Really, it was all the old man’s fault. He was ambling around the edge of the cliff at Weathington Park, offering to take everyone’s picture with their phone. I don’t know if he was doing some sort of undercover operation to plant a tracking device on everyone’s phone or what, but he was quite insistent. […]

Have you ever gotten to that point in your life where you’re so overwhelmed by the number of things that need to change that you’re not sure where to start? I did – a couple of weeks ago. And I started by making a list – “Things I Need to Change” – at 2am. (Because […]

The Read-Aloud Challenge.
Last week, Ali and I had amazingly fantastical adventures every single day. We found a golden ticket, sailed down a chocolate river in a pink candy boat, saw squirrels opening walnuts without breaking said walnuts, rode in a glass elevator with millions of buttons, and sat on the edge of our seats as a bad […]

How Geeks Lose Weight.
For the past four months, I’ve been eating whatever I jolly well pleased, under the OBVIOUS assumption that all of the calories were going straight to Noah. And really, it worked for me. …for a very short while. Then I quit losing…and I actually started to gain weight. Wait. What?? I just had a baby! […]

Setting my Heart: Accountability.
I have continuously found myself distracted and sidetracked from writing this post this (Sunday) afternoon. It’s not that I don’t want to write it, but it’s just that it is so much easier for me to craft words that entertain and make people laugh than to craft words to share my heart and be vulnerable. […]

Accidental Resolve: Wii Fit
As I told you yesterday, we haven’t made any sort of resolutions for the New Year, but have found ourselves enjoying being healthier due to a couple of Christmas Presents that we received. Yesterday, I wrote about my super fun juicer. Today, I’m going to write about Chris’ Wii Fit. Kitty and Leo gave the […]

Accidental Resolve: Juicing
I am not one to make health-related New Year’s Resolutions. I sometimes do write an all-encompassing goal sheet for my life in the upcoming year, but as far as saying “starting January 1st, I’m going on a diet! And exercising!!” – That’s not me. However, Chris and I got one Christmas present each that have […]