This is the last installment of my Missionary Friend’s Stories, and then I’ll be back soon to tell of the adventures that have befallen our family in the past two weeks. To read the whole Missionary series, click here. I am eternally appreciative to my friend for covering for me while I was out – […]

The Baptism.
This is the fourth fantastic story in a series from my friend The Missionary. To read the whole collection so far, click here. Shortly after our arrival in the far far far away place we now call home, one of our staff members approached us and asked if he could take an hour off that […]

The Stories Missionaries Can’t Tell You: Broken.
This is a series of stories featuring very real things that happen to missionaries that just don’t fit in on the Sunday School slideshows. See the first post for an introduction to my anonymous missionary friend, along with the whole story behind missionaries and boobs. But this one is The Ultimate Story. Although I am […]

The Stories Missionaries Can’t Tell You – True Love.
This is another lovely story by my Missionary Friend. While I am recovering from my tonsillectomy, she is sharing very real things that happen to missionaries that just don’t fit well in Sunday School slideshows. If you missed her first post, you absolutely must click back and read it – because it’s not every day that you […]

The Stories That Missionaries Can’t Tell You.
While I’m recovering from my Tonsillectomy, I asked a dear friend to write a series of guest posts that just need to be shared. I guarantee that you will adore them as much as I do. My husband and I and our two kids live in a far away place. A far, far, far, far […]

A Tale of Two Mercedes.
A Guest Post by Chris the Husband. Mercedes and I have a history. We loved, and we lost. Ingrid, wherever she is now, is a 2002 SLK AMG, a two-seat retractable hardtop convertible with 350HP. I cling to the happy memories, and think of her fondly when the Spring peeks through the cracks in Winter’s […]

Top Secrets Learned about Rachel.
Here’s the thing. When you’ve never met someone in real life or even had a single phone conversation with them, but then come and live at their house for five days, you learn a lot about them in a short amount of time. In a normal friendship, these peculiarities are spread out over such a […]

Birmingham, Meet Meat. Meat, Meet Birmingham. {Giveaway}
Guest Post by Contributing Editor, Chief Husband, and Meat Expert Chris. There are certain pivotal moments in the history of the world when things change for the better, when life as we know it receives an upgrade to its operating system that – like Siri, or Instagram adjustable filter intensity – opens the door to […]

A Call for Felinism.
A guest post, by Fred the Cat. The time has come for a revolution. We live in America – the land of the free, the land of equal opportunity, the land of respect. But cats, my friends, are not getting these basic rights. Cats are humiliated on YouTube. Villainized by Disney. Ignored by Government. Scoffed […]

A Tale of a Few Cards
A good friend shared her story with me at dinner not long ago, and I insisted that she write it down. Please enjoy it heartily. I have taken my family on a terrible rollercoaster of borrowing and lending. At times I have binged and maxed out my card. I have even occasionally missed a deadline […]