A mother is a delicate creature that must be treated with care and devotion. There are certain things that should not be attempted, lest undesirable results be achieved. 1. Never attempt to sit in a Mommy’s lap when she is sitting on the toilet. 2. If one wants a Mommy to hurry up because of […]
On the Pondering of Offspring.
I yearned for children for six years before Ali was born, and two of those years were spent desperately trying to get pregnant, then a few years later, we spent another year trying to get pregnant with Noah. But. Had I known then what I know now, there are things that would have helped me […]
Ironic, With Children.
So Alanis Morissette and I are basically best friends. Photo Credit – Alanis: AKM-GSI; Me: my iPhone; both used with permission. …Or at least we had sons six days apart, both have long dark hair, and sometimes wear stripes. (Same difference.) Because of our deep relationship, I took the liberty of rewriting my favorite Alanis […]
The Downton Connection.
{SPOILER ALERT: Vague references to Season Three of Downton Abbey are in this post. Read at your own risk.} A couple of weeks ago, a reader wrote on my Facebook Page: I read it, and I puzzled. She was right – despite my fandom, I had certainly never picked up on a resemblance of my […]
An Analysis of the Not the Namesake of my Children.
For the past two and a half years, I’ve been intending to watch The Notebook. It all started around the time that we chose Noah’s name. It didn’t take long for the first girl (it was always a girl) to add two and two together to make eight. “OH! How cute! Ali and Noah. Are […]
Now Hiring: Mom Caddie.
Hey! So I have pink eye. Actually, a more accurate diagnosis would be that I have pink eyes. Which means that it hurts too much to look at this computer screen. However, I’m in luck – last week, I ran across this post that I wrote in 2010 and set it aside to re-share. I […]
How Amazon Turned You into Their Sales Force.
I am not an Amazon hater. They bring me the things I need to my doorstep and keep me from having to haul two small children into the store. I’m also not one to jump on the bandwagon of Facebook privacy complaints. Thanks to five years of blogging, I’ve long since come to terms with […]
My Head on a Platter.
Keep Calm and Speak British. Ali has an iPad Atlas that is quite fabulous. She regularly turns the globe, scours the world and learns all sorts of cultural nuances. And to make it all the more fabulous, it speaks in a British Accent. Which is great and well and just peachy – except in the […]
On Impressing My Seventeen-Year-Old Self.
We started using a babysitter in December 2011. Previously, we had just utilized the Grandparents, but Chris had been prodding me to find a babysitter I liked and get used to it so we could have more date nights and so that I would have options for the daytime. So, with much trepidation, I agreed. […]
A Teaching Tool for the Internets.
When you come across those people in life who express interest in beginning to use social media for the first time, (You know, like the people who say, “I really need to get on the Twitter!!”), And you want to help them jump in, just share this graphic with them. So. What did I leave […]