that publish button. For the past ten years, the constants of my life have been that I am a writer, a mom, […]

Drought Updates from Lake Purdy.
On November 4th, right before it was announced that we were in a Stage Four Drought Emergency, I took a trip to our water supply, Lake Purdy, to see what it was looking like. November 4: A few days later, I went back to take sunset pictures. November 11: For more of the sunset pictures, […]

These are Two Pieces of Important Information.
First piece of important information: I want to personally invite any local (or non-local, if you really love me) people to come see me next Saturday, November 19. I teamed up with the fantastically talented Sarah and Allen Woodall to present a pop-up shop at West Elm (at the Summit.) We’ll be there from 10-4 […]

40 Spectacular Spots for Birmingham Photo Shoots
It’s getting to be the season for family photos, and I often have photographers message me for new ideas on Birmingham backdrops for family or commercial photo shoots. We all know that the Botanical Gardens and Morris Avenue and Railroad Park are great, but people want new ideas. And I like to give the people […]

All the Answers: Notes on Choosing a Camera.
In my recent round of Ask Me Anything, Sheri asked what kind of camera I use. Since I was planning on blogging about this soon anyway, I decided to give this question its own post. So you remember a couple of months ago at the beach, I broke my camera. Or rather, the most evil […]

The Washing.
Yesterday, I took a three hour nap. I cannot recall the last time I took a nap at all – but it came with reason. Last weekend was Birmingham ArtWalk. Besides the frantic preparation all week, Artwalk itself consisted of Friday night from 6-10pm (and setup starting at noon), followed by Saturday from 10am-6pm – […]

Valentine’s Day For All.
Most of you know about my side project Picture Birmingham – it is a site where I sell items made from my photography so that I can give all of the profits to The WellHouse, a ministry that rescues and cares for victims of human trafficking in the United States. If you have no idea […]