Eat Your Legos.

It has now come to pass that everyone in our family is obsessed with Legos (except, perhaps, for me – but I’m obsessed with my family being obsessed with them – you get that, right?) Even Noah has been bitten by the bug, which is bringing Chris’ life dreams into complete fulfillment. As such, when […]

The One That Hooked Me.

I have been impervious to temptation until now. I bought Ali an iPad a year and a half ago, mainly to use for the purposes of school.  As such, we have bought dozens of school and play apps.  I have studied them, reviewed them, reviewed them again, and added and deleted as I saw fit. […]

Gaming the System.

Sometimes I lie to Ali. I say things like, “I’ve got a game for us to play today!!” When the truth is that I’m banging my brain against the inside of my skull trying to hurry up and concoct an idea to make school into a game while she asks repeatedly, “What?? What is the […]

Homeschooling: Your Questions Answered.

On my Facebook page a few weeks ago, I opened up the floor to ask me anything about my homeschooling.  I am not a defensive homeschooler, nor do I think homeschooling is right for everyone.  So whatever you want to know, you’re welcome to ask me, and I’ll answer as well as I can.  If […]

The Day Little Tykes Failed Me.

I promised a weekly-ish homeschooling post for a while-ish.  (Last week was my off week, so it doesn’t count.)  This week, I decided to share a typical fail.  Because fails are just as common as successes, and I don’t want anyone thinking otherwise. My dear sweet husband bought a used Little Tykes slide and car […]

A Day in Our (Home)School.

One of the most common questions I get is “what does your day look like?” And after that, “What curriculum do you use?” This post should answer those questions.  At least for this month – I have a feeling that our typical day will continuously change. So, as of right now, this is how it […]

The Dark Side of Education.

Hi! Noah Here. So.  A lot of people have been asking The Servant Who Calls Herself Mommy how I’ve been coping while she and Ali do school. Dear Lot of People, You know I’m human too, right?  If you have a question, just ask me? Rude. But despite your going behind my back in your […]

Eat Your Remainders: Teaching Division to Kindergartners.

I’ve been hesitant to blog too much about homeschooling because I know most of you don’t homeschool and probably wouldn’t be interested in my droning on and on about it.  However, I’ve come to realize recently how much curiosity is out there about how homeschooling works and why someone would choose it. So I’ve decided […]

A Letter to My Dentist.

Dear Dr. Jayme, Thank you for taking care of my constantly-deteriorating oral situation.  You’ve done an excellent job, despite the fact that all of my teeth were rotting out before I met you. I just wanted you to know that I’m really trying to prevent the spread of my horrible oral issues to my children.  […]

Art Education…Kinda.

Ali is officially in Kindergarten this fall, which means that this is my last year of “Casual Teaching.” I’m going to sorely miss Casual Teaching – it’s served us well.  She’s learned much, with thanks to her iPad, placemats, and fake money. But once she’s in first grade next fall, I’ll need to have prior […]