Last weekend, Chris and I flew to Virginia for a friend’s wedding. (Really, we flew to Virginia to have a date weekend away together, and thanked the friend profusely for providing us the excuse.) (No really. It was all for the friend. Not at all for us to stay in a beachfront hotel room and […]

Jeans for Most of America.
The average woman’s size in America is a 12/14. It’s been a while since I’ve taken a statistics class, but I’m pretty sure that indicates that around half of the female population is above that mark. So it only makes sense that with every denim post that I’ve written, I’ve gotten hundreds of emails and […]

The Temptation of Match.
A couple of years ago, I wrote about the Continuum of Match. It housed, if I may say so myself, groundbreaking and perception-changing clarifications of parental types. If I were the Doctoral Candidate type, it might become a significant part of my thesis. Let’s review the categories contained therein. Level 5 Matchers: These parents believe […]

Zulily: I Can’t Help Myself.
I’ve been trying to stay away. Really, I have. I came to the conclusion that my Zulily purchases were pure fluff – not things that I needed for the propagation of my family. Wait…that’s not quite the right word. They weren’t NECESSITIES. You know what I mean. However. I ended up with a credit because […]

Big Announcements, and Designer Denim Giveaway!!
Update: Due to significant changes in the company and a terrible downward spiral in denim quality, I no longer recommend shopping through Vault Denim. I now buy all of my jeans through Nordstrom Rack’s app, HauteLook, which regularly features my favorite brands of designer jeans at half the cost. I highly recommend it! My current […]

Zulily: The Burning Questions.
I do love me some Zulily. Half of Ali’s summer wardrobe, including her Easter dress, arrived via Zulily. Every morning, I fit it into my routine to peek around at the day’s sales before my miniature tenants wake up. Besides the benefit of getting to shop the best deals for both me and the kids, […]

To Skirt or Not To Skirt.
That is the question. But first, a bit of back story… Last week, Chris and I took a few days to ourselves in Jacksonville, Florida to celebrate our anniversary. Aside from spending hours on our balcony drinking this, While watching this, we rode bikes, sat in coffee shops and laughed endlessly while playing one-rule Scrabble, […]

Make it Work.
I have a confession to make: I’m afraid of print journalists. Journalactophobic, perhaps? (Kinda sounds like I’m afraid of lactating journalists, but it will do.) Being that I’m considered in the field of “new media”, I will occasionally get invited to a press event. With magazine writers, newspaper journalists, and the occasional television reporter. They […]

Price As Marked.
Friday night… “You should get the Grouper. You love Grouper, and it’s the catch of the day!!” I scowled at him. “Are you kidding? It says ‘Market Price’!! I totally don’t know how much that is!” “Oh come on. You can ask if you’re that hung up about it. I’m sure it’s about the same […]

Fashionably Hypocritical.
Oh, hi there. (Ahem.) So remember that post that I wrote last week about Zulily? Yeah. So, that very same afternoon, I received a package in the mail – one of my Zulily orders. As I mentioned before, the one-click ordering makes it a wee bit too easy to order without thinking too hard, and […]