I had to kill a very large spider this morning…out of my children’s bathtub. Then, I had to dismantle his carefully constructed home, saliva-web-piece by saliva-web-piece, before I could start their bath. This COULD be considered a sign that I don’t bathe my children often enough. Or perhaps it’s just a sign that I have […]

My (Three Day) Life as a Minivanning Mommy.
Due to obvious reasons, I began my Grand Minivan Challenge two days late. On Friday, I packed up the two kids and headed to pick up our borrowed ride from Serra Honda. Ali wasn’t quite understanding the concept of a car store, so I got grilled all the way there… “So how are we going […]

Belief System Status: In Peril.
I have never made my personal distaste for the minivan a secret. Nor have I hidden the fact that I desperately long to be able to take advantage of the awesome minivan superpowers – just without the sinking feeling that driving a minivan would inevitably cause in my soul. When we added Noah to our […]

Survey Saturday: Push Presents and Cameras.
I never write posts on Saturdays anymore, unless I just have something really important to say, or unless I have a survey. (I have no idea what the connection is, except that “Survey Saturday” flows really well.) But this is both: it’s a matter of grave importance AND a survey. Push Presents. i.e., a present […]

To See or Not To See?
Chris ran into the room excitedly yesterday… “Look what I found!!!” “What?” “The heartbeat monitor we used with Ali!! We need to try it with Noah!” “You DO remember that thing never worked with Ali, right? We never heard anything but gurgles.” “I know…but maybe it will be different with him!!” (Reminder: Chris is nesting. […]

The Possible Dawn of the SUVan?
About a year ago, I wrote an open letter to all car manufacturers. I asked for something that didn’t yet exist, but that was desperately needed for us new (and somewhat egotistical) generation of Moms – an SUVan. Just like those that grew up in station wagons didn’t want to buy a station wagon when […]

Newbie or Newbette?
Tomorrow is The Big Day. The day that we finally get to find out whether I’ve been toting around a boy or a girl for the past 16.5 weeks. On Ali’s big sono day, being that I was a new and nervous parent, I was slightly more anxious about making sure that everything was all […]

The Case of the Overly-Curious Baby-Carrier.
So as you know, we took Ali with us to the baby doctor last week. We didn’t tell her that I was pregnant until we were already there…at which point she booted me off the exam table because she started to feel a bit queasy:I can relate to that feeling. As fun as it was […]

I NEED….some recipes for Chicken Salad. I’ve never made it before, but seeing as how it is the second item in my listing of favorite food groups (right after chocolate, of course), I’m DETERMINED to try it as part of testing of my new Ninja. Here’s what I do and don’t like in my Chicken […]

Survey Saturday: What Blogs Should I Read?
One more thing that I realized while I was at Blogher is that I don’t read hardly any “superstar” blogs. I kept having people around me talk about being starry eyed at all of the “celebrity” bloggers they had spotted over the weekend, and I would have no idea who they were talking about, and […]