Update: Due to significant changes in the company and a terrible downward spiral in denim quality, I no longer recommend shopping through Vault Denim. I now buy all of my jeans through Nordstrom Rack’s app, HauteLook, which regularly features my favorite brands of designer jeans at half the cost. I highly recommend it! My current […]

Big Announcements, and Designer Denim Giveaway!!
Update: Due to significant changes in the company and a terrible downward spiral in denim quality, I no longer recommend shopping through Vault Denim. I now buy all of my jeans through Nordstrom Rack’s app, HauteLook, which regularly features my favorite brands of designer jeans at half the cost. I highly recommend it! My current […]

Treasure Heads.
My Mom has a special sort of Homeschool-Mom-Genius-Gene that I really, really hope I inherited. She was able to expertly turn everything into a learning experience, yet somehow make it extraordinarily fun at the same time. (Okay, most things were fun. Finding my little brother’s dissected frogs in brown paper bags in the fridge was […]

Fun Stuff and Giveaways – Don’t Miss Out!!
I think that most of you are aware that I also run another blog, Alabama Bloggers. I don’t typically do too much cross-promotion, but there is some really great and exciting stuff going on over there this week, and I wanted to make sure that no one missed out on the chance to participate!! AND, […]

We Interrupt BlogHer for this Very Important Thank You…
The blissfulness of Living in the South often goes underappreciated, both by those who live there and by those who have never had the pleasure. When I have told other people that I’m from Alabama this weekend, I can see the assumptions in their eyes: 130 degrees 365 days of the year, no indoor plumbing, […]

Spring Break Means Nothing To Me.
…except that it means that half of you all are off, gallivanting around on the warm sunny beaches of the world while I’m stuck in The Neverending Winter. I’m pretty sure God typoed and selected “Alaska” instead of “Alabama” on the pull-down menu when he put in our Weather Order for this year. But back […]

The Good Ole’ Guv
First, a few announcements and shameless plugs: Don’t miss out on joining in the fun of the Score For Your Team Football Carnival at Alabama Bloggers!! I will be giving away TEN free lunch coupons compliments of Zoës Kitchen (which is my FAVORITE lunch in the WHOLE WORLD), so your chances are pretty good to […]

Recipes and Winners and Speeches, Oh My!!
First of all, for the exciting news: The winners of February’s Reader Appreciation Giveaway!! The winner of the Top Commenter’s $10 Target Card was: Leanna!The winner of the other $10 Target Card was: Christie! Congratulations, Ladies!! Please email me your addresses so I can get your cards out in the mail. And – I will […]

Happy Valentines Day!!
I’m over at 5 Minutes for Parenting today sharing one of my own posts for a change in A Dose of Humor. Be sure to hop on over and check it out! I’ll be back later today with a real post (hopefully), but until then, you can enjoy mine and Ali’s flowers with us:(sigh). Perfect […]

Wordless Wednesday – Vote for Ali!
Ali begs you, “peeese vote for me!!” – vote by clicking here and choosing #7 – Grasping for Objectivity.This photo is in the finals at the Horsing Around Photo Contest on 5 Minutes for Mom.Thanks!To view my other Wordless Wednesday, check out B-Sides!To view everyone else’s Wordless Wednesday, go here.