Instilling Mischief: Painting up the Walls.

My friend Christen and I were working on a project at her house the other day, so Ali and the aforementioned-post-surgery-for-the-bean-up-his-nose Luke got some time to play together. They went into the other room to color together, and I rolled my eyes as I listened to the bossiness that I heard from Ali in the […]

Token Germs.

I’m having trouble concentrating on writing this post. I’m sitting on the bed during Ali’s nap, but totally distracted by the view out the window. No, not the ocean view. The other window. The five gray-haired guys (and one woman) sitting, drinking beer, in the KIDDIE POOL. It seems to me to be an inherent […]

BlogHer BulletPoints.

BlogHer has an effect on 95.6% of it’s attendees that it turns their mind into complete mush by the time the weekend is over. I was not one of the lucky 4.4%. And so, while I allow my mind time to de-mush and re-solidify and my feet time to re-grow (what, you didn’t know I […]

BlogHer Stream of Consciousness : Day One

4:15 AM. If today had been a football Saturday and Chris had woken me up at that time to head to Tuscaloosa, I’d still be grumbling tonight. As it was, I magically rolled out of bed and got ready for my flight without complaining for a second. I explained to Chris that I must have […]


So, last week. I’m still trying to catch my breath from it all… …returning from vacation and trying to get caught up on everything under the sun… …finding out that I was going to be a Mom of a BOY child… …picking out a name for said boy child much quicker than we anticipated… …my […]


Yesterday morning, I noticed some red bumps on Ali. Due to where they were, I assumed that it was a heat rash due to our hour and a half of blueberry picking in the extraordinarily hot Alabama sun the day before, but decided to keep an eye on them. By last night, they had quite […]

I’m Not Intelligent Enough for Intelligender.

A little over a month ago, I asked your opinion on whether I should take the new, fancy, unknown-whether-it’s-trustworthy Intelligender gender predictor. I finally decided I would take it, but here was my logic as to how I wasn’t going to let myself get “all crazy” attached to the results: You see, (and this is […]

Escaping From Aldridge Prison.

I, along with my friends Ashley and Lydia, lead a LifeGroup of High School girls together. We’ve been with these girls since they were sophomores, and now they’re about to graduate. We’ve formed some tight bonds, and now they’re all moving away and leaving us to go to college. (sniff.) But despite the fact that […]

Destination: Unknown.

Friday morning, I woke up to find an empty suitcase with this note on it: It was quite exhilarating – I have never received a note like this before! Well, the surprise we’re-going-out-of-town part, anyway. But the thought-out, typed-up, appropriately-bolded, planning-for-my-aggressive-curiosity-and-telling-me-not-to-ask-for-more-details part – oh yeah, that’s my husband. Ali was quite thrilled with this development […]

Rubbish Trail.

Subtitle: Never Underestimate Your Own Back Yard. We live in a very suburban residential area. You have to drive through five minutes of nothing but neighborhood to arrive at our house from the main road, and there’s not much space within all that that isn’t occupied by houses, front yards, or back yards. However, we’d […]