There are many things about parenthood that look much more romantic on the front side than they actually turn out to be. Rocking your newborn back to sleep in the middle of the night, for one. Go ahead…take a minute to reminisce on what your pre-childbearing image was: long white silk nightgown, perfectly rolled hair, […]

On The Pursuit of Illness.
With the onslaught of illnesses in our home over the past month, I have found myself reminiscing of the Golden Days of Malady. As a child, I highly enjoyed the benefits of being sick or injured. As such, the crowning achievement of my childhood was breaking my arm in the seventh grade. Ailments are fun […]

Neither Can Live While the Other Survives.
There are certain things that your parents drill into you enough that you grow up completely believing. Brainwashed, some might say. For instance, saying “Yes Ma’am” and “Yes Sir.” This was a known requirement of righteousness in my family – it wasn’t an option. Even if we WERE on the other side of the country […]

Tiny Bits of Grace.
As my last re-run before getting back to regularly scheduled posts, I wanted to share something that happened last year, but perhaps means more to me this year due to some significant changes in my life. But I’ll get back to that at the end of the post. Originally Published August 11, 2011. Ali has […]

The History of My County.
I typically like to show the lovely, wonderful, idealistic views of my city. (Such as today at my other blog, you can look at pretty pictures of our stunning local food scene.) And I’d say that most of the time I succeed – many of my readers have told me that they had no idea […]

Birthday Chow.
Chris has never been one to shy away from the concept of using birthday credit. (Nor have I, as I prefer to have a birthday month.) Usually, about three months before his birthday, he starts throwing things out there that he’d like to have, do, or eat on his birthday. This year, however, was surprising. […]

Once upon a time, I got an email from a PR company inviting me to a media dinner at a new restaurant in town. Media dinners are typically fun events, where restaurants feed bloggers and journalists the best of their offerings and hope that they feel the passion to spread the word about their great […]

My Life On The Road.
Much of my childhood, unbeknownst to me, was centered around my Grandfather’s ongoing health and livelihood. Sometime before I was born, the doctors told my Granddad that unless he got active and lost some weight, he would die very soon. My Dad immediately began trying to figure out what he could do to get my […]

What Happens in the Bank…
I’ve had to do a lot of banking lately. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m an accountant during naptimes. And so I’ve recently needed to open up a few new accounts for a business. Unfortunately, a stay-at-home-Mom cannot go into a bank branch during naptime. So one has to take their two children along with them […]

Rachel, Child Not-So-Star.
Originally Published February 17, 2010. The year was 1987. I was six years old. There was a movie being filmed in town, and they needed antique cars. My Dad and Granddad both had Model Ts, so they were loaning them to the producers for the movie. And, it happened to be my lucky day that […]