FTDs, or Facebookually Transmitted Diseases, are now at an all-time high. Please be aware of the latest FTD, know if you are at risk, and prevent further transmission. Lularoe. Any woman who is Facebookually active can get Lularoe. Lularoe can cause very serious complications if not treated, and is extremely easy to transmit to […]
Blog Roll
These are Two Pieces of Important Information.
First piece of important information: I want to personally invite any local (or non-local, if you really love me) people to come see me next Saturday, November 19. I teamed up with the fantastically talented Sarah and Allen Woodall to present a pop-up shop at West Elm (at the Summit.) We’ll be there from 10-4 […]
November 10: National Day of Rainbows and Unicorns.
“You know what the world needs more of today? Rainbows and Unicorns.” These were my thoughts when I opened up Facebook. Two minutes into my feed… “Unicorns. Rainbows. Stat.” Five minutes in… “I NEED A UNICORN CRAPPING A RAINBOW THIS INSTANT.” I opened up my Bitmoji app to try and find the picture of my […]
Ali Had a Little Lamb.
It’s been a while since we discussed my One Hit Wonder Modeling Career, but yes – when I was 10, I sat for a painting by William Hallmark. It was popular in Christian bookstores in the 90s, but now it can be found largely in antique shops (yes my Mom found me in an antique […]
Drought Explorations.
This afternoon, I thought I had a hair appointment. But I apparently did not – it wasn’t until the next Friday. And so, I found myself with no kids and an entire afternoon to fill. (The misery.) (I’m sure all moms would agree.) On the way to my nonexistent appointment, I had rolled by our city’s main […]
The Discovery of Trick or Treating.
This is the first year we haven’t participated in our Church’s Trunk or Treat, pouring oodles of hours into creating a family theme (or, in the case of last year, throwing it together at the absolute last minute three days after what would be a half-a-year-changing wreck.) It’s not that we quit – our church […]
High Ponytails and Parental Grievances.
You know how we all have those random childhood memories where our parents let us down in some miniscule way, but for some reason we still remember it clearly 25 years later? I’m sure I’ve already given my kids libraries full of these, and their childhoods are only 1/2 and 1/3 complete. Obviously I hardly […]
Hands-On Alabama History: The Native American Trips.
We’ve still been keeping busy with our Alabama History project and field trips, but I’ve been waiting to catch up on posting about them until I could share some fun news: a dear friend, Carla Jean Whitley, jumped onto our Alabama History bandwagon a couple of weeks after we started. She is an author of […]
The Day The Tide Turned Brown.
The history of Alabama Football is nuanced and deep in its tradition. Why, for instance, would our mascot be an elephant, yet we’re called The Crimson Tide? It came from a simple phrase used by a journalist. In 1907, there was a particularly momentous game – the Iron Bowl, in fact – that was played […]
40 Spectacular Spots for Birmingham Photo Shoots
It’s getting to be the season for family photos, and I often have photographers message me for new ideas on Birmingham backdrops for family or commercial photo shoots. We all know that the Botanical Gardens and Morris Avenue and Railroad Park are great, but people want new ideas. And I like to give the people […]