What You May Have Missed, and What I’ve Been Missing. . .

Hi, my wonderful readers!! I’m so glad to see you back!!

A lot of you have been gone for some or all of the Christmas holidays, but I’ve been as overly chatty as ever (despite the overwhelming echo around here – I’ve missed you all terribly!! **sniff sniff**). So I figured that you probably don’t all want to go back and read EVERYTHING I’ve written (but if you did I would just be flushed with flattery), so I decided I’d give you a short summary of what’s been posted in the last week so that you know what you’re missing, and if it sounds interesting, you can go check it out!!

  1. #1 post that I’d say is unmissable: All I Want for Christmas is Some Toenail Art. That’s right, if you’ve been reading for a while, you’re familiar with the toenail art saga. This post has this year’s addition, and the artist of the work might surprise you.
  2. As far as news flashes go, be sure to go here to find out the latest goings ons in my family/friend’s lives. Including news of a new family member on the way!
  3. Gagging at the Gifts includes a recap of the “gag” game of Dirty Santa that we played with my extended family. There were some pretty entertaining gifts, so I’d say this post is readable.
  4. Here’s an overview of the Red Mountain Music Concert last week, starring Ashley (AJ’s mommy). It was a great show!
  5. My Wordless Wednesday post had some random picture stories, mostly holiday related, and hopefully entertaining.
  6. Thankful Thursday focused on how and why we should Honor Christ and thank Him for His gifts.
  7. This post shows some of Ali’s Christmas “artwork” in the form of quite scary Christmas Cards.
  8. Of course, there was the ever-necessary and blooper-filled Christmas Recap post.
  9. A short post about what we did with the beautiful day that was Saturday.
  10. And finally, a recap of Ali having a mischievous day.

So now I guess you’re wondering what I’ve missed?

I’ve been trying to decode a very important and urgent sentence that Ali has been saying all weekend long. She is quite insistent that we need to understand, and we can’t figure it out for the life of us.

It’s kind of like trying to figure out a vanity plate on a car – it’s just out of reach of putting the puzzle together and making perfect sense.

Tissue with mine??
Miss you with mine??
Kiss you mith mine??

The first time she brought this urgent matter to our attention, I had asked her to repeat it about 20 times when she finally shook her head in frustration and surrender and said, “uh uh. All done.”

My Favorite Photographs of the Week

Obviously, I’m obsessed with taking pictures. And blogging. So It’s only fair that I get to do a recap in photographs each week. So without further ado. . .

These first two pictures are from our small group on Thursday night.
This is what I would look like with quadruplets:
Overwhelming when I consider it, and then I remember that this is Julie (if you replace my child with her child that is the same age):
Wow she is braver than me. And more patient. And everything else with a more at the beginning or an er at the end.

During our lovely date weekend, we did a bit of shopping at the Summit. While I was at Belk (I really can’t stand even typing that horrible word – can I keep calling it Parisian? Thanks.), I saw a couple of “curious” things.

Curiosity #1: Nuns need makeup and perfume too.
Curiosity #2: This is a two piece set – a coat and handmuff.And here’s a closeup of it’s tag:
That size and price should never, ever go together.

When we picked up Ali on Saturday, Ali and I tried out Pop’s latest project, this newly restored race car:
Since I know that you want to buy it, you can do so here.

And Ali had to swing with Gramamma once more before we left:
Rewind to a bit earlier in the week: Ali and AJ were carefree and cruisin’. I hear Beach Boys music every time I look at these pictures:Fast forward to Saturday night’s Sunday School party:
Ali immensely enjoyed Abby’s bracelets:
And Ali and AJ loved the puzzles:
While Abby and Mia were princesses.
And the last picture of the weekly recap – my little floating-headed-toddler:

Jesus in a Box

You know how when you hear a word you’ve never heard before, you then hear that word 5 more times in the same week? You know how you can sometimes manage to keep bumping into the same person in random places over and over (like the random woman that I saw at lunch on one side of town and then at dinner at another side of town on Tuesday)? I have had that experience, over a period of many years, with Jesus in a Box.

I was first introduced to Jesus in a Box (JIB) shortly after I joined facebook several years ago. There was a facebook account set up with a picture of a statue of Jesus, encased in a glass box with wood panes through it (making it look more like a jail cell). It was intriguing to me, because it was a “UAB” account – so I was quite curious if this statue was on UAB’s campus, or if it was just a random statue. Every now and then, I would see the facebook account again, and my curiosity would once again be piqued.

Last year, when we moved to our new house, I finally got my answer. I was driving down Overton Road (a road I had been on many times before, but that I now drive on at least 4 times a week), and I happened to look to my left, and there it was – the JIB Statue!! It was in someone’s front yard, as boxed in as ever, and the box was even built on top of bricks!! THAT statue wasn’t going anywhere!! Here it is:

Then I passed it at night, and realized it had spooky uplighting in it:Now that I knew that JIB was in someone’s front yard, it puzzled me even more. What were they trying to say? What was the purpose of JIB? I’m all for sharing Jesus with my neighbors, but is this an effective way of doing so? It’s a little strange and “out there” to me. Do they think that someone is going to drive by their statue of Jesus, encased in a glass box, and all of a sudden want to follow Christ? What about Exodus 20:4, in the ten commandments, that says (In King James version, for effect), “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”?

Then I also wondered: who created the facebook account? Surely its not the people that live in the JIB house. Is it someone that knows them? Or just someone, that, like me, was driving by one day and saw it?

Some time passed, and one day I was in Cahaba Heights (the town right next to the street on which JIB resides, and I was behind this truck:

I have also been aware of this company for quite some time. They bought up a bunch of the Cahaba Heights rental properties from the Landlord of our first townhouse when he retired. So their signs have been around Cahaba Heights for years, and I have seen this truck many times as well. So I’m headed home, and he’s in front of me. Sure enough, he turns into the JIB house!! He is the owner. Makes a little more sense, seeing as I have always thought all of the signs on his truck were a bit outlandish also. It’s not that I don’t agree with his statements, it’s just that I tend to be a little more, shall we say, subtle, about making statements.

Recently, I had one more loose end tied up regarding JIB. Through Eli’s shower and birth and hospital stay, I got to know one of Lindsay’s friends, Julie. One day, via facebook, I found out that she was the co-creator of the Facebook JIB account!! Mystery solved!! She said that she and her friend, like I, happened to be driving down Overton Road one day, looked to the left, and did a U-Turn to go figure out why in the world Jesus was in a box!

So, if you ever happen to be driving down Overton Road, look to the left, and see Jesus in a Box, at least you’ll have more questions answered than I did! But I’m still looking for the answer to the question, “why????”