I have a list of subjects that I refuse to blog about, and my political leanings are very near the top of that document, right behind – oh wait – blogging about the contents of the list is on the list. However, I find myself at a place in time where I absolutely MUST make […]

On the Proper Fitting of Jeans.
UPDATED: A Plus Sized Sequel was published on October 12, 2012. Click here to read that post. Three years ago, I wrote a blog post that inadvertently defined my identity as a blogger. It was about Mom Jeans. I didn’t really write it to be a how-to post – I wrote it as a humor […]

I’ll Be in the Vault If You Need Me.
Update: Due to significant changes in the company and a terrible downward spiral in denim quality, I no longer recommend shopping through Vault Denim. I now buy all of my jeans through Nordstrom Rack’s app, HauteLook, which regularly features my favorite brands of designer jeans at half the cost. I highly recommend it! My current […]

A Denim Miracle.
Update: Due to significant changes in the company and a terrible downward spiral in denim quality, I no longer recommend shopping through Vault Denim. I now buy all of my jeans through Nordstrom Rack’s app, HauteLook, which regularly features my favorite brands of designer jeans at half the cost. I highly recommend it! My current […]

A Denim Discovery of Profound Importance.
The battle against Mom Jeans is a constant one – something that we all have to be ever-vigilant about. It was, I’m ashamed to say, a battle I myself was losing less than a decade ago. Perhaps this is what fueled my fire to take such a strong stand against it. Much evidence of my […]

A Compromise of Morals.
I swore that I would never do it. Besides the commercials being completely and absolutely disturbing, They were voted, by you, to be Mom Jeans. And they are – Mom Jeans for Babies. The washed denim – horrifically 80’s. The Pocket Placement – deplorably Bill Blass-esque. (If your pocket gets lost in a wedgie, you […]

Wardrobial Consequences.
As I was folding my jeans on Saturday, I saw a horrific sight. My favorite pair of jeans – the most cherished item in my wardrobe – had, unbeknownst to me, acquired quite the hole. And said hole was notsomuch in a place where holes are acceptable… My first reaction was mourning, of course. There […]

An Ode to Waistbands.
Dear Regular, Wonderful, Adored-With-All-My-Being Jeans, You have served me well – much longer than I thought you would possibly be able to. Somehow, with your certainly-miraculous stretchiness and the help of many tortured waistline-expanding rubber bands (most who lost their lives in the line of duty), I have been able to enjoy your comfort up […]

They Listened, Alright.
Disclaimer: This post discusses things that are ultimately of zero importance whatsoever, and I am well aware of this. I hereby pre-apologize for my daily dose of shallowness. Ali has this habit…when she’s playing a game or sharing her snacks, she will ask me something along these lines: “Which one do you want, Mommy? The […]

The Ultimate Mom Jeans Battle: Momternity Jeans.
I sorted through all of my maternity clothes a while ago. It brought back fond memories, I-can’t-believe-I-was-that-huge memories, and I-don’t-know-if-I-can-stomach-to-wear-that-one-more-time memories. And then I got to my jeans. Holy Maternity Cow. The Mom Jeans Factor of the jeans I wore for my entire pregnancy with Ali was OFF THE CHARTS. I wore those?!? Those pockets?!? […]